clinny schirado & dave schirado estates

G & G Auctioneers

3 October, 2020 9:00 am

6455 41st St - Glen Ullin, ND 58631

(I-94 Exit 108 South to Curlew Ave, East to Dead End)

(North of NAPA on Co Rd 88 to Curlew Ave, East to Dead End)


Clinny Schirado homemade tractor

400 LP conv to gas w/2 pt mower

M McCormick-narrow

H McCormick-narrow

C Farmall-narrow-new tires, runs

C Allis Chalmers-narrow, w/belly

   mount 6’ mower

630 JD– wide

W4 Farmall

M Farmall w/schwartz front end

Ferguson -3 pt, w 7’ blade

400 w/TA & F-11 loader

M IH w/F-11loader & grapple

M IH w/F-11 loader & snow bucket

70 JD– wide

GVI Minneapolis Moline

C Allis Chalmers-wide CT45

WD6 McCormick Deering

(3) McCormick Deering

W9 McCormick

WD6 McCormick

Ford 9N

Misc tractor parts, valves


985 NH combine w/pickup &

   straight head

45 JD combine for parts


W7G CIH payloader w/8’ bucket

H70 Hough payloader

McCormick Deering track crawler

Excavator w/3’ scoop

Schield Bantam dragline

Schield Bantam backhoe

D315 Woods batwing mower

V-plow-8’ sides


Ingersoll Rand air compressor

RR & I-Beams, air compressor

sheet metal bender, many ladders

tire machine, acetylene hose

250 amp AC/DC welder, air hose

hand gas & barrel pumps

plumbing & electrical supplies

drill press, generator, V-belts

wheel barrel, 250w generator

7’X9’ garage door w/windows-NIB

Much More!


Model T & Model T truck

Model A made from parts

Model A & T parts

’94 GMC 1500 for parts

‘90 Buick Lesabre– 4 dr,

   151,703  mi, runs

‘88 Chevy-½ T, 2X4, 55,150 mi,

’82 Chevy Silverado-4X4, 6.2

   diesel, auto, 107, 205 mi, runs

’73 Chevy C-60-22’ tilt/roll back

   bed, 85,878 mi, runs

‘73 GMC Sprint

’67 Chevy 50-2½ T, tandem, 4

   spd/2 spd, dump/gravel box,

   45,431 mi, runs

’48 GMC-2½ T, 6 cyl, gravel box

’47 IH KB series 1½ T truck

‘40s Chevy Thriftmaster truck

Chevy C-60-10’ Omaha box

’44 GMC w/hoist & gravel box

6400 Chevy truck w/grain box

40’s Dodge tow truck

Chevy Loadmaster w/box

‘47ish Chevy 3600 pickup-3/4 T

Pontiac 2 dr car, IH Scout

’98 Dodge 3500-(Cenex) tire

  truck-5 spd, Cummins diesel, Chloride pump, air

  comp-new-143,650 miles-GOOD Unit!


’77 WW 6X16 stock trailer

8’X10’ snowmobile trailer

2 ground drive manure spreaders

barb wire, bull wire, bridge plank,

wire rope, 17’ culvert-rusty

steel post drivers, saddle


845 NH baler, 272 NH sq baler

271 NH sq baler, 2 pt mower

FH sq bale grabber

(2) F-11 hay baskets


(2) 90 Honda Trail-

TOO Many to Mention & Parts


Austin Mfg maintainer-pull type

2 threshing machines

400 & other Versatile swathers

10’ & 12’ discs, 5’ tandem disc

2 row Oliver other corn planters

10’ IH end wheel drill

14’ IH chisel plow

5½‘ & other pony drills

12 ½’ spring tooth cultivator

100 IH 14’ press drill

2 F-11 loaders,Oliver press drill

(3) F-11 snow buckets-8’

boom for F-11, 5’ bucket

4½’ Dipper bucket

#2 Ensilage/forage blower

6’ steel wheel press drill

3 pt spring tooth harrow

harrows, axles, scoops, tanks

Ferguson tumble bucket

Standard post sign frame

McKee blower

4’ & sev other dump rakes

2 bottom Deere Born

2,3&4 bottom plows

buzz saw w/motor on trailer

wood wagon, implement seats

wagon wheel rims

grindstone wheel, forge

Emerson 1 bot plow, harnesses

Emerson 2 row corn planter

6 horse mowers-JD, New Idea 

lots steel wheels, windmill tower

7+ Stationary Engines-

   McCormick Deering 1.5 hp,   

   White Iron Works 8 hp, The

   Galloway 2¼ hp, Root &

   Vandervoort 4 hp & more

cream separator, kero stove

Magic Chef propane stove

Permalube crank oil pumps


piles of scrap iron & alum

lots of car bodies/parts

piles of tire rims, radiators

buses & sheds full of new

   & used parts

Many more vehicles/hoods/cabs

Photo Gallery


NOTE: Bring a Friend or 2, as this will have  at least 2 auctions at once, don’t miss out.  A lot of Unique items that you will not see again, Do Not let them go to scrap.  Items on this sale you will not find anywhere else! 

Due to COVID-19 Please do not bring non-essential or vulnerable persons to auction. If you feel you would prefer to bid by absentee bid or bid by phone please make arrangements by Oct 2- 5 pm CT. Please use social distancing.  Loading Available after the sale.  Please have items removed in 30 days

*TERMS: Cash/Bankable Check *Lunch Served *More items added Daily! *Not Responsible for accidents *Statements on day of sale take precedence over printed material*Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids *Sold as is, where is with no guarantees or warranties implied whatsoever.



Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. G & G Auctioneers, agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.