alamo farms livestock hay equipment dispersal auction

Steffes Group Inc.

17 March, 2025 11:49 pm

Livestock & Hay Equipment Dispersal. Preview is Thursday, January 15 & Monday, January 19 from 8:00AM - 4:00PM or by appointment. Loadout will be Monday - Friday from 8:00AM - 4:00PM. All items must be removed by March 1, 2015. For information contact Dean & Jolene Schmit, 701.678.4661 or Randy Kath of Steffes, 701.429.8894.




LOCATION:? 8913 107th Ave SE, Oakes, ND.

OPENS: Monday, January 12

CLOSES: Tuesday, January 20

PREVIEW:? Thursday, January 15 & Monday, January 19 from 8:00AM-4:00PM or by appointment.

LOADOUT:? Monday ? Friday from 8:00AM ? 4:00PM.? All items must be removed by March 1, 2015.

Be sure to check out the Alamo Farms Hay Auction listing

on the website also!


2011 NH 7150 mower conditioner, 16′, 1000 PTO, dual drive, hydro swing, rubber roll conditioner w/Circle C pneumatic roll pressure, HS Series auger head, skid shoes, single owner, S/NYBG522498

2009 NH 7150 mower conditioner, 16′, 1000 PTO, dual drive, hydro swing, rubber roll conditioner, single season on rolls, HS Series auger head, skid shoes, S/NYBG520575

Claas Disco 9300C Duo, disc mower conditioner, (2)10′ wings, 3 pt., flail conditioner, wing fold, quick change knives, S/N5901030

Claas Disco 3100 FC Profil front mount disc mower conditioner, 10′, 1000 PTO, flail conditioner, quick change knives, S/N63901426


Mix-Mill D2105 stationary grinder/mixer, automatic, 220 amp, 5-inlet, control center, discharge auger, flex tubing fill pipes, 5,015 hrs.

Lahman stack mover, 540 PTO, hyd. drive, 8-rail, dual implement tires


(80) Mobridge MFG feed bunks, 20′ long, 41″ wide, 14-1/2″ deep, 27″ tall, all steel, sold in lots of (4) and (5)

(18) Shop-built feed bunks, 20′ long, 37″ wide, 13″ deep, 28″ tall, all steel, sold in lots of (3)

(5) Double bale round bale feeders, 13′ long, 7′ wide, 5′ tall, all steel

(2) Concrete “J” bunks, 8′

(142) Cut top tractor tires used as livestock feeders, some turned, some not, various sizes & quality, sold in lots of (25) & (17)

(2) Sioux Low Pro mineral feeders

(3) Rotating mineral feeders


Powder River squeeze chute, Tru-Test SR2000 digital scale, 220v self-contained hyd. reservoir, 50’+ of hyd. hose, all hyd. double-sided controls, brisket bar, drop-down vet doors, bottom drop-outs, worked when last used, sitting 4 yrs.

Livestock System Inc. 3-section alleyway, w/palpation cage and alleyway access door

Livestock System Inc. half-moon tub

Livestock pen scale, 8×10, Tru-Test scale head & handheld display, all steel, double door, exit/entry

Shop-built calf scale w/display

Shop-built calving chute w/Pearson self-locking head gate, swing-out doors

Calf crate, steel

Locking head gate, for calves

150+/- Livestock gates

Pull-type gate/panel trailer, 4-wheel

(3) School bus calf shelters, 15′, 18′, & 20′

(2) School bus calf shelters, 26′

(2) School bus calf shelters, 25′ & 30′

(3) School bus calf shelters, 25′ (needs work), 26′, & 27′

(2) Poly Dome calf huts, round, open front

Standing windbreak fence, 70? tall, 10? wide, 450′ +/-, must be removed by Sept. 1, 2015

Standing RR ties, 200+/-, must be removed by Sept. 1, 2015

Standing round post treated fence, 700+/- posts, w/smooth and barbed wire, must be removed by Sept. 1, 2015

(2) Peterson 500 livestock waterers, concrete, automatic, w/elements

(3) Peterson livestock waterers, concrete, automatic, w/elements

Branding irons, letters, includes A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, R, T, Y & Z


Lorrich hopper bottom bin, 15′ diameter, 3-ring, all steel, w/20’x7″ Westfield unload auger

Lorrich hopper bottom bin, 15′ diameter, 2-ring, all steel, w/20’x7″ Westfield unload auger


Kohler generator, JD diesel engine, 80 KW, 225 gal. fuel tank, 200 amp service w/outlets & breakers,? tandem axle transport, 511 hrs., needs switchboard replaced & New switchboard purchased, needs to be installed, S/NCD6059T225506

AC disc, 20′, wing fold, needs work

Pull-type pickup box trailer, No Title

Demco sprayer, 3.5 hp. gas engine, 3 pt., parts only

Porter bag scale, glass-covered display


DEAN & JOLENE SCHMIT 701.678.4661

Or Randy Kath of Steffes Group, 701.429.8894

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Gen Sets & Light Equipment
Serial number: CD6059T225506

Disco 9300C Duo

in Hay & Forage Equipment
Serial number: 5901030

2011 7150

in Hay & Forage Equipment
Serial number: YBG522498

2009 7150

in Hay & Forage Equipment
Serial number: YBG520575

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling


in Livestock Handling

in Grain Handling Equipment

in Grain Handling Equipment


in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

Low Pro

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling


in Livestock Handling


in Livestock Handling


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in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

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in Livestock Handling

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in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

in Farm Support Items

in Livestock Handling

in Hay & Forage Equipment

in Tillage Equipment

in Trailers

in Applicators

in Livestock Handling

in Livestock Handling

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Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. Steffes Group Inc , agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.