dealers inventory reduction timed online auction

Steffes Group Inc.

16 March, 2025 5:23 am

Area Dealers Inventory Reduction Timed Online Auction of Sprayers, Combines, Heads, Tractors, Tillage & More! Don’t miss your opportunity to buy quality equipment on this timed online only auction!

Area Dealers Inventory Reduction
Timed Online Auction

Featuring Sprayers, Combines, Heads, Tractors, Tillage & More!?

Don?t miss your opportunity to buy quality equipment on this timed online only auction!


Pictures & Locations are now uploaded. ?
Sale order will be posted closer to the auction opening


2012 John Deere 4830, SS 1000 gal tank, SS boom, chem inductor, induction flow meter, traction control, return to height, Green Star, Auto Tract Ready, JD2630 monitor (NO ACTIVATIONS, NO RECEIVER), air ride system, chassis leveling, Good Year 380/90R46, row crop tires and fenders, 5 body nozzles w/ 1 set of tips, 759 hrs. S/N INO4830XTC0018979

2000 Walker 8810, 275hp John Deere Diesel, 1200 gal SS Tank, 60’/100′ boom w/ extensions to make it 105′ boom, 15″ centers, Integra, WAAS monitor, row shut offs, 3 spray nozzle bodies (NO TIPS), foamer, row crop fenders, 380/90R46, 1,500 hrs. S/N W110112100275J

Walker 44, Cummins Diesel, 1000 gal SS Tank, Case IH EZ-Guide 500 w/ light bar and receiver, adjustable axles, 3 nozzle bodies w/ spray tips, 100 gal rinse tank, chem inductor, foamer, 80′ boom, 14.9- 46 tires, hours unknown

1999 Miller Nitro 200, 200hp Cummins Diesel, 1000 gal SS Tank, 60’/90′ boom, 460 Raven Control w/ Radar, Boom Tracker, foamer, 3 nozzle bodies w/ tips, New Firestone 390/90R46, 2,240 hrs S/N 21-11907

2005 Sprayer Specialties XLRD 1250, pull type sprayer, hyd. pump, 1000 gal SS tank, 80′ boom w/ extensions to make 90′ boom, electric over hyd. boom controls, 4 section boom, 05 AIXR tips, single nozzle bodies, touch down wheels, chem inductor, 60 gal rinse tank, adjustable axle, Raven 450 controls, 12.4-42 tires


2010 New Holland CR9060, 4×4, Iveco diesel, yield & moisture 262 antenna, Nav II, GPS, spreader, straw chopper, HID stadium lighting, extended wear augers, hopper extensions, dual 22″ rotors, 520/85R42 duals, 540/65R30 rears, 817 sep. hrs., 1060 eng. hrs., S/N Y9G112783

2010 New Holland CR9040, 4×4, Iveco diesel, yield & moisture, HID stadium lighting, power mirrors, extended wear augers, hopper extensions, dual 22″ rotors, Good Year 20.8-42 duals, 1014 eng. hrs., S/N YAG113445

2000 John Deere 9750 STS, contour master, yield & moisture less display, hopper extensions, adjustable rear axle, Good Year 900/65R32 fronts, Firestone 28L-26 rears, 2,424 sep. hrs., 3,387 eng. hrs. S/N 9750S686411

1998 John Deere 9610 Maximizer, PRWD, 20′ perforated unloading auger, Dial-a-matic header height control, hyd. fore/ aft real control, Dial-a-speed header control, Vittetoe Spreader, Firestone 68×50.00-32 floatation fronts, 18.4-38 rears, 2,132 sep. hrs., S/N H09610X676826

1990 John Deere 9500, PRWD, buddy seat, spreader, chopper, 30.5L-26 fronts, 18.4-26 rears, 3,803 sep. hrs., 5,895 eng. hrs. S/N H09500X638698

1990 John Deere 9500, 2WD, 3,450 sep. hrs., 4,950 eng. hrs. S/N H09500X638986


2009 John Deere 9530, 475hp, powershift, 4 remotes, diff lock, Green Star, brown box display, SF1 receiver, plug-n-play, guidance ready, cab, heat, air, active ride seat, buddy seat, Good Year 800/70R38 Duals, 20 suit case weights, set of rear wheel weights, 2336 hrs., 1 owner/ ag use only S/N RW9530P011062

1992 John Deere 8960, 1000 PTO, 3 hyd., cab, heat, air, air ride seat, inside wheel weights, 18.4-46 duals, 7,081 hrs. S/N RW8960H004373

1996 John Deere 8300 MFWD, 3 PT Quick Hitch, 1,000 PTO, 3 hyd., 18.4R46 Rear Duals, 14.9R34 Fronts, 11,150 hrs. S/N RW8300P005599

2004 Case IH MXM190 MFWD, w/ Case IH LX172 Loader and Grapple, cab, air, heat, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 3 hyd., mid-mount couplers, joy stick controls, self-leveling bucket, 5,308 hrs.

Ford 3600, diesel, 3 pt., 540 PTO, 1 hyd., diff lock, ROPS, 13.6-28 turf tires, 6.50-16 fronts, 6050 hrs.

1981 Massey Ferguson 255, diesel, 3 pt., 540 PTO, 2 hyd., diff lock, power steering, 16.9-28 rears, 9.5L-15SL fronts, S/N 9A341402

Massey Ferguson 175, diesel, 3 pt., 540 PTO, 1 hyd., diff lock, sells w/ loader and 5′ bucket, tach shows 920 hrs.


2010 New Holland 88c, 45′ Draper head, Terrain Tracer, Fore/ Aft, Sells w/ J&M TB 6000 Trail-Blazer HD head cart S/N 4255103204

2011 MacDon FD70, 40′ FlexDraper head, set up for John Deere S/N 207357

2009 MacDon FD70, 40′ FlexDraper head, set up for New Holland/ CIH S/N 192666

2010 MacDon FD70, 35′ FlexDraper head, set up for John Deere S/N 204254


2012 Case IH 870, 13 shank ripper, wing tips, wing fold, rolling chopper, spring reset, disk levelers used 1 season (approx. 200 acres)

2011 Landoll 6230, 33′ disk, walking tandems across, 23 3/4″ disks on 9″ spacings, gauge wheels S/N 62K0800976

2010 McFarlane RD4030, Reel Disk, walking tandems across, 20 1/4″ blades, 4 1/8″ rear rolling chopper blades, 3 bar spike harrow, rolling baskets, lights S/N 14336

Progressive 6200, Strip Till Bar, 16R30, 1000 gal tank, Blue Jet Max Pac AR700 sealers and row units, NH3 and liquid, Raven cooler for NH3 & Raven harness w/ Raven 4400 control, Raven boom valves18.4-26 tires on tank S/N 46240125


2012 Rem 2700, 8″ Grain Vac, 1000 PTO, full set of pipe and hose, 1 new hose, 1 air nozzle, hyd. fold auger, air exchanger, on 2 wheel trailer, 125 hrs. S/N 3249

2011 Rem 2700, 8″ Grain Vac, 1000 PTO, full set of pipe and hose, 2 clean up nozzles, hyd. fold auger, on 2 wheel trailer, 201 hrs. S/N 2589

Hesston 565A, Round baler, kicker bar, 540 PTO

1986 Ti-Brook, End Dump 40′ aluminum trailer, frameless, poly liner, roll tarp, spread, swing, or grain gate, air brakes, 11R-22.5 tandem duals, VIN 1T9EAAT20GE021833

Fuel Tank 3200 gal, steel, horizontal 64″diameter x 18′ long, 110v electric pump, hose & fill nozzle, 3″ camlock center fill, approx. 8 years old

Fuel Tank 1000 gal, steel, horizontal, 64″diameter x 6′ long, top mounted level gauge, approx. 4 years old

Fuel Tank 500 gal, steel, horizontal, 48″ diameter x 6′ long, 110v electric pump, hose & fill nozzle, approx. 8 years old

Late Additions:
2013 Tracker Pro Team 190TX?Bass Boat w/ 90 hp Mercury Optimax 4 stroke motor, Minnkota Edge 45 5 speed trolling motor, Lowrance X-4 PRO depth/ fish finder, lockable storage compartments, live well, 8′ rod box, 3 across seating, 2 fishing seats, custom Case-IH Magnum 25th Anniversary Graphics, also comes with 4 fishing rods, tackle box, life jackets, life preserver, bass books and DVDs, and dock bumpers, on single axle trailer. Boat ID: BUJ06654H213, Motor ID: 1B961794, Trailer ID: 4TK12CF10DB001139

1951 Case SC,?NF, 540 PTO, 1 hyd, 4 cyl, gas

Pictures & Locations are now uploaded. ?
Sale order will be posted closer to the auction opening

Contact Tim Meyer, Terry Hoenig & Chris Richard at

2012 4830

in Applicators
Serial number: INO4830XTC0018979

2010 8810

in Applicators
Serial number: W110112100275J


in Applicators
Serial number: Unknown

1999 200

in Applicators
Serial number: 21-11907

2005 XLRD 1250

in Applicators

2010 CR9060

in Combines
Serial number: Y9G112783

2010 CR9040

in Combines
Serial number: YAG113445

2000 9750

in Combines
Serial number: 9750S686411

1998 9610

in Combines
Serial number: H09610X676826

1990 9500

in Combines
Serial number: H09500X638986

2009 9530

in Tractors
Serial number: RW9530P011062

1992 8960

in Tractors
Serial number: RW8960H004373

1996 8300

in Tractors
Serial number: RW8300P005599

2004 MXM190

in Tractors
Serial number: ACM234396MFCBG2


in Tractors

1981 255

in Tractors
Serial number: 9A341402


in Tractors

1951 SC

in Tractors
Serial number: 5514558SC

2013 Pro Team 190TX

in ATVs, Snowmobiles, Boats, Recreation

2010 88c

in Headers
Serial number: 4255103204

2011 FD70

in Headers
Serial number: 207357

2009 FD70

in Headers
Serial number: 192666

2010 FD70

in Headers
Serial number: 204254

2012 870

in Tillage Equipment

2011 6230

in Tillage Equipment
Serial number: 62K0800976

2010 RD4030

in Tillage Equipment
Serial number: 14336


in Applicators
Serial number: 46240125


in Tillage Equipment

2012 2700

in Grain Handling Equipment
Serial number: 3249

2011 2700

in Grain Handling Equipment
Serial number: 2589


in Hay & Forage Equipment


in Trailers

in Tanks

in Tanks

in Tanks

1990 9500

in Combines
Serial number: H09500X638698


in Trailers


in Trailers

Photo Gallery

6 jpg 1 jpg 2 jpg 3 jpg 4 jpg 5 jpg 7 jpg 8 jpg 9 jpg JD 9530  10s jpg 11 jpg 12 jpg 13 jpg 14 jpg 15 jpg 16 jpg 17 jpg 18 jpg 19 jpg 20 jpg 21 jpg 22 jpg 23 jpg 24 jpg 8960  1s jpg


Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. Steffes Group Inc , agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.