art hartwell family absolute

G & G Auctioneers

18 March, 2025 1:20 am

1103 North Ave–Hebron, ND

(If inclement weather – Hebron Community Center)


’90 Dodge Dakota LE ext cab

’86 GMC 1500 Sierra Classic,  

   2X4, 350, auto, plus 4 stud tires

’67 Suburban for parts

’87 Suburban HD trailer   

’64 Chevy ½ T pickup box trailer

8’X12’ storage shed on wheels


6’X8’ insulated shed, 6’X10’ shed

2 mini gas tillers, post hole digger

portable fire pit, patio chairs

auxillary water pump, garden hose

wood picnic table, ladies mnt bike

patio table/chairs set, garden tools

Ground Worx wagon,shovels,forks


2”X6”X18’ lumber-new

scaffolding, Jet 6” jointer

Jet bandsaw, Craftsman router

Sears table saw, radial arm saw


Hot Point refrig/freezer, TV stand

Signature chest freezer, table

beds, dressers, computer desk

32” Sanyo flat screen TV, towels

12” JVC flat screen TV, box fans

Bissell Easy Vac, kitchen items

card tables/chairs

Royal Procision carpet extractor

Dirt Devil EnVision vac

card tables/chairs


4 stack Barrister book case

bale hooks, wood benches

Leather Sewing Machine


Coats tire machine, 2 floor jacks

Lincoln AC welder, welder ext cord

Smith acetylene torch & hose

weld, braze & heat tips

cherry picker, hi-lift jacks, anvil

DeWalt chop saw, vice grips

TD18 IH crawler injector pump kit

½” & ¾” air impact wrenches come-a-long,

standard & metric deep well sockets, pipe wrenches

6” vise, bubble balancer

open & box end wrenches

250# torque wrench, light plant

power steering pump puller

elect TA1100 tachometer

ignition analyzer, tie down straps

7249 ball joint service set

drill bit set, brake bleader kit

3 gear puller sets, pipe vise

AC, JD & other tractor repair

   Manuals, radiator hose

A JD float, utility heaters

carb parts for 6 & 70 JD tractor

17 Kimball Midwest 4 drawer

   cabinets w/fasteners

hyd hose crimp machine & fittings

1/4'’,3/8”,½” hyd hose, log chains

O rings, washers, 20 T bottle jack

American nuts & bolts, metric bolts

¼” -3/4” carriage bolts, press

gas/assort filters, air compressors

60-13 & 70-18 welding rods

dble flaring tool, wire shrink

door pins for Chevy & Chrysler

¾” & 5/8” heater hose, PVC

grease gun, oils, sprays, lubes

c-clamps, welding clamps

Tech tire repair cabinet & access

signal switch displays w/switches

24v cordless impact w/2 batteries

   & charger,   55 gal shop vac

vac line plugs, E clip set, springs

posi lock no crimp connectors

wire nuts, set screws

weed burner torch, tire chains

2 motor stands, battery stands

55 gal barrels, metal shelving

plumbing & electrical supplies

pig prop tank, 4-100# prop

Photo Gallery


*TERMS: Cash/Bankable Check *Lunch Served *More items too numerous *Not Responsible for accidents *Statements on day of sale take precedence over printed material*Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids *Sold as is, where is with no guarantees or warranties implied whatsoever.

NOTE:  Art is a good mechanic & will be moving due to family health issues taking only his personal belongings…lots of surprises!


Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. G & G Auctioneers, agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.