17 March, 2025 11:49 pm
5398 Co Rd 138 - Almont, ND ( I-94 Exit 123 - 8.6 miles South, 5 miles West)
1555 Oliver -2904 hrs, w/F-11 loader & grapple
450 IH – gas, 1 hyd, 540
H Farmall McCormick-narrow,
H for parts
38 mower-2 pt, 7’, new sickle
single row cultivator, pony drill
Super 21 elect fencer, curry combs
tank heaters-1 NIB, egg candler
300 gal water storage tank, bridles
halter rope, pitchforks, masculator
chicken waterers, dehorner, hoof trim
Magna Force 4hp 2 cyl air compress
pickup tool box, Makita grinder
Marquette Farm welder, helmet & rod
Makita chop saw, welding table, vise
B&D circ saw, comfort cab, oil barrels
38” tractor chains,tarp straps, creeper
fence stretcher, ‘80s Chevy grill guard
scoop shovel, ext cords, level
hammers, well pipe puller, hyd jack
toolboxes, nuts/bolts, clevises
pipe wrenches, turn buckles, tow rope
Bull Dog jack, alum ext ladder
log chain, grease guns, oil, gear lube
loader hyd pump, come-a-long, ax
filters, trans fluid, bench grinder
cresent & pipe wrenches, canopy
open & box end wrenches, funnels
Dual loader wrench, jumper cables
suction gun, handy man jack, pulleys
B&D sander, sump pump, Shop vac
portable air tank, tin snips
Kelvinator 120 BTU furnace-4 yr old
hyd hose & fittings, battery charger
Chevy pickup parts, ¼ hp sump pump
’95 Pontiac Firebird convert-122 K
’81 Scottsdale 20-4X4, auto, 350
’82 S-10 -4X4, V-8
’83 Chevy S-10 for parts
200 Yamaha BW motorcycle
200 Honda Fourtrax Type II 2X4
GE refrig/freezer, GE gas stove
Maytag washer, Spd Queen dryer
Coronado chest freezer, full/twin beds
Green leather recliner, bedding
black leather glider rocker w/ottoman
end tables, office chair, elect heaters
portable room AC, crock pots
elect ice cream maker, afghans
elect heaters, roaster, dehumidifier
folding chairs, Singer sew machine
Huskee 14.5/42” mower
Swisher 6.75 trimmer mower
Yardman mower-self-prop, elect start
MTD Yard Machine 26” snow blower
hand sprayer, fertilizer spreader
lawn chairs, tree saw, tiling spade
alum & wood step ladders
Igloo cooler, garden hose
16 ½” elect chain saw
Coleman camp grill-NIB
dresser w/mirror, library table
swivel office chair,clawfoot lamp table
tall narrow cabinet, school desk
Damscus treadle sew machine, bike
wood washtub stand, table w/drawer
galv dble wash tub on galv stand
pails & tubs, cr pails, yellow stop sign
motorcycle tire, 2 curve signs, oil jars
endless belts, scythe, enamel dipper
’52 DeLavel book, kerosene lantern
cast iron tea pot & waffle iron
coal & bundle forks, porc bed pan
Alsask ice box, bale hooks, buck saw
“B” JD parts, enamel pie plate
old doors & windows, 5 porch pillars
SS milk buckets, carpenters tool box
Mobil 5 gal cans, cr separator, ricer
copper boiler, 5 gal cr can, cleaver
bread mixing bowl & lid, wood crates
enamelware, Dr’s bag, wash board
Russian milk pitcher,blue jars,toy gun
ornate dresser mirror frame
2 Crustal Sugar-Missoula, MT
cotton bags w/sugar
meat grinder, oak wall phone, bowls
chokecherry juicer, sad iron, cradle
brown top crock jug, pants stretchers
The Home Store-Almont pic/therm
carnival glass pitcher, 2 wood trunks
RW success stoneware filter & lid
dep glass, footed dep glass bowl
8 pl Bulvarian china + extra, truns
Look, The American Home, McCalls,
Better Homes & Garden, The
Farmer, Dakota Farmer magazines
*TERMS: Cash/Bankable Check *Lunch Served *More items too numerous *Not Responsible for accidents *Statements on day of sale take precedence over printed material*Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids *Sold as is, where is with no guarantees or warranties implied whatsoever.