Driving Directions: Parcels 1 and 2: From Larimore, North Dakota proceed east on County Hwy. #4 one mile to County Hwy. #4A (36th St. NE). Go north on County Hwy. #4A for 1.5 miles to the southeast corner of Parcel 1. From Parcel 1 go 0.5 mile north on County Hwy. #4A and follow curve on to 18th Ave. NE. Proceed east on 18th Ave. NE for 0.5 mile to the northwest corner of Parcel Two.
Parcel 3: From the intersection of US Hwy. #2 and North Dakota Hwy. #18 proceed east on US Highway #2 for four miles to the southwest corner of the Parcel 3.
228.70 +/- Acres – Grand Forks County, ND
Wednesday, October 23, 2019 – 6:00 p.m.
Auction Location: Alerus Center – Grand Forks, ND
Auction Note: This is exceptional cropland with highly productive loam soils in Arvilla and Hegton Townships in Grand Forks County, ND. This cropland has a strong cropping history, a Soil Productivity Index (SPI) near 88! What’s more, 38 +/- acres are directly south of the Larimore Golf Course. All three parcels border highways and have excellent access.
Contact: Kevin Pifer at 701.238.5810 for more information or Pifer’s Auction & Realty at 877.700.4099 for a complete catalog.
Parcel 1:
Acres: 35.8 +/-
Legal: SE¼NE¼ Ex. S100' Ex. 1.17A RD 6-151-54
Cropland Acres: 34.73 +/-
This parcel features 34.73 +/- FSA crop acres with a strong cropping history and Soil Productivity Index (SPI) near 68.
Parcel 2:
Acres: 38.01 +/-
Legal: NW¼NE¼ Ex. 2.55 A RD in 5-151-54
Cropland Acres: 36.47 +/-
This parcel features 36.47 +/- FSA crop acres with a strong cropping history and SPI near 68.
Parcel 3:
Acres: 154.89 +/-
Legal: NW¼ Ex. RW & 1.45 Acre RD 35-152-54
Cropland Acres: 153.47 +/-
This parcel features 153.47 +/- FSA crop acres with a strong cropping history and Soil Productivity Index of 87.7.