Auction Location: Holiday Inn-Riverside, 2200 Burdick Expressway East, Minot, ND 58701
240 +/- Acres
Auction Date: Thursday, June 7, 2018 by 11:00am, CST
Auction Location: Holiday Inn-Riverside, 2200 Burdick Expressway East, Minot, ND 58701
Property will be sold as two (2) parcels.
Property is not subject to a US Fish & Wildlife Wetland Easement.
The 2018 real estate taxes will be prorated to close.
Property will be sold with a rental contract in place for 2018 on Parcel 1.
The 2018 income will be prorated at closing.
The CRP payment on Parcel 2 will be prorated to the date of close.
Bidder Packet: A full prospectus will be available online shortly. Please check back or request one at 844-872-4289.​
Auction Terms: The Auction will be held at 11:00 am CST on Thursday, June 7, 2018 at the Holiday Inn-Riverside, 2200 Burdick Expressway East, Minot, ND 58701. Offers will be taken until the last and final bid has been taken and accepted. Call for a complete prospectus to 844-872-4289, 701-968-4455, or 701-303-0392 or email Amy Nikolaisen at
Property Directions:
From Bowbells, ND, take County Road 8 for one mile which angles southwestardly until it reaches 95th St NW. Continue traveling west on 95th St NW for 7 miles. Turn south on 78th Ave NW and travel 1 mile. Take the curve west and travel 7.5 miles on 94th St NW. Parcel 2 is on the south side of the road.
To reach Parcel 1, continue traveling west 1/2 mile to the intersection of 94th St NW and 86th Ave NW. Turn north and travel 1 mile. Turn west on 95th St NW and travel 2 miles. Turn north on 88th Ave NW and travel 1 mile. Turn west on 96th St NW and take the prairie road 1/2 mile. Parcel 1 is on the south side of the prairie road.
Sale Parcel 1:
Legal: NW 1/4 of Section 5-T161N-R92W (Foothills Township), Burke County, ND
2017 Real Estate Taxes: $816.99
Deeded Acres: 160 +/-
FSA Cropland Acres: 147.87
Base Acres & PLC Yields: Wheat 96.15 ac, 37 bu PLC; Canola 30.65 ac, 1,121 lbs PLC
Soil Productivity Index: 72
Legal: N 1/2 NW 1/4 of Section 14-T161N-R92W (Foothills Township), Burke County, ND
2017 Real Estate Taxes: $327.33
Deeded Acres: 80 +/-
FSA Cropland Acres: 71.75
Base Acres & PLC Yields: CCC-505 CRP Reduction Acres Wheat 52.6, Barley 4.42
​Conservation Reserve Program: 71.75 acres, $34.92/acre, $2,506 annual payment, contract 10/1/2016 – 9/30/2026, CP18B
CRP Access Agreement (walk-in hunting): 76.2 acres, contract 5/1/2017 – 9/30/2026, upfront payment being retained by owners
​Soil Productivity Index: 56.7
Farmstead: included in the sale, being sold as-is. It includes the following
2012 60' x 100' metal building, north overhead door is 18' T x 30' W, lifting unit is attached and functioning, south overhead door is 18' T x 30' W, lifting unit is attached and functioning, gravel base, walk-in door
2012 Westeel bin, 7,000 bushel, circa-flo in the floor, exterior fan included
2010 Westeel bin, 7,000 bushel, circa-flo in the floor, exterior fan included
Older bin – 3,000 bushel
Older bin – needs removing
Well house – well is 156' deep, no pump
Milking parlor – block, construction, with 30' x 40' metal building attached to the rear, storage area
Pig barn – metal building, 24' x 30'
Fenced lot
Johnson Living Trusts, Owners
This Sale Is Managed By:
Amy Nikolaisen
Auctioneer, Broker, Realtor
C: (701) 303-0392
O: (844) 872-4289, (701) 968-4455
Auctioneer's #951, Clerk's #644, Broker's #7800