Online bidding:

dennis w. anderson estate

United Country Aasness Auctioneers

16 March, 2025 7:36 pm

A Don’t Miss Auction Event if you are a Firearm/Hunting Enthusiast!! LARGE FIREARMS/SPORTING ESTATE AUCTIONDENNIS W ANDERSON ESTATE COLLECTION Audrey L AndersonSATURDAY MARCH 31 9:30AM 2018LOCATION: Auction will be held at PRAIRIE EVENT CENTER, Crossings Inn & Suites Hotel, 201 West Main St., Parkers Prairie, MN. Parkers Prairie is located North of Alexandria on Hwy 29, East of Fergus Falls on Hwy 210 then South on Hwy 29 or West & South of Wadena, MN on Hwy 29.Large Outstanding Collection – Full Day Auction Dennis has been an Avid Hunter and Collector of Firearms most all his Life. Auction to include Part of his Large Estate Collection of Firearms & Related PREVIEW: Friday March 30 4:30-7PM and morning of Auction*Contact the Crossings Inn & Suites if you are in need of Hotel accommodationsLive Onsite bidding and Live Simulcast Online Bidding Register on Hi-Bid at AasnessAuctioneers.com250-300 FIREARMSClassic, Collector and Hunting FirearmsWinchester, Colt, Remington, Browning, Marlin, US Springfield, Sharps, Stevens/Savage, M1/M2, Drillings/German/European, Military and More – Rifles, Shotguns, Handguns, Revolvers, Pistols, Derringers and others*Entire Firearms List can be viewed by clicking on online catalog*Full catalog of Firearms will be available approx. 2-2 weeks before AuctionWILDLIFE MOUNTSLarge 60in Bull Alaskan Moose Head Mount – shot by DennisLarge Canadian Bull Bison Head Mount – shot by DennisLarge Matching Bull Elk Head Mounts – Left and Right Facing – shot by Dennis near Saskatchewan, CanadaOlder Full Body Bison/Buffalo Mount Northwest Territories Bull Caribou Northwest Territories Bull and CowBeaver Mount – enclosed in Glass Floor DisplayWhitetail Deer & Mule Deer Buck MountsAntelope Buck MountBuffalo Skulls/OthersRaccoon & Coyote MountsCANNONSDixie Gun Works Cannon w/vintage spoke wheels (3.67in/6lbs)Other Miniature CannonsKNIVES/SWORDS/BAYONETSLarge Collection of Hunting and Collector KnivesLarge Collection of BayonetsAssortment of Swords/Some Civil War EraMany various Styles, Eras and Vintages of eachAMMO COLLECTIONMany Collector Ammo Shell BoxesLarge and Extensive of both Using and Collector AmmoCollection of Ammo BeltsAuctioneers: Cary M Aasness 218 205 1310, Cody Aasness 218 205 1269, Tammy Tisland 218 766 9607, Rod Mursu 218 640 2231Auction conducted by United Country Aasness AuctioneersAuctions and Real EstateYour High Performance Auction Team”A Tradition of Excellence and Leadership”See us at Fergus Falls office ph#218 998 4454Dalton office ph#218 589 8598 Bemidji office 218 766 9607Serving the Midwest and Beyond Onsite and Online BP Applies

Lot #: 1

American Derringer Corp 9mm

Lot #: 2

Winchester Model 1906 22 Short

Lot #: 3

Winchester Model 100 243Win

Lot #: 4

US Springfield Model 1873 Carbine 45/70

Lot #: 5

Worlds Challenger 12ga

Lot #: 6

Brevete DRP Germany 6mm

Lot #: 7

Remington Field Master Model 121 22LR

Lot #: 8

Raikal SxS 30-06

Lot #: 9

Remington 30Cal

Lot #: 10

Winchester 1894 30WCF

Lot #: 11

Russian (Stamped 144) 7.62x54R

Lot #: 12

Roberts 8ga

Lot #: 13

Jennings Firearms Inc J-22 22LR

Lot #: 14

Remington model 700 222Rem cal

Lot #: 15

Drilling Kupp Stahl 20ga

Lot #: 16

Winchester Model 25 12ga

Lot #: 17

Hopkins & Allen 32cal

Lot #: 18

1943 Russian 7.62×54 cal

Lot #: 19

Remington Model 700 30-06

Lot #: 20

Colt Model 1903 32cal

Lot #: 20a

Whitetail Large 8pt Buck Mount

Lot #: 21

Winchester Model 94 30-30cal

Lot #: 22

Taurus Circuit Judge 45LC/410ga

Lot #: 23

Harrington & Richardson Model 176 10ga

Lot #: 24

US Springfield 1869 Nickel

Lot #: 25

Ornate 1860 Dumoulin & Co 35cal Revolver

Lot #: 26

Underwood M2 Carbine 30 M1cal

Lot #: 27

Remington 30cal

Lot #: 28

Martini Enfield Model 1896 303

Lot #: 29

Browning Belgium 12ga

Lot #: 30

Winchester Model 1873 32-20

Lot #: 31

US Springfield Model 1898 Armory 30cal

Lot #: 32

Ruger 22cal & 22 Win Mag Revolver

Lot #: 33

Webley Mark IV 38 Revolver

Lot #: 34

Alexandria Pro-Fab AR-15 22 Cal

Lot #: 35

Stevens Savage Arms Model 311 12ga

Lot #: 36

Marlin Model 60 22LR

Lot #: 37

Winchester Model 94 30-30cal

Lot #: 38

Twin Hammer SxS 30cal/22cal

Lot #: 39

Iver Johnson 38cal Revolver

Lot #: 40

Walther P38 Vintage Revolver

Lot #: 40a

Raccoon Mount

Lot #: 41

Browning Belgium Mag 12ga

Lot #: 42

Mauser Bolt Action 8mm

Lot #: 43

H7D Folsum Arms Sxs Double 12ga

Lot #: 44

Fiala Arms Model 1920 22cal

Lot #: 45

Iner Arms Mauser Parabellum 30 Luger

Lot #: 46

W Richards 16ga

Lot #: 47

Prescott Pistol Co Paragon #38 Brass Reciever

Lot #: 48

H&R Model 900 22cal Revolver

Lot #: 49

T Barker Royal Damascus 12ga

Lot #: 50

E Remington & son Quad Bbl 32cal

Lot #: 51

Winchester Model 1894 38-55

Lot #: 52

Browning 22LR Pistol

Lot #: 53

S&W 32cal Revolver

Lot #: 54

S&W 32cal Revolver

Lot #: 55

Winchester Model 1894 30WCF

Lot #: 56

Springfield 1903 30-06

Lot #: 57

Winchester Model 1901 22cal

Lot #: 58

Hopkins & Allen 12ga

Lot #: 59

Savage Mark II 22LR

Lot #: 60

Henry Big Boy Lever Action 44 Rem

Lot #: 60a

Pronghorn Antelope Buck Mount

Lot #: 61

Browning Arms 22cal Handgun

Lot #: 62

W Papkhurst (Belgium) 12ga

Lot #: 63

Italian Gv?mt Metallugrica Bresciana 40cal

Lot #: 64

Allen & Thurber Percussion 34 ball

Lot #: 65

US Springfield Model 1873

Lot #: 66

High Standard Model H-D Military 22LR Handgun

Lot #: 67

Remingtom Military Style Black Powder

Lot #: 68

Intratec Scorpion SA 22LR Handgun

Lot #: 69

Winchester Model 12 Pump 12ga

Lot #: 70

Stevens Favorite Model 71 22cal

Lot #: 71

Mossberg 22cal

Lot #: 72

1860?s 12ga Muzzle Loader

Lot #: 73

Marlin 32cal Revolver

Lot #: 74

Eclipse 22cal Derringer

Lot #: 74

Eclipse 22cal Derringer

Lot #: 75

Colt Model 45

Lot #: 76

Smith & Wesson 22cal Revolver

Lot #: 77

Colt 1889 38LC Revolver

Lot #: 78

Stevens 32cal

Lot #: 79

Euro Belgium 7mm

Lot #: 80

Euro 5mm

Lot #: 80a

Beaver Mount

Lot #: 81

EddyStone 6.5mm

Lot #: 82

Stevens 22cal

Lot #: 83

Springfield 1884 trap door 45-70cal

Lot #: 84

British Enfield 303

Lot #: 85

French Military 38cal revolver

Lot #: 86

German K98 1943 mrg.

Lot #: 87

German 22cal

Lot #: 88

Zulu 12ga

Lot #: 89

Marlin 22cal

Lot #: 90

Colt Lightning 1883 44cal

Lot #: 91

Zulu 12ga

Lot #: 92

Replica Italian Ragoon 44cal

Lot #: 93

Japanese 7.7mm

Lot #: 94

European Haerens RustKammer 9mm

Lot #: 95

Winchester Mod 94 Carbine LA 32spl

Lot #: 96

Shall & Co 22 SA

Lot #: 97

US stamped 44

Lot #: 98

F. Williams 8ga

Lot #: 99

Waffen Fabrik German mauser 8mm

Lot #: 100

Strum Ruger 22cal

Lot #: 100a

Alaskan Bull Moose Mount

Lot #: 101

Italian black powder 44cal revolver

Lot #: 102

Colt 41cal? 1884 revolver

Lot #: 103

Henry 22 S L

Lot #: 104

Jukar Spain percussion Derringer

Lot #: 105

Stevens Favorite 25cal

Lot #: 106

Standard Arms 30cal

Lot #: 107

S & W 45

Lot #: 108

R. Menegon 20ga

Lot #: 109

Iver Johnson 22cal

Lot #: 110

W H Davenport Firearms mod 1896 12ga

Lot #: 111

Colt replica 45cal Revolver

Lot #: 112

Remington mod 81 35cal

Lot #: 113

Czech 380cal mod 24

Lot #: 114

Drilling German Fritz Schuhnacher 16ga 9.5mm

Lot #: 115

Pepperbox Allen?s pat 6-shot

Lot #: 116

Winchester mod 95

Lot #: 117

Third Ragoon 44cal

Lot #: 118

Blunder Bus flint lock

Lot #: 119

WW Greenmaker 16ga

Lot #: 120

Star 9mm

Lot #: 120a

Canadian Bull Bison Head Mount

Lot #: 121

Springfield 45-70cal

Lot #: 122

Smith & Wesson 32cal

Lot #: 123

Carl Gustas mod 1915

Lot #: 124

Savage 17cal bolt

Lot #: 125

Russian mod 91 7.62x54R bol

Lot #: 126

Hi-Point Firearms mod JCP 40cal

Lot #: 127

Harrington Richardson mod 088 20ga

Lot #: 128

Forehand Arms Co 32cal

Lot #: 129

S&W mod MNP15-22 22LR

Lot #: 130

The American Double Action 38cal

Lot #: 131

Walther PPR 9mm/S&W 38cal

Lot #: 132

Montgomery Ward WesternField 20ga

Lot #: 133

Harrington-Richardson 32cal

Lot #: 134

Savage 243win mod 10

Lot #: 135

Colt 38cal

Lot #: 136

Premiere SS 22 S/L/LR

Lot #: 137

Colt 45cal

Lot #: 138

French pin fire dbl 10mm

Lot #: 139

Folbert made in Belgium 22cal/9mm

Lot #: 140

Protector 32cal

Lot #: 140a

Dixie Gun Works Cannon

Lot #: 141

Winchester mod 1886 45-90

Lot #: 142

French pin fire dbl 10mm

Lot #: 143

Joseph Child 9mm over 20ga

Lot #: 144

Ruger 45cal

Lot #: 145

Henry Repeating Arms 22cal S/L/LR

Lot #: 146

Franesise D?Arms 32cal

Lot #: 147

Remington mod 10A 12ga

Lot #: 148

Femaru Fegyver Es Gepgyar RT37M 380cal

Lot #: 149

Marlin 22cal

Lot #: 150

Mod PA-83 9MM

Lot #: 151

Winchester mod 03 22

Lot #: 152

E. Whitney Percussion 38 cal Revolver

Lot #: 153

Belgium 22cal

Lot #: 154

Belgium Browning 7mm

Lot #: 155

Civil War mod 1816-69/70cal

Lot #: 156

Smith & Wesson 32cal Revolver

Lot #: 157

Winchester Mod 92 38cal

Lot #: 158

B. Franklin air pistol

Lot #: 159

1917 mod Eddy Stone 30-06

Lot #: 160

Savage mod 1914 22cal S/L/LR

Lot #: 160a

Bull Elk Head Mount

Lot #: 161

Colt House pistol brass frame 41cal?

Lot #: 162

Very Clean 12 ga

Lot #: 163

Civil War Era sword

Lot #: 164

Percussion pistol 20? barrel

Lot #: 165

Winchester 1887 LA 10ga

Lot #: 166

Walther 7.65mm

Lot #: 167

German made Argentine use 9mm rifle

Lot #: 168

32cal 5-shot revolver

Lot #: 169

Winchester mod 1873 44/40

Lot #: 170

Sturm Ruger 357cal Revolver

Lot #: 171

Springfield 45-70 cal

Lot #: 172

Turkish stamped sword

Lot #: 173

Schuetsin target rifle

Lot #: 174

Percussion 41cal pistol

Lot #: 175

1776 Bicentennial 50cal Rifle

Lot #: 176

Black Powder replica 44cal

Lot #: 177

Zastava PAP M85PV 5.56cal/39mm

Lot #: 178

Stevens slide action 22cal S/L/LR

Lot #: 179

Winchester Mod 94 30-30

Lot #: 180

K98 German mauser Sporterized 8mm

Lot #: 180a

Bull Elk Head Mount

Lot #: 181

Marlin Mod 56 12ga

Lot #: 182

Model 1881 Mannlicher

Lot #: 183

Winchester mod 1903 22cal

Lot #: 184

W Richards London dbl 12ga

Lot #: 185

Henry Repeating Arms 22 S/L/LR

Lot #: 186

Knight 50cal black powder

Lot #: 187

Stoeger 30-30

Lot #: 188

Winchester 1887 LA 10ga

Lot #: 189

CVA black powder pistol 45cal

Lot #: 190

Russian Mosin Nagant bolt 7.62cal

Lot #: 191

Sharps mod 1859 4 barrel 25cal

Lot #: 192

Sharps mod 1859 4 barrel 25cal

Lot #: 193

Remington 32cal semi auto

Lot #: 194

Colt 38cal model 1901

Lot #: 195

Stevens mod 14

Lot #: 196

Allen Wheebck Percussion 38cal

Lot #: 197

Marshall Arms Co. 12ga

Lot #: 198

Enfield no 92 N.A. Rdgfld NJ 38cal

Lot #: 199

Marlin Firearms Co. 12ga

Lot #: 200

Merwin Hulbert 32cal Revolver

Lot #: 200a

Caribou Bull Mount

Lot #: 201

Stevens 30cal?

Lot #: 202

Colt 32cal

Lot #: 203

M. Badcock Charlestown Mass 70cal percussion

Lot #: 204


Lot #: 205

Harrington-Richardson M1 Grand 30cal

Lot #: 206

Colt double action 41cal

Lot #: 207

Martini Birmington Small Arms 32cal

Lot #: 208

Czech mod V244/81 flare gun

Lot #: 209

Single Shot bolt 22cal

Lot #: 210

Mauser C96 self loading 8mm

Lot #: 211

M1 Grand carbine 30cal

Lot #: 212


Lot #: 213

Beufort mod 1876 11mm

Lot #: 214

Springfield mod 1873 45-70 cal

Lot #: 215

Rast-Gasser 9.5mm

Lot #: 216

Winchester mod 1890 22cal

Lot #: 217

Browning Morgan Utah 22cal

Lot #: 218

Czech 380 ACP mod 27

Lot #: 219

Hunter Arms Co. LC Smith 12ga

Lot #: 220

European 22cal

Lot #: 220a

Mule Deer Buck Mount

Lot #: 221

Remington Wingmaster model 870 12ga

Lot #: 221

Remington Wingmaster model 870 12ga

Lot #: 222

Marlin 32 or 35cal?

Lot #: 223

Walther 7.65mm

Lot #: 224

British Musket 69cal

Lot #: 225

Civil War Centennial mod. 22cal

Lot #: 226

Savage mod 40 22 S/L/LR

Lot #: 227

Spartan sword

Lot #: 228

Stevens 22cal

Lot #: 228

Stevens 22cal

Lot #: 229

Winchester mod 94 38-55

Lot #: 229

Winchester mod 94 38-55

Lot #: 230

41cal double barrel

Lot #: 231

Stevens over/under 44cal over 20ga

Lot #: 231

Stevens over/under 44cal over 20ga

Lot #: 232

Winchester mod 94 30-30

Lot #: 232

Winchester mod 94 30-30

Lot #: 233

16ga over 9.5mm

Lot #: 233

16ga over 9.5mm

Lot #: 234

Marlin 22cal

Lot #: 234

Marlin 22cal

Lot #: 235

Winchester Mod 94 WCF LA

Lot #: 235

Winchester Mod 94 WCF LA

Lot #: 236

KelTec PLR-16 5.56mm pistol 223rem

Lot #: 237

Winchester Mod 92 25-20

Lot #: 237

Winchester Mod 92 25-20

Lot #: 238

Remington 7mm

Lot #: 239

I. Invernizzi 10ga

Lot #: 240

8mm Revolver

Lot #: 240

8mm Revolver

Lot #: 240a

Bull and Cow Caribou Floor Mount

Lot #: 241

Swiss Bolt 11mm

Lot #: 242

Smith & Wesson 6 Shot Revolver

Lot #: 242

Smith & Wesson 6 Shot Revolver

Lot #: 243

Springfield 30-40 Krag

Lot #: 244

Russian 6 Shot Revolver

Lot #: 244

Russian 6 Shot Revolver

Lot #: 245

Springfield 45-70 cal

Lot #: 245

Springfield 45-70 cal

Lot #: 246

Marlin 22 WMR

Lot #: 247

6 Shot Revolver

Lot #: 248

Springfield Mod 840 222cal

Lot #: 249

Winchester 30-30cal

Lot #: 250

Colt 45 ACP

Lot #: 250a

Full Body Bison Bull Mount

Lot #: 251

Military MI 30cal

Lot #: 252

Double Barrel 12 ga

Lot #: 253

Ruger 22 Cal

Lot #: 254

22 cal Rifle

Lot #: 255

6 Shot K-22 Cal Revolver

Lot #: 256

Remington Mod 241 22LR

Lot #: 257

Remington Style 44cal

Lot #: 257

Remington Style 44cal

Lot #: 258

Winchester Mod 94 30-30cal

Lot #: 259

Stevens 22cal

Lot #: 260

Enfield British .303

Lot #: 260a

Blackbuck Antelope Head Mount

Lot #: 261

Oriental Origin 50cal

Lot #: 262

Mauser Pistol

Lot #: 263

Sterling 9mm

Lot #: 264

Smith & Wesson 22 Short

Lot #: 264

Smith & Wesson 22 Short

Lot #: 265

Baikal Russia DBL 12 ga

Lot #: 265

Baikal Russia DBL 12 ga

Lot #: 266

New Ruger 10-22 22 LR

Lot #: 267

ELC Revolver 6 Shot 30cal

Lot #: 267

ELC Revolver 6 Shot 30cal

Lot #: 268

Marlin 30-30LA

Lot #: 268

Marlin 30-30LA

Lot #: 269

Winchester Mod 94 LA 32-40

Lot #: 270

Revolver 7mm

Lot #: 270a

Wildebeast Head Mount

Lot #: 271

Westernfield Mod 30 12 ga

Lot #: 272

Walther 6.35mm 25cal

Lot #: 273

Berthier Mannlicher Mod 1892 Carbine w/Bayonet

Lot #: 274

Mossberg 20 ga

Lot #: 275

Finish Krag 8.5mm

Lot #: 276

Harrington & Richardson 28ga

Lot #: 277

Remington Model 24 22LR

Lot #: 278

Mauser Mod 1891 8mm

Photo Gallery

American Derringer Corp 9mm Winchester Model 1906 22 Short Winchester Model 100 243Win US Springfield Model 1873 Carbine 45 70 Worlds Challenger 12ga Brevete DRP Germany 6mm Remington Field Master Model 121 22lR Raikal SxS 30 06 Remington 30Cal Winchester 1894 30WCF Russian  Stamped 144  7 62x54R Roberts 8ga Jennings Firearms Inc J 22 22lR Remington model 700 222Rem cal Drilling Kupp Stahl 20ga Winchester Model 25 12ga Hopkins   Allen 32cal 1943 Russian 7 62x54 cal Remington Model 700 30 06 Colt Model 1903 32cal Whitetail large 8pt Buck Mount Winchester Model 94 30 30cal Taurus Circuit Judge 45lC 410ga Harrington   Richardson Model 176 10ga US Springfield 1869 Nickel Ornate 1860 Dumoulin   Co 35cal Revolver Underwood M2 Carbine 30 M1cal Remington 30cal Martini Enfield Model 1896 303 Browning Belgium 12ga Winchester Model 1873 32 20 US Springfield Model 1898 Armory 30cal Ruger 22cal   22 Win Mag Revolver Webley Mark IV 38 Revolver Alexandria Pro Fab AR 15 22 Cal Stevens Savage Arms Model 311 12ga Marlin Model 60 22lR Winchester Model 94 30 30cal Twin Hammer SxS 30cal 22cal Iver Johnson 38cal Revolver Walther P38 Vintage Revolver Raccoon Mount Browning Belgium Mag 12ga Mauser Bolt Action 8mm H7D Folsum Arms Sxs Double 12ga Fiala Arms Model 1920 22cal Iner Arms Mauser Parabellum 30 luger W Richards 16ga Prescott Pistol Co Paragon  38 Brass Reciever H R Model 900 22cal Revolver T Barker Royal Damascus 12ga E Remington   son Quad Bbl 32cal Winchester Model 1894 38 55 Browning 22lR Pistol S W 32cal Revolver S W 32cal Revolver Winchester Model 1894 30WCF Springfield 1903 30 06 Winchester Model 1901 22cal Hopkins   Allen 12ga Savage Mark II 22lR Henry Big Boy lever Action 44 Rem Pronghorn Antelope Buck Mount Browning Arms 22cal Handgun W Papkhurst  Belgium  12ga Italian GvIJmt Metallugrica Bresciana 40cal Allen   Thurber Percussion 34 ball US Springfield Model 1873 High Standard Model H D Military 22lR Handgun Remingtom Military Style Black Powder Intratec Scorpion SA 22lR Handgun Winchester Model 12 Pump 12ga Stevens Favorite Model 71 22cal Mossberg 22cal 1860IJs 12ga Muzzle loader Marlin 32cal Revolver Eclipse 22cal Eclipse 22cal Derringer Colt Model 45 Smith   Wesson 22cal Revolver Colt 1889 38lC Revolver Stevens 32cal Euro Belgium 7mm Euro 5mm Beaver Mount EddyStone 6 5mm Stevens 22cal Springfield 1884 trap door 45 70cal British Enfield 303 French Military 38cal revolver German K98 1943 mrg German 22cal Zulu 12ga Marlin 22cal Colt lightning 1883 44cal Replica Italian Ragoon 44cal Japanese 7 7mm European Haerens RustKammer 9mm Winchester Mod 94 Carbine lA 32spl Shall   Co 22 SA US stamped 44 F  Williams 8ga Waffen Fabrik German mauser 8mm Strum Ruger 22cal Alaskan Bull Moose Mount Italian black powder 44cal revolver Colt 41calIJ 1884 revolver Henry 22 S l Jukar Spain percussion Derringer Stevens Favorite 25cal Standard Arms 30cal S   W 45 R  Menegon 20ga Iver Johnson 22cal W H Davenport Firearms mod 1896 12ga Colt replica 45cal Revolver Remington mod 81  35cal Czech 380cal mod 24 Drilling German Fritz Schuhnacher 16ga 9 5mm Pepperbox AllenIJs pat 6 shot Winchester mod 95 Third Ragoon 44cal Blunder Bus flint lock WW Greenmaker 16ga Star 9mm Canadian Bull Bison Head Mount Springfield 45 70cal Smith   Wesson 32cal Carl Gustas mod 1915 Savage 17cal bolt Russian mod 91 7 62x54R bol Hi Point Firearms mod JCP 40cal Harrington Richardson mod 088 20ga Forehand Arms Co 32cal S W mod MNP15 22 22lR The American Double Action 38cal Walther PPR 9mm S W 38cal Montgomery Ward WesternField 20ga Harrington Richardson 32cal Savage 243win mod 10 Colt 38cal Premiere SS 22 S l lR Colt 45cal French pin fire dbl 10mm Folbert made in Belgium 22cal 9mm Protector 32cal Dixie Gun Works Cannon Winchester mod 1886 45 90 French pin fire dbl 10mm Joseph Child 9mm over 20ga Ruger 45cal Henry Repeating Arms 22cal S l lR Franesise DIJArms 32cal Remington mod 10A 12ga Femaru Fegyver Es Gepgyar RT37M 380cal Marlin 22cal Mod PA 83 9MM Winchester mod 03 22 E  Whitney Percussion 38 cal Revolver Belgium 22cal Belgium Browning 7mm Civil War mod 1816 69 70cal Smith   Wesson 32cal Revolver Winchester Mod 92 38cal B  Franklin air pistol 1917 mod Eddy Stone 30 06 Savage mod 1914 22cal S l lR Bull Elk Head Mount Colt House pistol brass frame 41calIJ Very Clean 12 ga Civil War Era sword Percussion pistol 20IJ barrel Winchester 1887 lA 10ga Walther 7 65mm German made Argentine use 9mm rifle 32cal 5 shot revolver Winchester mod 1873 44 40 Sturm Ruger 357cal Revolver Springfield 45 70 cal Turkish stamped sword Schuetsin target rifle Percussion 41cal pistol 1776 Bicentennial 50cal Rifle Black Powder replica 44cal Zastava PAP M85PV 5 56cal 39mm Stevens slide action 22cal S l lR Winchester Mod 94 30 30 K98 German mauser Sporterized 8mm Bull Elk Head Mount Marlin Mod 56  12ga Model 1881 Mannlicher Winchester mod 1903 22cal W Richards london dbl 12ga Henry Repeating Arms 22 S l lR Knight 50cal black powder Stoeger 30 30 Winchester 1887 lA 10ga CVA black powder pistol 45cal Russian Mosin Nagant bolt 7 62cal Sharps mod 1859 4 barrel 25cal Sharps mod 1859 4 barrel 25cal Remington 32cal semi auto Colt 38cal model 1901 Stevens mod 14 Allen Wheebck Percussion 38cal Marshall Arms Co  12ga Enfield no 92 N A  Rdgfld NJ 38cal Marlin Firearms Co  12ga Merwin Hulbert 32cal Revolver Caribou Bull Mount Stevens 30calIJ Colt 32cal M  Badcock Charlestown Mass 70cal percussion 35calIJ Harrington Richardson M1 Grand 30cal Colt double action 41cal Martini Birmington Small Arms 32cal Czech mod V244 81 flare gun Single Shot bolt 22cal Mauser C96 self loading 8mm M1 Grand carbine 30cal 22cal Beufort mod 1876 11mm Springfield mod 1873 45 70 cal Rast Gasser 9 5mm Winchester mod 1890 22cal Browning Morgan Utah 22cal Czech 380 ACP mod 27 Hunter Arms Co  lC Smith 12ga European 22cal Mule Deer Buck Mount Remington Wingmaster model 870 12ga Remington Wingmaster model 870 12ga Marlin 32 or 35calIJ Walther 7 65mm British Musket 69cal Civil War Centennial mod  22cal Savage mod 40 22 S l lR Spartan sword Stevens 22cal Stevens 22cal Winchester mod 94 38 55 Winchester mod 94 38 55 41cal double barrel Stevens over under 44cal over 20ga Stevens over under 44cal over 20ga Winchester mod 94  30 30 Winchester mod 94  30 30 16ga over 9 5mm 16ga over 9 5mm Marlin 22cal Marlin 22cal Winchester Mod 94 WCF lA Winchester Mod 94 WCF lA KelTec PlR 16 5 56mm pistol 223rem Winchester Mod 92  25 20 Winchester Mod 92  25 20 Remington 7mm I  Invernizzi 10ga 8mm Revolver 8mm Revolver Bull and Cow Caribou Floor Mount Swiss Bolt 11mm Smith   Wesson 6 Shot Revolver Smith   Wesson 6 Shot Revolver Springfield 30 40 Krag Russian 6 Shot Revolver Russian 6 Shot Revolver Springfield 45 70 cal Springfield 45 70 cal Marlin 22 WMR 6 Shot Revolver Springfield Mod 840 222cal Winchester 30 30cal Colt 45 ACP Full Body Bison Bull Mount Military MI 30cal Double Barrel 12 ga Ruger 22 Cal 22 cal Rifle 6 Shot K 22 Cal Revolver Remington Mod 241 22lR Remington Style 44cal Remington Style 44cal Winchester Mod 94 30 30cal Stevens 22cal Enfield British  303 Blackbuck Antelope Head Mount Oriental Origin 50cal Mauser Pistol Sterling 9mm Smith   Wesson 22 Short Smith   Wesson 22 Short Baikal Russia DBl 12 ga Baikal Russia DBl 12 ga New Ruger 10 22  22 lR ElC Revolver 6 Shot 30cal ElC Revolver 6 Shot 30cal Marlin 30 30lA Marlin 30 30lA Winchester Mod 94 lA 32 40 Revolver 7mm Wildebeast Head Mount Westernfield Mod 30 12 ga Walther 6 35mm 25cal Berthier Mannlicher Mod 1892 Carbine w Bayonet Mossberg 20 ga Finish Krag 8 5mm Harrington   Richardson 28ga Remington Model 24 22lR Mauser Mod 1891 8mm


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