18 March, 2025 8:24 am
LOCATED at Ramada Grand Dakota Lodge 532,15th Street West, Liberty Room, Dickinson, ND
75% or 120 acres net on Township 137 North, Range 95 West, Section 12: W1/2 SW1/4,W1/2 NW1/4 Stark County will be offered at public auction. This is a great opportunity to invest in the energy business.
OWNER: Anna E. Hoffrath Estate, Personal Repesentative John S. Gersich
Terms: 120 acres X amount bid the high bidder will need to have $5,000.00 cashier's check US funds or be able to make a wire transfer within 2 hours of completion of auction. The balance shall be paid by wire transfer within 7 business days to Clerk of auction at which time a Minerals Deed shall be furnished to buyer. The attorney handling legal for Estate is Vince Ficek of Dickinson.Statements made day of auction will hold precedence over any printed.
Auctioneers: Pete Awender #136 , Gordon Krance #444
Clerk : Awender Clerking Service #209