4770 40 1/2 St - New Salem, ND 58563 (2 miles West of New Salem, ND on Birch Ave (South of RR tracks) to , 1 mile South West
4250 JD-15 spd PS, 3 pt, 2 hyd,
540/1000, 8+K ish hrs w/720 JD
loader & new MDS grapple
2290 Case-cab, PS, 3 pt, 2 hyd,
540/1000, 6739 hrs, good tires
4010 JD-diesel, cab,syncro, add
on 3 pt, 2 hyd, 540, new tires,
w/Dual loader & grapple
4010 JD-diesel, Year Around cab,
syncro, 2 hyd, 540, good tires
2010 JD -diesel, narrow front, new
paint, 3 pt, 1hyd, 540, Sharp!
M Farmall-Schwartz front,runs nice!
255 Woods Dual loader w/grapple
4635 SXT Gehl–turbo,1685 hrs,
heater, Deutz dsl eng, 2nd owner
dirt bucket, dirt bucket w/grapple
clamp on pallet forks
BR780A NH baler-1000, dual twine, belts tight
315 Sperry NH sq baler-Sharp!
114 NH haybine
100 IH trailer type 7’ mower
270 New Idea cut-ditioner
34 IH hay conditioner
259 NH side delivery rake
17’ hay rack on 4 whl run gear
Rust bale buncher
round bale rack used on 8X16 trlr
’07 Chevy Silverado 2500 HD- Vortex, 4X4,
std cab, bed liner, turn over ball,
82K, new tires-Nice!
’02 Ford F-250-ext cab-5.4,158K
’85 Dodge Ram ½ T Custom-2X4,
auto, gas, 126K, w/topper
’14 Honda Rancher ES ATV-4X4, 1152 mi
’95 Diamond D 20' GN stock-new tires
& hubs, rubber mats, good floor
’10 LoadTrail 18’ bumper flatbed w/ramps
’75 Starline 6’X16 bumper stock
4 wheel wagon, pickup box trailer
4 wheel run gear flatbed trailer
5) 10’ Hi-Qual panels
FH manure sprdr on 4whl run gear
cattle panels, wire panels
Cty Line & misc galv water tanks
wood hot box, wood calf box
new/used steel posts, RR ties
wood posts, barb wire, fence tools
cattle oiler sock, live animal traps
10X10X6 dog kennel
water storage tanks, calf sled
Arkfeld Instant Way 500# scale
sheep working alley w/sorting gates
17) 4’7” sheep wood panels/jugs
2) 8’ wood panels, rubber tubs/pails
3) 2’X4’ wood bale feeders
7) 2’X7’8” wood bale feeders
3) 1’X 7’8” wood troughs
4’ wood trough, 10’ metal panel
elect docker, syringes, hoof trimmer
castrator, bander, paint & numbers
33 gal air comp-on wheels
7250w generator, air tank
dble flood flight, ext cords
sockets, wrenches, hatchet hammers
oils, sprays, tube grease gas jugs, funnels, chains
come-alongs, lift straps, shop tools
grease guns, saws, turn buckles
pitch forks, shovels, brooms
misc lumber, leather tool belt
100’ of #10 cord-like new
saws, nailers, screw guns, sanders
hammers, ladders, saw horses
shingle remover & more
’10 Westfield 8X46 auger w/10hp
elect motor
’40 Melroe 8 sect harrow-hyd lift
14’ Bush Hog offset disc
12’ JD tandem disc
10’ Oliver chisel plow
12’ JD LLA press drill w/grass
10X20 Rollin trailer
Herd 3 pt Sure-feed broadcaster
David Bradly grain wagon
7’ McKee snowblower
4 wheel run gear, 8’ old roller
pallet forks for bucket
8’ Ford 3 pt blade-hyd angle
Work Saver 3 pt blade
3 pt bale carrier
300 gal gas tank on stand
8’ cultivator -3 pt
MTS pallet fork for 260 JD loader
D140 JD 48” mower -117.5 hrs
110 JD, hyd lawnmower/ATV lift
yard windmill, yd tools & decor
3 white patio chairs, lawn chairs
garden hose, potato fork
landscape/patio blocks
runner sled, Fairway Flyer wagon
wash tubs, kids wheel barrel
cr cans, skis, wheel barrel, collars
neck yokes, hames, draw knife
wood ammo box, shortening tin wood crates
kids folding chairs wood chairs, Nesto oil jar
refrigerators, freezers, beds dressers
misc furniture, misc
bar stools, rugs, toys, window AC
Cozy natural gas/propane room
heater w/pipes
*TERMS: Cash/Bankable Check *Lunch Served *More items! *Not Responsible for accidents *Statements on day of sale take precedence over printed material*Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids *Sold as is, where is with no guarantees or warranties implied whatsoever. Well cared for equipment! Please remove items in 2 weeks.