10 January, 2025 10:41 am
This is Auction #3 with 151.7 Acres M/L – Sells in Two Tracts in Humboldt County, Iowa. For complete details contact auction manager, Nate Larson of Steffes Group, 319.385.2000 or by cell, 319.931.3944
Auctioneer’s Note: Please join us for this Absolute Public Auction, selling to the highest bidder with no reserve or minimum bid. An excellent opportunity to invest in farmland or add to your farming operation.
AUCTION #3 – TUESDAY, JULY 2, 2019 AT 2 P.M.
151.7 Acres M/L – Sells in Two Tracts – Humboldt County, Iowa
Auction to be held at the Renwick Community Center, 511 Main Street, Renwick, IA
“Selling Choice with the Privilege”
Tracts #1 & 2 will be sold price per acre and will be selling Choice with the Privilege. High bidder may take Tract #1, Tract #2 or both tracts for their high bid. This will continue until all tracts are sold. Tracts will not be recombined.
Auction Contracts Now Available!
Humboldt County, Iowa – Tract #1
100% Interest In 75 Deeded Acres M/L
Tract #1 is located 2 miles south of Thor on P66/Utah Avenue, then 1 mile east on C54/270th Street.
Legal Description:The North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N 1/2 NW 1/4) of Section 34, Township 91North, Range 27 West of the 5th P.M., Humboldt County, Iowa, EXCEPT for a parcel of land commencing at the North Quarter corner of said Section 34; thence West 990.51 feet along the North line of said Northwest Quarter to the point of beginning; thence South 442.31 feet; thence West 492.41 feet; thence North 442.31feet to the North line of said Northwest Quarter; thence East 492.41 feet along said Section line to the point of beginning, containing 5.00 acres, subject to easements of record. NOTE: The North line of the NW 1/4 of Section 34 is assumed to bear due East and West. Containing 75 acres more or less.
FSA indicates: 71 acres tillable.
Corn Suitability Rating 2 of 69.3 on the entire tract.
Located in Section 34, Norway Township, Humboldt County, Iowa.
Real Estate Taxes on Tract #1
Gross $1,883.73
Ag. Credit ($69.84)
Net $1,814.00 (Rounded)
Humboldt County, Iowa – Tract #2
100% Interest In 76.7 Acres M/L
Tract #2 is located 3 1/2 miles west of Renwick on C26/150th Street, then ½ mile north on P66/Utah Avenue.
Legal Description: The South Half (S 1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of Section Twenty-eight (28), Township Ninety-three (93) North, Range Twenty-seven (27) West of the 5thP.M., Humboldt County, Iowa, EXCEPT a tract of land commencing at the Southwest corner of the said Northwest Quarter; thence North 89° 51’ 55” East 888.11 feet along the South line of the said Northwest Quarter to the point of beginning; thence continuing North 89° 51’ 55” East 470.00 feet along said South line; thence North 00° 14’ 46” West 350.00 feet; thence South 89° 51’ 55” West 470.00 feet; thence South 00° 14’ 46” East 350.00 to the point of beginning, and EXCEPT a parcel of land described as beginning at the Southwest corner of the said Northwest Quarter; thence North 89° 51’ 55” East 888.11feet along the South line of the said Northwest Quarter; thence North 00° 14’ 46” West 378.00 feet; thence South89° 51’ 55” West 220.00 feet; thence South 00° 14’ 46” East 318.00 feet; thence South 89° 51’ 55” West 667.85 feet to a point on the West line of the said Northwest Quarter; thence South 00° 00’ 00” West 60.00 feet along the said West line to the point of beginning.
FSA indicates: 73.93 acres tillable.
Corn Suitability Rating 2 of 80.5 on the tillable acres.
Located in Section 28, Vernon Township, Humboldt County, Iowa.
Real Estate Taxes on Tract #2
Gross $2,162.93
Ag. Credit ($105.36)
Net $2,058.00 (Rounded)
Terms for Humboldt County Tracts
Terms: 10% down payment on July 2, 2019. Balance due at closing with a projected date of August 5, 2019, upon delivery of merchantable abstract and deed and all objections have been met.
Possession: Upon closing. (Subject to tenant’s rights)
Real Estate Taxes: To be prorated to date of possession on the basis of the last available tax statement. Seller shall pay any unpaid real estate taxes payable in prior years.
Special Provisions for All Tracts:
Cool Acres, LLC
Brian Heemstra, Scott Heemstra & Diane Clevenger
Steve Hendricks – Kersten Brownlee Hendricks PLLC – Attorney for Seller
For complete details contact auction manager, Nate Larson of Steffes Group, 319.385.2000 or by cell, 319.931.3944