4 December, 2024 6:55 pm
312 Sunny Dr - Beulah, ND or Beulah Civic Center if inclement weather
REAL ESTATE: Sells @ 3:00 LEGAL: Lots 5 & 6 Block 1 Valley Park Add. – Beulah, ND. 1975 Mfd (double) home 23’X48’ home has 3 BR, 1 Bath, LR, Kitchen, Dining, Laundry with central air and a 12’X12’ entrance ..& 12’ X17’ patio, 9’X48’ covered front deck. This has a 16’X20’ heated attached garage (7’X8’ overhead door & 2 walk thru doors) & a 26’X26’ detached garage (2 – 8’X9’ overhead doors & 8’X10’ overhead door & walk thru door on side) Lots of updates!
LOCATION: 312 Sunny Dr – Beulah, ND
REAL ESTATE TAXES: Prorated to sale date.
TERMS: Successful bidder will pay 10% down day of sale (nonrefundable). Have financial arrangements secured before bidding. Statements on day of sale take precedence over printed material. Possession: Given at closing in approximately 30 days with updated abstract. For inspection of property call Ross Glass 701-878-4001/701-290-4001.