caring for jackson benefit

G & G Auctioneers

17 March, 2025 9:26 am

Lady J's Club - Dickinson, ND

5:00  – 7:00 pm (mt)

Indian Taco supper with silent & live auctions & bake sale

All money raised will help Jackson's family with expenses related to his medical needs.

Jackson is the 5 month old son of Jamie and Tyler, and little brother to Joseph Prellwitz of Dickinson. After an emergency heart surgery performed at Mayo Hospital, Jackson was diagnosed with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. He is currently seen by a team of specialists from across the state and Mayo, and will return before his 1st birthday for an open heart surgery.  Jackson will need several surgeries as well as specialized care though out his life due to health complications affected by 22q.

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