R & D Auction, Inc.
29 July, 2017 10:00 am
6508 137th St. SE; Lisbon, ND – From Lisbon, ND – 6 Miles East on Hwy 27 & 2 Miles North.
Sale Order: 10:00 AM – Misc. Household & Collectibles; Tools & Misc.
11:00 AM – Yard Equipment & Misc.; Recreation Equipment
12:00 Noon – Vehicle; Tractor & Attachments; Followed by Furniture
1:30 PM – Real Estate
Filling in with remaining items throughout the day.
6508 137th St Se; Lisbon, ND
In cooperation with RE/MAX Advantage; 502 Main St., Suite A; Lisbon, ND
Legal Description: A 10 acre tract in the NW¼ of Sec. 36, T135, R55
Beautiful 10 acre farmstead w/large attractive 5 bedroom home. Located only 8 miles from Lisbon. 40'x 42'attached 3-stall garage. Many nice outbuildings w/overhead doors. Mature trees & landscaped yard w/gazebo.
- 5 Bedrooms
- 2½ Baths
- Several Patio’s
- Gazebo
- Rural Water & Private Well
- Private Septic
- All Around Beautiful Place!
Taxes will be determined at a later date because of new survey of the property.
Terms: 15% Down Payment due day of auction with remainder due at closing on or before October 3. 2017.
Seller will provide a Warranty Deed. Statements made sale day take precedence over all previous printed material or statements. RE/MAX Advantage & Auction personnel will not be held liable for owner’s guarantees or statements, or errors in printed material.
Cooperating Broker Participation is encouraged. Selling Agent must fill out a form with the auction company stating potential buyer within 48 hours prior to Auction. RE/MAX Advantage has a written list of potential buyers that we are representing.
- 2005 Cadillac DeVille (112,000 Miles; Leather; Loaded; Nice!)
- 9N Ford Tractor w/3-Pt. & PTO
- 3-Pt. 6’ Blade
- 3-Pt. Dirt Scraper
- Craftsman T3200 48” Cut Hydrostatic Lawn Tractor
- Craftsman DLT2000 22HP/42” Cut Hydrostatic Lawn Tractor
- John Deere STX38 Lawn Tractor (Hydrostatic w/Bagger)
- John Deere 48” Rear Mount Roto-Tiller (Sn#FO33E___351170M)
- Craftsman EZ Walk w/Electric Start, Self-Propelled, 6.75HP Engine
- 3’ x 8’ Yard Trailer
- Craftsman 3’ x 5’ Yard Trailer
- Jari Walk-Behind Mower
- Gas Weedeaters
- Electric Pole Saw
- New Pruning Pole
- McCullough Electric Chainsaw
- Gas Grill
- Lawn Furniture
- Full Size Cement Buck & Doe Lawn Ornaments
- Generator w/Wisconsin Engine & Other Older Power Plants
- 3-Ton Press
- Craftsman Radial Arm Saw
- 10” Table Saw
- 4” Belt Sander
- 48” & 36” Pipe Wrench
- Misc. Hand & Power Tools
- Small Air Compressor
- Schaur 2-40-225 Boost Battery Charger
- 12.5’ Multi-Purpose Folding Aluminum Ladder
- Car Ramps
- Small Floor Jack
- Knipco Type Heater
- Shop Fluorescent Lights
- Shop Vac
- Cab for Snowblower
- 2x4s Stored Inside & Other Misc. Lumber
- Windbreak Tin
- 35’ Windmill w/Head
- 1977 Honda NC50 Motor Driven Cycle (2562 Miles; 280Lbs.)
- Huffy Girls Bike w/Bike Machine KS Factory Motor
- Bicycles
- ¾ Brass Bed
- Iron Full Size Bed
- Chrome Leg Table
- Hardwood Chairs
- Steel Wheels
- Crock Jugs
- Wood Parlor Stove w/Chrome Top & Bottom
- Doors (Grainery, Etc.)
- Wooden Crates
- Cookbooks
- Glassware (Carnival; Cape Cod; Strawberry Stoneware;
- Irene Lakota Painting
- Forest Fire Motion Lamp
- Brass Items
- Camera’s
- 8-Track Tapes & Player
- Phonographs
- 133) Vinyl Records from ‘60s & ‘70s
- 8mm Reel-to-Reel Movie Projectors
- Airline Guitar
- Rocking Horse
- Doll Crib
- Tinker Toys
- Many Older Games
- Hockey Game
- 1959 Cadillac Eldorado Maisto Model Car
- Bachmann Train Set
- Original Atari 2600 & Game Cartridges
- Many Unique ‘70s Items
- Tru-Scale: Pull Type Combine, Flare Box, 100 IHC Drill; Plows; Hay Chopper; Sickle Mower; Tractor & Picker
- John Deere 5020 Tractor
- John Deere 70 Tractor
- Allis Chalmers D17 Tractor
- Ford 8N Tractor
- Tonka Sand Loader
- Tonka Road Grader
- Electric Lift Chair
- Sofa’s
- Hide-a-Beds
- Living Room Chairs
- Rocking Chairs
- Maple China Hutch
- China Hutch w/Matching Serving Cart
- Dining Room Tables w/Chairs
- Drop-Leaf Dinette Table
- Small Drop-Leaf Table
- End Tables
- Beds
- Dressers
- Night Stands
- Gun Cabinet
- Lamps
- Cabinet Singer Sewing Machine
- Card Table & Chairs
- Ceiling Fan
- Home Interior
- Many Assorted Small Kitchen Appliances
- Kitchen Supplies
- Metronome
- Lowry Organ
- 3’ RC Hobby Airplanes w/Gas Engines
- 4’ RC Tri Pacer 135 Gas Airplane
- 2) 12” RC Gas Powered Airplanes
- Pontoon w/Steel Floats; Center Steer; Trailer (No Motor)
- Glastron Tri-Hull Fiberglass Boat w/55HP Johnson Outboard Motor (Motor Needs Work)
- Tri-Hull Fiberglass Boat w/Super Thunderbird Outboard Motor
- Elk Horns
- Pheasant Mounts
Other Misc. Items
Terms: Cash; Bankable Check; Credit or Debit Card. Picture ID required. Nothing to be removed until settled for. All items sell “As-Is-Where-Is”. Statements made sale day take precedence over all previous printed material or statements. Auction personnel will not be held liable for owner’s guarantees or statements, or errors in printed material. Not responsible for accidents. Lunch will be served.
Auctioneers: Col. Dale B. Haugen, ND Lic#198, MN Lic#14-017
Lee Sagvold, ND Lic#786
Clerk: R&D Auction, Inc., ND Lic#198
Ft. Ransom/Lisbon, ND
Phone/Fax: 701-973-2106
E-Mail: sold@rdauction.com
Photo Gallery
Information contained herein is presented on behalf of
the seller. R & D Auction, Inc. , agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to
be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions.
All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction.
Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any
matter of print and will be final.