Driving Directions:
Parcels 1-4: From Donaldson, MN at the intersection of Hwy. #75 and Hwy. #11, go north on Hwy. #75 for one mile to County Rd. #23. This will put you at Parcel 1. Parcels 2-4 are east and lay west of 270th Ave.
Parcels 5-6: From Parcels 1-4, go south on 270th Ave. for a mile. This will put you at the SW corner of Parcel 5 and the NE corner of Parcel 6.
Parcel 7: Parcel 7 is within the SE city limits of Donaldson, MN and lays east of Hwy. #75.
1,838.38 +/- Acres – Kittson County, MN
Wednesday, March 11, 2020 – 10:00 a.m.
Auction Location: H.G. Johnson Memorial Hall – 105 Almeron Ave. – Drayton, ND
Property Note: This property features 1,838.38 +/- acres of nearly all contiguous farmland. There are 1,772.54 +/- crop acres with Soil Productivity Indexes (SPI) ranging from 64 to 69. 160 +/- acres have been drain tiled. Good access to all parcels. There is also a bin site with 60,000 bushel bin with air-floor on parcel 1. This land is available to be farmed in the 2020 crop year! Subject to prior sale.
Contact: Lindsey Brown at 701.371.5538.
Parcel 1:
Acres: 320.21 +/-
Legal Description: NE1/4 of 18-159-48 & S1/2 Lying Ely Of Hwy #75 in 18-159-48
Crop Acres: 310.69 +/- (Estimated)
Parcel 2:
Acres: 316.89 +/-
Legal Description: NW1/4 & SW1/4 less cemetery 17-159-48
Crop Acres: 306.68 +/- (Estimated)
Parcel 3:
Acres: 320 +/-
Legal Description: E1/2 of 17-159-48
Crop Acres: 306 +/- (Estimated)
Parcel 4:
Acres: 160 +/-
Legal Description: SE1/4 of 8-159-48
Crop Acres: 151.28 +/-
Parcel 5:
Acres: 240 +/-
Legal Description: S1/2 SW1/4 and SE1/4 of 16-159-48
Crop Acres: 236.07 +/-
Parcel 6:
Acres: 319.63 +/-
Legal Description: NW 1/4 & Less NLY 60 FT of WLY 1200 FT EXC WLY 600 FT Thereof in 20-159-48 and NE 1/4 of 20-159-48
Crop Acres: 310.59 +/-
Parcel 7:
Acres: 161.57 +/-
Legal Description: SE1/4 NE1/4; E1/2 SE1/4; & 43.50 Ac Part NE1/4NE1/4 & Parcel #4 Easement NW Cor NE1/4NE1/4 & Part W1/2NE1/4 Lying E Of Highway #75 in 30-159-48
Crop Acres: 151.23 +/-
OWNERS: Keith & Krystal Johnson