burke county nd land auction

Nikolaisen Land Company

7 June, 2018 11:00 am

Auction Location:  Holiday Inn-Riverside, 2200 Burdick Expressway East, Minot, ND 58701

240 +/- Acres
Auction Date:  Thursday, June 7, 2018 by 11:00am, CST

Auction Location:  Holiday Inn-Riverside, 2200 Burdick Expressway East, Minot, ND 58701

Property will be sold as two (2) parcels.
Property is not subject to a US Fish & Wildlife Wetland Easement.

The 2018 real estate taxes will be prorated to close.

Property will be sold with a rental contract in place for 2018 on Parcel 1. 

The 2018 income will be prorated at closing.

The CRP payment on Parcel 2 will be prorated to the date of close.

Bidder Packet:  A full prospectus will be available online shortly.  Please check back or request one at 844-872-4289.​

Auction Terms:  The Auction will be held at 11:00 am CST on Thursday, June 7, 2018 at the Holiday Inn-Riverside, 2200 Burdick Expressway East, Minot, ND 58701.  Offers will be taken until the last and final bid has been taken and accepted.  Call for a complete prospectus to 844-872-4289, 701-968-4455, or 701-303-0392 or email Amy Nikolaisen at amy@nikolaisenlandcompany.com.

Property Directions: 
From Bowbells, ND, take County Road 8 for one mile which angles southwestardly until it reaches 95th St NW.  Continue traveling west on 95th St NW for 7 miles.  Turn south on 78th Ave NW and travel 1 mile.  Take the curve west and travel 7.5 miles on 94th St NW.  Parcel 2 is on the south side of the road.

To reach Parcel 1, continue traveling west 1/2 mile to the intersection of 94th St NW and 86th Ave NW.  Turn north and travel 1 mile.  Turn west on 95th St NW and travel 2 miles.  Turn north on 88th Ave NW and travel 1 mile.  Turn west on 96th St NW and take the prairie road 1/2 mile.  Parcel 1 is on the south side of the prairie road.

Sale Parcel 1:
Legal:  NW 1/4 of Section 5-T161N-R92W (Foothills Township), Burke County, ND
2017 Real Estate Taxes:   $816.99
Deeded Acres:  160 +/-
FSA Cropland Acres:  147.87
Base Acres & PLC Yields:   Wheat 96.15 ac, 37 bu PLC; Canola 30.65 ac, 1,121 lbs PLC

Soil Productivity Index:   72




Sale Parcel 2:

Legal:  N 1/2 NW 1/4 of Section 14-T161N-R92W (Foothills Township), Burke County, ND
2017 Real Estate Taxes:   $327.33
Deeded Acres:  80 +/-
FSA Cropland Acres:  71.75
Base Acres & PLC Yields:   CCC-505 CRP Reduction Acres Wheat 52.6, Barley 4.42

​Conservation Reserve Program:  71.75 acres, $34.92/acre, $2,506 annual payment, contract 10/1/2016 – 9/30/2026, CP18B

CRP Access Agreement (walk-in hunting):  76.2 acres, contract 5/1/2017 – 9/30/2026, upfront payment being retained by owners

​Soil Productivity Index:   56.7

Farmstead:  included in the sale, being sold as-is.  It includes the following

2012 60' x 100' metal building, north overhead door is 18' T x 30' W, lifting unit is attached and functioning, south overhead door is 18' T x 30' W, lifting unit is attached and functioning, gravel base, walk-in door

2012 Westeel bin, 7,000 bushel, circa-flo in the floor, exterior fan included

2010 Westeel bin, 7,000 bushel, circa-flo in the floor, exterior fan included

Older bin – 3,000 bushel

Older bin – needs removing

Well house – well is 156' deep, no pump

Milking parlor – block, construction, with 30' x 40' metal building attached to the rear, storage area

Pig barn – metal building, 24' x 30'

Fenced lot





Johnson Living Trusts, Owners

This Sale Is Managed By:


 Amy Nikolaisen
 Auctioneer, Broker, Realtor
 C: (701) 303-0392
 O: (844) 872-4289, (701) 968-4455
 Auctioneer's #951, Clerk's #644, Broker's #7800


















Johnson Living Trusts, Owners
This Sale Is Managed By:
 Amy Nikolaisen
 Auctioneer, Broker, Realtor
 C: (701) 303-0392
 O: (844) 872-4289, (701) 968-4455
 Auctioneer's #951, Clerk's #644, Broker's #7800



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Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. Nikolaisen Land Company, agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.