deer creek real estate tractors equipmeent

United Country - Aasness Auctioneers Auctions & Real Estate

17 March, 2025 10:15 am


SATURDAY, MAY 2 9:30AM 2015

Donna Astle, Owner

LOCATION: Onsite at 520 State Highway 106, Rural Deer Creek, MN.Directions: from Deer Creek North on Hwy 106 to address site or from Wadena take State Hwy 10 west to Hwy 106 then south to site.

Auction Order: 9:30 AM Misc Shop Related and Contractor/Shop Tools Approx 10:30-11:00AM Tractors and Equipment Approx 1:30-2:00PM Real Estate – immediately following the EquipmentFinish with Remainder


.Nice 3 bedroom 2 bath Brick/Metal Sided Home w/2 stall attached garage with 5+/- acres. This is a nice home, open kitchen/dining floor plan w/full set of appliances. Nice yard/acreage with mature hardwoods and evergreens.

.Large Truck/Contractor/Repair Shop, 4 Stall Overhead w/Attached Office, Digital IQ Plus 510 Truck Scale and 2 Story Brick Apartment all on 5 +/- acres. Surrounded by mature trees with open area for truck parking. This property is ideal for Contractor, Trucking Company, Repair Shop, Farm Base or anyone looking for that great shop spot with living area and/or rental income opportunities.

.Land Tract 5+/- Acres w/pond and evergreen trees ? beautiful acreage w/easement access off highway and suitable for building or hunting

.Real Estate offered in 3 Individual Tracts and in its Entirety, allowing for buying opportunities to purchase one or all. Online bidding available on Real Estate only.

.This is a Beautiful Site, Great Location near town of Deer Creek, and just off Hwy 10 near Wadena, New York Mills, and the thriving Perham Area

Ottertail County Property ID#?s R67000230010002/67000230010003/67000230010004

Buyers Prospectus/Bidders Packets with Terms/Conditions and additional property info available by contacting Auction Company or pick up at inspection viewing. For additional info on this Real Estate property please contact Cary at United Country Aasness Auctioneers Auctions & Real Estate O. 218 998 4454 or C. 218 205 1310 or Tammy at 218 766 9607. Additional info and photos will also available on website at or Live Onsite and Online Bidding available on Real Estate ? preregistration is required

Large 45+ Tractor Collection
Please note on tractors ? even though most all the tractors have been under roof and in cold storage, Donna and the family are not sure of the status of each individual tractor as for starting, etc. We know several will run but there will be many that will be untried as well. Several tractors have new paint and new tires, but many don?t. Most though have good tin and are ready for your restoration projects.

International/Farmall Tractors
IHC Farmall Model 806Dsl, 3pt, Straight, 18.4-38?s, SN#8056
IHC Farmall Model 656, NF, Gas
IHC Farmall 560 Diesel
IHC Farmall 450, WF, SN#5251
IHC Farmall Model 400, NF, SN#2295
IHC Farmall MD, NF, Near New Rubber, Fenders, SN#8180
IHC Farmall MD, NF, New Rubber, Fender Brackets
IHC Farmall M, New Rubber, w/ New Idea Corn Picker
IHC Farmall M, NF SN#39816
IHC Farmall M, NF, SN#1595
IHC Farmall M, NF, New Rubber SN#3931
IHC Farmall M,NF, SN#8650
IHC Farmall H, Crank Start, SN#9189
IHC Farmall H
IHC Farmall H
IHC Farmall Model 200, New Rubber, Front Weights, Fast Hitch SN#3439
IHC Farmall Super C, W/ 1 Row Picker
IHC Farmall Super C w/Cultivator
IHC Farmall Super C, W/Mounted Corn Planter and Check Wire
IHC Farmall Super C, NF, SN#150572
IHC Farmall Super C, NF, SN#94958
IHC Farmall Super C, NF
IHC Farmall Model B Cultivision W/Cultivator
IHC Farmall Cub Low Boy SN#5040
IHC Farmall Cub w/ Mounted Cultivator SN#712
IHC Farmall Cub SN#98
IHC Farmall Cub, New Tires, SN#2932
IHC Farmall F20
IHC Farmall F20
IHC Farmall F12, SN#1550
IHC Farmall F12, Parts

McCormick Deering Tractors
McCormick Deering 15-30,New Engine/Driveline, New Rubber
McCormick Deering 15-30 on Rear Steel
McCormick Deering Model W12
McCormick Deering W30

John Deere Tractors
JD 4020Dsl, 3pt, cab ? has been in electrical fire
JD Model B, NF, SN#9142
JD Model A, WF, SN#82
JD Model B, NF, SN#0820
JD Model D SN#7918
JD Model B, Parts Tractor

Other Tractors
Allis Chalmers WD45, NF
Allis Chalmers WD45 Parts
Massey Harris Model 44, NF
Massey Harris Model 99 Stuck
Ford 8N
Case VC, NF, 3pt

IHC Equipment
Row Crop Cultivator
IHC Breaking Plows
IHC Sickle Mower
IHC Cub Plow
(3) IHC Super C Cultivator
IHC Plow-Fits Model 200
IHC Planter-Fits Model 200
IHC Cub Cadet Blade
IHC Super C Planter
5 Bottom High Clearance Plow

JD Equipment
JD 2R Corn Planter SN#294602
JD Plow 4×14
JD Sweet Corn Cultivator
JD Manure Spreader w/ gate
JD 5 Mower

Other Farm Equipment
8? Grain Drill
Orchard Sprayer
Road Grader
Grass Seeder
Loftness 8? Brush Cutter, Unused
Loftness Rock bucket, Like new
New Idea Corn Picker
Buster Brown Rear Blade SN#7658
635 10yd Chain Loader
(2) Gravity Boxes
Deer Feeder

*Commercial Portable Compressor Gardner-Denver HD Portable Mobile Air Compressor 165 PSI

Contractor/Shop Equipment
Schmidt Commercial Sand Blaster
Wil-Bilt 40 Gal Parts Washer
HD Floor Drill Dress
Honda 13HP Gas Motor
(2) Banding Units
Husquvarna Concrete Saw
HD Jack Stands
Tecto Weld Specialty Crimping Unit
HD 6in Vice
(2) Truck Underbody Tool Boxes
Astro Numatic Waste Oil Drainer
Bench Grinders
Lincoln Arc 225 Arc Welder
New Victor Journeyman Acetylene Torch and gauges
Acetylene Torches w/Gauges and Hoses
Engine Stand
HD 220 Table Saw
Brand New Saw Blades
Assorted Power/Hand Tools

Reefer Unit
Thermo King Reefer Unit

Antique Enamel Wood Kitchen Stove

Assorted Lumber

Assorted Steel

Assorted Rebar and I Beams

Assorted Scrap Iron/grove iron

Contact Auctioneers; Cary M. Aasness ph. 218 205 1310 and Rod Mursu 218 640 2231
Phone Bidding/Absentee Bidding Available ? Please contact Auction Company @ 218 998 4454

Auction Conducted by
United Country Aasness AuctioneersAuctions and Real Estate
Your High Performance Auction Team
?A Tradition of Excellence and Leadership?
See us at
Fergus Falls office ph#218 998 4454
Dalton office ph#218 589 8598
Also in Bemidji and Alexandria/St Cloud Area

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Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. United Country Aasness Auctioneers Auctions Real Estate, agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.