city of east grand forks mn

Steffes Group Inc.

18 March, 2025 7:02 am

Preview is Monday, November 17 from Noon to 5:00PM. Loadout will be from 10:00AM - 5:00PM on Friday, November 21. For information contact Jason Stordahl 218.773.1313 or Dave Krostue at Steffes, 218.779.6865


LOCATION:? 1001 2nd St NE, East Grand Forks, MN.

OPENS:? Tuesday, November 11

CLOSES:? Thursday, November 20

PREVIEW:? Monday, November 17 from 12:00PM – 5:00PM

LOADOUT:? Friday, November 21 from 10:00AM – 5:00PM


1987 GMC Brigadier tandem twin screw sander truck, 3208 Cat, automatic, air brakes, AM/FM, Henderson 14’x62″ box, steel conveyor, 9:00-20 tires on steel rims, front tires 80%, rear tires 40%, shows 105,858 miles, shows 2,452 hrs., Henderson S/NWSH-24779

1984 Ford F700, 2 ton, 370 V8 gas, Allison automatic, heat, 12′ service body, outriggers w/pads, Telelect Captain 1000 boom, 8″x18″ posthole auger, winch, 9:00-20 tires on steel rims, front tires 50%, rear tires 20%, shows 15,214 miles, 4,241 hrs., Telelect S/N1000-707-FF

1985 Ford F600 single axle, 370-2V engine, 5 spd., 16′ box, air brakes, heat, AM/FM, 23,100 lbs. gvwr, 9:00-20 front and rear tires on steel, front tires 20%, rear tires 50%, shows 18,488 miles, wheel cyl. leaks

1977 Chevrolet C65 Custom Deluxe single axle, V8, 5&2 spd., block heater, 23,160 lbs. gvwr, 9:00-20 tires on steel rims, front tires 60%, rear tires 55%, shows 20,922 miles, bad brake booster

1974 Ford 3000 open station w/canopy, wide front, 8 spd. diesel, 3 pt., 540 PTO, 3-rib 6.50-16 front tires on 5-bolt steel rims, front tires 25%, 13.6-28 rear tires on 8-bolt steel rims, rear tires 49%, shows 538 hrs., recent engine and trans. rebuild

1999 Terrain King Alamo batwing mower, 15′, continuous 540 PTO, S/NAG15-04004

1997 Toro Groundmaster 345 lawn tractor, 4 cyl. gas, power steering, 72″ mower deck, tires 20%, shows 3,344 hrs., engine S/N10155 C-03-RK, hydrostatic bad, S/N70206

Mayer snow plow, 90″, mounting hardware, hyd. lift ?



2003 Ford ?E-450 Econoline Super Duty bus, 16 passenger, V8 9600 gas, front and rear heat & A/C, AM/FM, rear doors, LT225/75R16 tires on steel rims, tires at 75%, shows 229,637 miles, dead cylinder, runs

1994 Chevrolet 2500 Cheyenne ext. cab, 350 V8 gas, automatic, 4WD, A/C, AM/FM, bed liner, 245/75R16 tires on aluminum rims, tires 40%, shows 143,490 miles



1976 CONC tandem axle enclosed trailer, 22′, 5th wheel 7 pin hookup, wired for 110v, fridge/freezer, A/C, heat, 6-14.5LT tires on steel rims, tires 10%, spare tire, used for mobile office, S/N00022



1992 Arctic Cat Panther Deluxe, fan-cooled 440 Suzuki, electric start, reverse, heated thumb and hand warmers, shows 382 miles

Boston Whaler, 15′, fiberglass, Autoblend oil injector add-on, low use, 40 hp. Mariner outboard, Mariner S/N6E9L42760040ELO, Spartan single axle trailer



Tool shed, 8’x10′, wood panel exterior, shingles, windows, door


Toro mower deck, 72″

Toro mower deck, 72″, no running gear

Pull-behind lawn sweeper

Front-mount lawn thatcher

MTD Snow Flite snowblower, 8 hp., 26″ cut, 5 spd., reverse, S/N316-850 B

Snowblower, 32″, mounting bracket

Henke snow plow swivel ?


Miller Thunderbolt 225V stick welder w/rods

Porta-power, 4 ton, bad seals

(2) 2002 water valves, 30″

T-pipe, 30″

75 gal. fuel/oil tank, measures 4’x16″x30″

75 gal. diesel step tank

Hyd. cyl., (2) 9’x5″, (2) 4’x2-3/4″, leaking

(2) Truck fenders w/hyd. 2-1/2″ lines, fenders are 12″x20-1/2″

(9) Aluminum stop logs ?

(2) Crisafulli pumps, 8″, fit man-hole cover, S/N14023, S/N14479

Briggs & Stratton Magnetron 11 hp. gas motor, side shaft

200’x1-1/2″ OD hose & reel

(2) 20’x2-1/2″ suction hoses w/screens

Collapsible hose, 3″

(2) Natural gas tanks, 85 lb., one w/regulator, mfg. dates of 6/91 & 9/92, CIC-SP1503-3000-85/8041/154 Faber 10-85 CNG only

Tire chains, misc. sizes, 8 sets


(2) Dakota Fence fence gates, 10’x7’6″

Walk-through gate, 8’x4-1/2′ w/roll of 7′ fencing, unknown length

Slide gate, 40′ w/privacy inserts


(23) 1 yard dumpsters, some wheel casters missing, rarely used



JVC 32″ television

Canon 5000 Image Runner copier w/side dispenser, top feed, S/NXCX00072

Writing desk

Office desk



Jason Stordahl, 218.773.1313

or Dave Krostue of Steffes, 218.779.6865

1999 Alamo

in Mowing
Serial number: AG15-04004

1985 F600

in Trucks
Serial number: 1FDNF60H6FVA44279

1977 C65

in Trucks
Serial number: CCE677V100375

1987 Brigadier

in Trucks
Serial number: 1GDS8C4Y1HV525856

1974 3000

in Tractors
Serial number: 0D40A154A24L

1994 2500

in Pickups
Serial number: 1GCGK29K8RE257948

1984 F700

in Trucks
Serial number: 1FDNF70H9EVA49917

2003 E-450 Econoline

in Passenger Bus
Serial number: 1FDXE45592H1364915

1997 Groundmaster 345

in Lawn & Garden Equipment
Serial number: 70206


in Trailers
Serial number: 00022

in Blades

1992 Panther Deluxe

in ATVs, Snowmobiles, Boats, Recreation
Serial number: 9217547

in ATVs, Snowmobiles, Boats, Recreation
Serial number: 5A0310/427600


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in Miscellaneous Items
Serial number: 14023

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Serial number: 14479

in Tanks

5000 Image Runner

in Miscellaneous Items
Serial number: XCX00072

in Miscellaneous Items


in Farm Support Items

in Lawn & Garden Equipment

in Lawn & Garden Equipment

in Snowblowers

Snow Flite

in Snowblowers
Serial number: 316-850 B

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Thunderbolt 225V

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Photo Gallery

City of East Grand Forks  1 JPG IMG 4270 JPG IMG 4272 JPG 03  JPG IMG 4273 JPG 04 4 1 JPG 05 6 1 JPG 06 9 1 JPG 07 11 1 JPG 08 14 3 JPG 09 IMG 4274 JPG 10 10  1 JPG 11 28 2 JPG 12 City of East Grand Forks  4 JPG 13 12 1 JPG


Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. Steffes Group Inc , agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.