Sells @ 1:00 pm CT
LEGAL: Block 010 Glen Ullin Proper W 90’ of Lots 21 & 22 Block 010 Glen Ullin Proper E 50’ Lots 21 & 22 Block 010 W 95’ Lot 20 Block 010 Glen Ullin Proper E 45’ of Lot 20 Block 010 Lot 19 (Total 100’ to North by 140’ to East)
Description: These adjoining lots close to down town have water, sewer, elect. Great location in a thriving community with a good school.
TAXES: Prorated to sale date.
TERMS: Successful bidder will pay 50% earnest money down day of sale and balance due at closing. Have financial arrangements secured before bidding. Statements on day of sale take precedence over printed material. All Property Sold As Is, Where Is. Possession: Given at closing in approximately 30 days with up to date abstract. For info contact Ross Glass 701-290-4001.