Driving Directions: From Bottineau ND, go 9 miles east on Highway 5, turn south on 21st Ave NE and go 2 miles, you will be at the NW corner of Parcel 1, continue 1 mile south, turn east on 93rd ST NE and go 1 mile, you will be on the south side of Parcel 2.
320 Acres – Bottineau County ND
Thursday, September 29, 11:00 a.m. (CT)
Auction Location: Cobblestone Inn and Suites, Bottineau ND
Property Note: This offering includes quality cropland with Soil Production Indexes over 70, located just 1 miles west of Lords Lake in Bottineau County.
Contact: Corey Longnecker at 701-302-0418, for more information, or Pifers Auction and Realty at 1-877-700-4099 for brochure on property.
Driving Directions: From Bottineau ND, go 9 miles east on Highway 5, turn south on 21st Ave NE and go 2 miles, you will be at the NW corner of Parcel 1, continue 1 mile south, turn east on 93rd ST NE and go 1 mile, you will be on the south side of Parcel 2.
Property Information:
Parcel 1:
Acres: 160+/-
Legal: NW1/4 15-161-74
Taxes: $638.67
Description: This parcel features 151+/- cropland acres with a Production Index near 71.
Parcel 2:
Acres: 160+/-
Legal: W1/2SE1/4, E1/2SW1/4 15-161-74
Taxes: $544.38
Description: This parcel features 123+/- cropland acres with a Production Index of 70, balance acreage includes hay land and trees.
Owner: Merson Booth Trust
This sale is managed by Pifer’s Auction Company, Kevin Pifer, ND #715. All statements made the day of the auction take precedence over all printed materials. The seller reserves the right to reject or accept any and all bids.
This sale is managed by Pifer’s Auction Company, Kevin Pifer, ND #715. All statements made the day of the auction take precedence over all printed materials. The seller reserves the right to reject or accept any and all bids.