3905 52nd Ave - New Salem, ND 58563
(I-94 Exit 123 - South 1 mile, West 2 mile)
1570 Case tractor
W-6 IH tractor
80 JD tractor
"A" IH Farmall McCormick tractor-wide front
AC Gleaner combine-propane
WC AC tractor-narrow front
15-30 McCormick Deering
Caterpillar dozer-scrap
horse drawn header
1 way
AC roto baler with buncher
MF combine
disc & drill
MF sq baler
2-JD barrel rakes
8 ton 4 wheel wagon
IH chisel plow with harrows
Versatile swather-for parts
Dakon gravity box on wheels
’26 McCormick Deering wood thresh mach.-D Heid
’28 Chevy 1 ton truck with wood spoke wheels
’44 IH 1½ ton truck
’71 IH 2 ton truck
IH 1610A Cargostar-12’ box
Willy’s Jeep Wagoneer-4X4-doesn’t run
’85 Mercedes Benz car
’62 Buick – 4 dr sedan
’70 Chevy pickup
’79 Chevy ¾ ton pickup
’84 Cadillac 2 dr coupe
’87 Buick Century-4 dr
New Comb Loom Co 5576 rug loom & lots of thread
4 fanning mills
2 wood wagon wheels
horse drawn equipment
several styles of wardrobes – spoon carved,with drawers and mirror
beds – wood curved , metal, & more
several dressers with mirrors
china cabinet
wainescot & other old cabinets
treadle sewing machine
Frontier Cavalcade Soovenir program (1882-1957) July 2-7, 1957
4+ Aladdin lamps
Postal Telegraph Int system
lots of kerosene lamps & lanterns
CROCKS-2-15 gal, 6 gal, 5 gal, 2 gal-cracked all RW, 5 gal whiskey crock,.pickle crock, assorted others
Cast iron-skillets, griddles, waffle irons
hay knife
CLOCKS-lots-mantle, kitchen, coo coo & more
meat grinders
sev oak wall phones
floor lamp
aluminum roaster
sad irons
ice tongs
blue & white telephone insulators
several cream cans & pails
bread oven
covered bread pan
cistern pump
enamel colander, trays & more
pop bottles
galvanized pails
kerosene heater
blue jars
cow kickers
fence crawlers
hilex jugs
copper boiler
bale hooks
ammo box
2 corn shellers
forge & tools
old radios
Mobil cans & tins
Anti Sludge Iso Vis “D” motor oil sign
AD items-WKW Livestock Lemmon,SD picture/thermometer, New Salem Motor Sales picture, New Salem Miller Machine & Supply picture, Sporrtsman bar can/bottle opener-Art & Evelyn Kobs-New Salem, Occident Elevaotr metal pencil, Grain Belt can/bottle opener
2 Robert Woods paintngs
Comic Books-’46 Fun Comics, ’48 Ozzie & Babs, ‘47 Capt Marvel
metal plate for Root & Vanderwoort Eng, Co for JD plow Co.
12 ga Ithaca featherlite M37 pump 2 3/4
12 ga single shot New White Powder Wonder -Genuine Arory Steel
22 ga JC Higgins Sears Roebuck & Co bolt action with Bushnell 3x9x32 scope & clip
misc ammo
1000-1500 bu bins
miscellaneous small buildings
1000 gal propane tank
50+ RR ties, stubs, switch ties
lots of assorted size steel posts
several rolls red brand barb wire
miscellaneous lumber & metal gates
Power Kraft 230 welder
Craftsman radial arm saw
Sears 2 cyl air compressor
Jari mower
band saw
drill press
Sears router & table
elect press washer
lots saws
mole trap
curry combs
Smith, Purex, Victor acetylene torches tanks & carts
workmate bench
scoop shovels
filing spade
pitch forks
water tank
live animal trap
2 tires -16.9-30 -new
9.56-14 SL tire-new
misc tires & rims
bench grinder
1 Ton chain hoist
wood pipe vises
lots c-clamps – all sizes
Solar brand battery charger
pipe wrenches
hydraulic jacks
lots of sockets
open & box end wrenches
2.5 hp Chicago elect generator
grease guns
lots of tool boxes
new cables
welding helmets
various size black pipe
calf puller
2 Ton floor jack
sickle sharpener
aluminum ladders
4 fuel tanks
Air Quest furnace-New In Box
Kenmore refrigerator
2 chest freezers
roll top desk
window Air Cconditioner
Quartz tower heater
Stainless Steel bowls
lots of misc household items
This is a very unique collection of items. Not many sales like this. Lots of Surprises! Don't miss out on this one, see you on sale day! Will have 2 Auction Rings.