arnold kraft est and warren spangelo est

G & G Auctioneers

18 March, 2025 5:58 pm

313 N 26th St - Bismarck, ND (Eagles Club)


’07 Chevy Uplander LS- 62,500 miles w/ or w/out wheel chair lift

’07 Chevy Z71 crewcab-4X4, auto, topper, 47,692 miles

‘05 Polaris Sportsman 700 EFI-4X4, 277 act miles-like new!

2 wheel utility trailer like new!


Conlins Delta Drive lift recliner chair-brown micro fiber-like new

Hubbell Special lift recliner chairs

2 single adjustable beds, walkers

Jazzy 600 mobility chair, canes

Rascal & CelebrityPride mob chairs

wheel chair, 400 # full body lift

2 auto wheel chair lifts

Bruno swivel auto seat (Chevy)

Perfecto 2 TMV Invacare oxygen concentrator


Yardman 9/26 snowblower-tracs, elect start- starts w/1 pull

BBQ gas grill w/cover, BBQ tools

Central Machine rock polisher

Jet 1 ton arbor press, dolly cart

3.6 mini engraving tool

several tool boxes, misc tools

tackle box w/lots of leather tools


Samsung VRT steam frontload Washer & Dryer-white-like new

single bed, armoire, Sentry safe

corner curio, TV/ent stand

wardrobe cabinet, humidifiers

Sanyo 1080p 42” flat screen TV

Vizio 1080p 19” flat screen TV

barstools, stacking end tables

Foodsaver V3230, blankets, quilts

Oster 4 slice toaster, pillows

B&D coffee maker, Slice-o-matic

Salton egg cooker, Tupperware

B&D bread machine, crockpot

HB elect ice cream maker

cutlery set, ss bowls, box fan

kettles, bakeware, silverware

Corelle dishes, Hoover brush vac

Bissell Power Force upright vac

GBC 80s paper shredder

HP Pavilion lap top-Windows 7

Cannon Pixma MP560 printer/copier

sev reams copier paper

Lasko heater, folding table

2 & 4 dr file cabinets, boom box

4 stacking chairs, 4 folding chairs

storage containers

Gold’s Gym Stepper

lots light bulbs & batteries



45 Colt auto Series 70  Mk IV govt model revolver

22 Heritage Roughrider single  act

38 Colt Police Positive Special

45 Taurus ACP M1911

243 Remington 7400

22 LR Hawthorne SS

22 LR JC Higgins semi auto M36

30.06 Remington bolt act M710 w/scope-NIB,  Sword


3 pc Victorian settee set, quilts

Wood rocker, 3 pc dresser set

1912 Kidder Co Atlas, neck yoke

1914 Sheridan Co Atlas

silverware, bells, Eagle figurines

sev walnut carved figurines         


“D” JD toy tractor-NIB

”BW” JD toy tractor-NIB

Steiger Bearcat I toy tractor-NIB

Hummingbird micro elect helicopter (remote control)

Seeland  #428 Ship, Wright flyer & sev other models

Native American Items

High Spirits Flute, Drum

Antler Peace Pipe, framed picture

Headdress, leather poncho

Photo Gallery


*TERMS: Cash/Bankable Check *Lunch Served *More items too numerous *Not Responsible for accidents *Statements on day of sale take precedence over printed material*Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids *Sold as is, where is with no guarantees or warranties implied whatsoever.  CLEAN SALE  


Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. G G Auctioneers, agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.