In an effort to make room for new trades, Grinnell Implement is offering this excellent line of equipment for auction. For more information contact Terry Hoenig of Steffes at 319.385.2000 or 319.470.7120 (cell)

Grinnell Implement Store – Inventory Reduction Auction

All Equipment Located At: 1828 6th Ave, Grinnell, IA 50112

Opens: Tuesday, August 14, 2018

First Item Closes: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 1:00 PM

All equipment available for viewing during normal business hours.

Open House: Monday, August 20, 2018, 9AM-5PM.

Items must be removed by September 14, 2018, please call to schedule pickup times. 
Shop and storage rates apply for all disassembly & load out.

Auctioneers Note: Auctioneers Note: In an effort to make room for new trades, Steffes Group is offering this excellent line of equipment for auction. We invite you to the Grinnell Implement Store for onsite inspections, where the knowledgeable staff will be available to help you with any questions you may have about features, equipment service records and history.  You may also call Steve VanWyk at Grinnell Implement for equipment details or Terry Hoenig of Steffes Group.



2012 CASE-IH 400 HD Steiger, 668 hours, powershift w/ LH reverser, deluxe cab, red leather, 4 hyd. w/ return flow, hammer strap draw bar, diff lock, deceleration button, 480/95R50 duals, S/N ZCF133014



2012 CASE-IH Magnum 260, 1,185 hours, powershift, lux. cab, red leather, 5 hyd. with return flow, 3 pt., 540/1000/Lg. 1000 PTO, electric mirrors, guidance ready, diff lock, dual beacon lights, front fenders, (2) 1000# rear wheel weights, 480/80R50 rear duals, 380/80R38 front duals, S/N ZCRD04538



2013 CASE-IH 5130, 525 sep./ 835 eng. hrs., 2wd, AFS, deluxe cab, red leather, Field Tracker, 2 speed hydro, Y&M, Pro 700 display, 2 speed feeder house, rock trap, chopper, spreader, power hopper extensions, dual beacon lights, HID lighting, 21′ auger, 800/65R32 fronts, 480/70R30 rears, S/N YDG009838

2010 CASE-IH 6088, 655 sep./ 858 eng. hrs., 2wd, AFS, deluxe cab, red leather, Field Tracker, Y&M, Pro 600 display, A-Post display, 2 speed feeder house, rock trap, chopper, spreader, 24.5-32 front singles, 18.4-26 rears, S/N YAG003154

1997 CASE-IH 2166 Axial Flow, 3,125 sep/ 4,275 eng hrs, 2wd, standard cab, Field Tracker, A-Post display, CIH AFS monitor, 70 series hookups, rock trap, chopper, spreader, Maurer hopper extensions, 24.5-32 fronts, 14.9-24 rears, S/N JJC0182179


2009 CASE-IH 2020, 30’, hyd. fore/aft, single point hook-ups, full fingered, S/N Y9ZL50250



2011 CASE-IH 3408, 8×30″, single point hook-ups, hyd. deck plates, head height sensors, poly, dual drive, S/N YAS023732

2013 CASE-IH 3406, 6×30″, single point hook-ups, hyd. deck plates, poly, S/N YDS039883



2011 CASE-IH 1250 Early Riser, bulk fill planter, 16×30″, 2 pt., front fold, vacuum, hyd. drive, pneumatic down pressure, row clutches, markers, S/N YAS009214



2013 CASE-IH 870 Ecolo-Tiger, disc ripper, 11 shank, pull type, wing fold, spring resets, disc covers, rolling chopper leveler, hyd. depth control on disc gangs, walking tandems, 455/50R22.5 tires, S/N YDD066295

2008 CASE-IH MRX690 Conser-til, disc ripper, 5 shank, pull type, 22″ disc blades on 12″ centers, spring resets, walking tandems, adjustable front and rear disc gangs, Gates 3 bar HD hi-residue spring tine harrow, 12.5L-15 tires, S/N Y8S010086

2001 CASE-IH 3950, disc, 32′, pull type, wing fold, 19″ disc on 7 1/2″ spacings, tandems across, hyd. level, 3 bar hi-residue spring tine harrow, S/N JAG0753133

1997 DMI Tiger-Mate, field cultivator, 25′, pull type, wing fold, 7″ sweeps, walking tandems across, 3 bar spring tine harrow, 9.5L-15 tires, S/N 621376



Parker 6250, 650 bushel, work light, rear lights, brakes on both axles, extendable spring assist tongue, rear light plug, rear hitch, 425/65R22.5 tires, S/N 11299



Contact Steve VanWyk of Grinnell Implement Store
at 641.236.3195 or 641.990.1803 (cell)


For more information contact Terry Hoenig of Steffes 
at 319.385.2000 or 319.470.7120 (cell)


Case-IH in Tractors

Case-IH in Tractors

Parker in Grain Handling Equipment

DMI in Tillage Equipment

CASE-IH in Seeding Equipment

CASE-IH in Tillage Equipment

CASE-IH in Tillage Equipment

CASE-IH in Combines

CASE-IH in Combines

CASE-IH in Combines

CASE-IH in Headers

CASE-IH in Headers

CASE-IH in Headers

CASE-IH in Tillage Equipment

Photo Gallery

DSC 8698 jpg DSC 8724 jpg DSC 8731 jpg DSC 8729 jpg DSC 8689 jpg DSC 8694 jpg DSC 8736 jpg DSC 8740 jpg DSC 8747 jpg DSC 8700 jpg DSC 8706 jpg DSC 8709 jpg DSC 8716 jpg DSC 8721 jpg 2012 Case IH 400 HD Steiger 1 jpg 2012 Case IH Magnum 260 1 jpg  Parker 6250 1 jpg 1997 DMI Tiger Mate 1 jpg 2011 CASE IH 1250 Early Riser 1 jpg 2013 CASE IH 870 Ecolo Tiger 1 jpg 2008 CASE IH MRX690 Conser til 1 jpg 2013 CASE IH 5130 1 jpg 2010 CASE IH 6088 1 jpg 1997 CASE IH 2166 Axial Flow 1 jpg 2011 CASE IH 3408 1 jpg 2013 CASE IH 3406 1 jpg 2009 CASE IH 2020 1 jpg 2001 CASE IH 3950 1 jpg


Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. Steffes Group Inc., agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.