dewayne bruns


9 July, 2016 10:00 am

From Vergas, MN 1 1/2 miles Northeast on
County Hwy 4 to 34409 County Hwy 4 Frazee, MN.


Ford 9600 Diesel, cab 10 front wts. 7487 hrs.
18.4R38 good rear rubber sold with hub
duals, dual hyd., 3pt 1000-540 PTO

Massey Ferguson 65 gas tractor w/front ,
w/farmhand loader, 3pt, 540 PTO, and
fenders 13.6-38 good rubber
SN: CGM654496
Allis Chalmers D-19 gas tractor w/front 3rd
link 2pt 540 PTO 16.9-34 poor rubber, hyd.
Ford diesel 2000 Super Dexter 3pt.
540 PTO 14.9-24 good rubber
AC WD wide front 14.9-28/13 28 fair rubber
 PayLoMatic propane Pay loader #25

Honda Forman ATV 785 miles, 1 owner
4×4 ATV, sprayer sells separate
14’ Aluminum Crestliner fishing
boat w/trailer, md Super Seaman

 Savage MD 187 N 22 Auto
Stevens MD 95422 auto, never fired
AK-47-7.62×39 cal. auto w/scope
Misc. ammo mixed
Misc. fishing supplies
Meat grinder
Boat seats
Johnson 5hp boat motor
Evinrude 15hp boat motors
Adults Trike bike
4 wheeler carrier
ATV spryer w/booms
Gas cast camping burner, 3 burner


Hiniker 3pt snow blower 6 1/2’ auger 1000 PTO hyd. spout
Hydro mac skid steer 2cyl Onan motor
Tractor chains
6’ Brush hog 3pt 540 PTO
Katolight MD 35LRI generator 540 PTO, 35KW
New barb wire
Air tanks
NH MD 450 3pt sickle mower
Onan generator runs on propane
Onan generator
Large dehorner
Wagon running gear
Cattle gates
Plow parts
NH 770 field chopper
NH hay head
Mohawk 8’ 3pt back blade
Dearborn 3pt digger 7’
13’ ford digger
6’ tandem disc
2 Open flight elevators
MD D SN: 3844900110 MM Corn Sheller
Old truck bed 2 wheel trailer w/dump box
2 bottom steel wheel plow
Cozy cab tractor cab
Kory wagon running gears
NH #28 forage blower
NH MD 66 square baler
T posts approx. 50
Diesel barrel w/stand
24 calf pen w/bucket holders
Stainless steel wash vats double
Small 4” grain augers
2 fanning mills
Plat form scale w/wts.


Metal swing
Jerry mower
Dixon ZTR 308 zero turn mower, 11hp
Portable generator
Murray 16hp riding mower
Lawn cart
Wheel barrows
Forks, shovels, rakes
Coleman generator 1500 W
Garden hose
Benches, picnic table
Snow blower
Ryobi trimmer tiller


Bar stools
2 matching recliners
Many VHS tapes and movies
Elec. Guitar w/case
Sewing cabinet
Pig nick knacks
Salt & Peppers
Chalk ware
Pin cushions
Crochet & knitted items
Towels & linens
Bedroom dresser w/mirror
Cedar chest
Old cameras
Mixture of old silverware
Kitchen counter top appliances
Meat saw
Electric boxes
Whirl Pool dryer
Galvanized tubs & pails
Misc. lumber


Craftsmen tool box
Acetylene torch w/Harris head and tanks and cart
Battery chargers
Car ramps
Handy man jack
Portable fuel tank w/pump


2004 Dodge SLT 4×4 Ram 1500 5.7 liter
hemi magnum 30,570 miles at time of
listing, 4 door, air, cruise, cloth seats
one owner, auto tonneau cover
1987 Mazda pickup B2200
95,912 miles, 5 speed


Yellow depression / Green depression
Pink depression / Noritake glassware
China hutch w/claw feat and bevel glass mirror
Mantel clock
Dresser lamps
Toy metal truck
Small table
Philco Radio
Cups and Saucer sets
Carnival glass
Cut glass
Collector plates
Dresser 3 drawer w/mirror
Pitcher and bowl w/wash stand
3 gallon Red Wing crock (cracked)
Book shelf
Tinker toys
Land O Lakes glass 1 gallon milk jar
Vergas Creamery salt & pepper (other advertisement pcs)
Chas. A. Peterson Otto F. Harthun Vergas, MN green depression
Ehlke’s Best coffee tin Vergas, MN
Spice tins
1931 Richter Bros calendar
1954 Frazee Times newspaper
1946 Fargo Forum
Corn planters
GE radio
Dresser w/beveled glass mirror
Enamel ware
Armoire hutch
Collector tins, tobacco tins
Many crates and wood boxes
Many Trunks
Old school maps
Wicker baskets
Mainline express electric train set in box
Doilies, buttons
8 gallon & 2 two 6 gallon RW crocks
Costume jewelry
Cast pans
Tyco train
Bachmann Train engine
Old magazines
Flour sacks
Thomas Edison cyl Record player
Cyl records
Crock canning jar
Hat boxes
Kitchen cupboard
Arrow coaster child’s wagon
Wash boards
Copper boilers
Milker buckets
Bob sled parts
5, 8 and 10 gallon cream cans
Neck yokes & eveners
Wooden skies


Power hand tools
Air hoses
Hand wrenches
Pliers, screw drivers
Pipe bender
Large crescent wrenches
48” alum pipe wrenches
Cordless tools
Extension cords
Delta table saw
Bench grinder
Bench vise, organizers
Tool boxes
Chain saws
Drill press
30 ton shop press
Power washer 5hp Honda motor
Amorox metal cut off saw
Drill bits
Tap & Die set
Cut off saw
Wands Arc welder
Century wire feed welder 225 amp
6hp upright air compressor
Plus More

Photo Gallery


TERMS & CONDITIONS: Cash/check/credit card, if credit is desired, make arrangements with your financial institution before sale. A 5% Convenience fee will apply to Credit Card Transactions. No property is to be removed from premises until settled for with clerks. All statements made by the auctioneer the day of the sale shall take precedence over any printed advertising. Owners, Auc-tioneers or Clerks are not responsible for errors or omissions in above listing. All guarantees are between buyer and seller. Not responsible for accidents. Register for bidding number. A $25.00 fee will be assessed on all titled vehicles purchased.


Realtor, Auctioneer, Appraiser • MN Lic 03-23, ND 492

Realtor, Auctioneer
MN Lic 03-53

MN Lic 03-51

Jane Bachmann Clerking


Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. BACHMANN AUCTIONEERS, agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.