Online bidding:

don lefebvre estate

United Country Aasness Auctioneers

16 March, 2025 7:27 pm

*Large Lifetime Collection of Vintage, Antique and Old West Firearm?s, (One of the Largest Collection of Savage Model 99 Rifles we?ve had the opportunity to sell), Plus Hunting and Handgun Firearms. Brands and Manufacturers including Winchester, Marlin, Stevens, Savage, Springfield, Browning, Ruger, Sig Sauer, Kimber, Beretta, Glock and Others. Also including a Vintage Ammo Collection, Vintage Hunting/Sporting, Swords and Other Memorabilia.

Lot #: 100

Stevens Favorite Cal 32 rimfire Rifle

Lot #: 101

Winchester Model 94 Rifle

Lot #: 102

Winchester Model 92 Rifle

Lot #: 103

Savage Model 99 Rifle

Lot #: 104

Winchester 1894 Rifle

Lot #: 105

Winchester Model 67 Rifle

Lot #: 106

Winchester Model 94 Rifle

Lot #: 107

Winchester Model 94

Lot #: 108

Meriden Model 10 Rifle

Lot #: 109

Winchester Model 94

Lot #: 110

Winchester Model 94

Lot #: 111

Marlin Model 1894

Lot #: 112

Marlin Lever Action 410 gauge Shotgun

Lot #: 113

Winchester Model 94

Lot #: 114

Winchester Model 94 Rifle

Lot #: 115

Winchester Model 55 Rifle

Lot #: 116

Savage Model 99 Rifle

Lot #: 117

Winchester Model 1895

Lot #: 118

Winchester Model 73 Rifle

Lot #: 119

Savage Model 99 Rifle

Lot #: 120

Winchester Model 94 Rifle

Lot #: 121

Johnson M 41 Rifle

Lot #: 122

Browning 22 Auto Rifle

Lot #: 123

Winchester Model 94

Lot #: 124

Springfield M1 Garand Rifle

Lot #: 125

Winchester Model 94

Lot #: 126

Winchester Model 42 Shotgun

Lot #: 127

Winchester Mdl 1894 Mdl 94 Deluxe or Mdl 64 deluxe

Lot #: 128

Winchester Model 73 Rifle

Lot #: 129

Winchester Model 94

Lot #: 130

Stevens Favorite Rifle

Lot #: 131

Winchester Mdl 94 Rifle,

Lot #: 132

Savage Model 99-H

Lot #: 133

Winchester Model 42 Shotgun

Lot #: 134

Winchester Model 88 Rifle

Lot #: 135

Savage Model 99k Rifle

Lot #: 136

Winchester Model 94

Lot #: 137

Winchester Model 70 Rifle

Lot #: 138

Savage Model 99A Rifle

Lot #: 139

Winchester Model 94 Rifle

Lot #: 140

Savage Model 1899B Rifle

Lot #: 141

Winchester Model 94

Lot #: 142

Savage Model 99 Rifle

Lot #: 143

Winchester Model 42 Engraved Shotgun

Lot #: 144

Winchester Model 66 “Yellow Boy” Carbine,

Lot #: 145

Winchester Model 94 Rifle, Saddle Ring Carbine

Lot #: 146

Winchester Model 86 Rifle

Lot #: 147

Winchester Model 94 Carbine

Lot #: 148

Savage Model 1899 Rifle, Rare Cal 32-40,

Lot #: 149

Stevens Falling Block Rifle

Lot #: 150

Savage Model 99 Rifle

Lot #: 151

Winchester Model 92, Saddle Ring Carbine

Lot #: 152

Winchester Model 73 LA, Rare Saddle Ring Carbine

Lot #: 153

Winchester Model 92 Rifle, Cal 38-40

Lot #: 154

Winchester Model 1894 LA, Cal 25-35

Lot #: 155

Beretta PX4 Storm Handgun, Cal 9 mm luger

Lot #: 156

glass display w/rare 45/50 caliber shells display

Lot #: 157

Winchester Model 71 Rifle, Cal. 348 WCF

Lot #: 158

Naval Officers Sword, US Model 1850,

Lot #: 159

USM Bayonet wth scabbord for M16 Rifle

Lot #: 160

Savage Model 99 rifle book

Lot #: 161

Winchester Model 73 LA Rifle, Cal 44-40

Lot #: 162

Known as the “Patton ” sword, US Model 1913

Lot #: 163

Marlin Model 1893 LA Rifle, Very rare 25-35 Cal.

Lot #: 164

Savage Model 99 Rifle, Cal 25-35,

Lot #: 165

Marlin Model 94 LA Rifle, Cal 32-20,

Lot #: 166

Winchester Model 73 LA Rifle, Cal. 32

Lot #: 167

Winchester Model 94 LA Rifle, Cal 25-35

Lot #: 175

UD Springfield Trapdoor Model 1884 Rifle

Lot #: 176

Antique Kentucky Long Rifle

Lot #: 177

Vintage Remington Rolling Block Vintage rifle

Lot #: 178

US Rock Island US Model 1903 Military Rifle

Lot #: 179

Winchester Model 70 270cal Bolt Action Rifle

Lot #: 180

Winchester Vintage Model 1887 Lever Action 12ga

Lot #: 181

Vintage Military Issue U.S. & S. 1911 pistol

Lot #: 182

Remington Model Nylon 11 22cal

Lot #: 200

Thompson Center Classic 22Cal LR SA Rifle

Lot #: 201

Buffalo LA’s Deputy 22Cal LR Handgun

Lot #: 202

Browning SA 22Cal Made in Belgium Rifle,

Lot #: 203

Kimber Covert II .45Cal ACP SA Handgun

Lot #: 204

Remington Model 700 BDL 223Cal Rifle

Lot #: 205

Sig Sauer P232 Stainless 380Cal Handgun

Lot #: 206

Remington Speedmaster Model 512 22Cal Rifle

Lot #: 207

Fabrique Browning Pat German WWII 380 or 32 Cal

Lot #: 208

Sig Arms Aurora TR40 Over & Under 20ga Shotgun

Lot #: 209

Canik TP9SFX 9mm Handgun

Lot #: 210

Remington Model 17 20ga Shotgun,

Lot #: 211

Glock Model 19 Gen 3 9mm Handgun,

Lot #: 212

Stag Arms AR15 556 223Cal Stag 15

Lot #: 213

Glock Model 42 380Cal Handgun

Lot #: 214

Savage M93 17HMR Snow Camo Rifle

Lot #: 215

Glock Model 19 Gen 4 9mm Handgun

Lot #: 216

Stevens/Savage Model 555E 20ga Shotgun

Lot #: 217

Heckler & Koch VP-9 9mm Handgun

Lot #: 218

Winchester Model 94 Lever Action 30WCF Rifle,

Lot #: 219

Ruger SR 22P 22Cal LR Handgun

Lot #: 220

Browning A5 12ga Belgium Shotgun

Lot #: 221

Ruger Red Hawk 41 Magnum Stainless Handgun

Lot #: 222

Browning A5 16ga Shotgun,

Lot #: 223

Browning Model 1911-22 22Cal Handgun

Lot #: 224

Savage Mark II 22Cal Bolt Action Rifle

Lot #: 225

S&W Shield Performance Center 40Cal Handgun

Lot #: 226

Howa Model 1500 243Cal Bolt Action Rifle

Lot #: 227

Browning Model 1911 Black Label 380Cal Handgun

Lot #: 228

American Classic Crossman .177Cal Pellet Rifle

Lot #: 229

CZ 75 Compact 9mm Handgun,

Lot #: 230

Game Bone Collector 1300FPS .177Cal Pellet Rifle,

Lot #: 231

Hi Standard Double Nine 22Cal Revolver

Lot #: 232

Browning SA 22Cal Handgun, LR,

Lot #: 233

Browning Buckmark Challenge SE-Pro Target SA

Lot #: 234

Dan Wesson CTG 357 Magnum Revolver

Lot #: 235

Sig Sauer P220 SAS 45Cal SA Handgun

Lot #: 236

Savage Model 64 22cal LR

Lot #: 237

Remington Model 550-1 22cal LR Short

Lot #: 238

Marksman 4.5mm/177cal Pellet Pistol

Photo Gallery

Stevens Favorite Cal 32 rimfire Rifle Winchester Model 94 Rifle Winchester Model 92 Rifle Savage Model 99 Rifle Winchester 1894 Rifle Winchester Model 67 Rifle Winchester Model 94 Rifle Winchester Model 94 Meriden Model 10 Rifle Winchester Model 94 Winchester Model 94 Marlin Model 1894 Marlin lever Action 410 gauge Shotgun Winchester Model 94 Winchester Model 94 Rifle Winchester Model 55 Rifle Savage Model 99 Rifle Winchester Model 1895 Winchester Model 73 Rifle Savage Model 99 Rifle Winchester Model 94 Rifle Johnson M 41 Rifle Browning 22 Auto Rifle Winchester Model 94 Springfield M1 Garand Rifle Winchester Model 94 Winchester Model 42 Shotgun Winchester Mdl 1894 Mdl 94 Deluxe or Mdl 64 deluxe Winchester Model 73 Rifle Winchester Model 94 Stevens Favorite Rifle Winchester Mdl 94 Rifle Savage Model 99 H Winchester Model 42 Shotgun Winchester Model 88 Rifle Savage Model 99k Rifle Winchester Model 94 Winchester Model 70 Rifle Savage Model 99A Rifle Winchester Model 94 Rifle Savage Model 1899B Rifle Winchester Model 94 Savage Model 99 Rifle Winchester Model 42 Engraved Shotgun Winchester Model 66  Yellow Boy  Carbine Winchester Model 94 Rifle  Saddle Ring Carbine Winchester Model 86 Rifle Winchester Model 94 Carbine Savage Model 1899 Rifle  Rare Cal 32 40 Stevens Falling Block Rifle Savage Model 99 Rifle Winchester Model 92  Saddle Ring Carbine Winchester Model 73 lA  Rare Saddle Ring Carbine Winchester Model 92 Rifle  Cal 38 40 Winchester Model 1894 lA  Cal 25 35 Beretta PX4 Storm Handgun  Cal 9 mm luger glass display w rare 45 50 caliber shells display Winchester Model 71 Rifle  Cal  348 WCF Naval Officers Sword  US Model 1850 USM Bayonet wth scabbord for M16 Rifle Savage Model 99 rifle book Winchester Model 73 lA Rifle  Cal 44 40 Known as the  Patton   sword  US Model 1913 Marlin Model 1893 lA Rifle  Very rare 25 35 Cal Savage Model 99 Rifle  Cal 25 35 Marlin Model 94 lA Rifle  Cal 32 20 Winchester Model 73 lA Rifle  Cal  32 Winchester Model 94 lA Rifle  Cal 25 35 UD Springfield Trapdoor Model 1884 Rifle Antique Kentucky long Rifle Vintage Remington Rolling Block Vintage rifle US Rock Island US Model 1903 Military Rifle Winchester Model 70 270cal Bolt Action Rifle Winchester Vintage Model 1887 lever Action 12ga Vintage Military Issue U S    S  1911 pistol Remington Model Nylon 11 22cal Thompson Center Classic 22Cal lR SA Rifle Buffalo lA s Deputy 22Cal lR Handgun Browning SA 22Cal Made in Belgium Rifle Kimber Covert II  45Cal ACP SA Handgun Remington Model 700 BDl 223Cal Rifle Sig Sauer P232 Stainless 380Cal Handgun Remington Speedmaster Model 512 22Cal Rifle Fabrique Browning Pat German WWII 380 or 32 Cal Sig Arms Aurora TR40 Over   Under 20ga Shotgun Canik TP9SFX 9mm Handgun Remington Model 17 20ga Shotgun Glock Model 19 Gen 3 9mm Handgun Stag Arms AR15 556 223Cal Stag 15 Glock Model 42 380Cal Handgun Savage M93 17HMR Snow Camo Rifle Glock Model 19 Gen 4 9mm Handgun Stevens Savage Model 555E 20ga Shotgun Heckler   Koch VP 9 9mm Handgun Winchester Model 94 lever Action 30WCF Rifle Ruger SR 22P 22Cal lR Handgun Browning A5 12ga Belgium Shotgun Ruger Red Hawk 41 Magnum Stainless Handgun Browning A5 16ga Shotgun Browning Model 1911 22 22Cal Handgun Savage Mark II 22Cal Bolt Action Rifle S W Shield Performance Center 40Cal Handgun Howa Model 1500 243Cal Bolt Action Rifle Browning Model 1911 Black label 380Cal Handgun American Classic Crossman  177Cal Pellet Rifle CZ 75 Compact 9mm Handgun Game Bone Collector 1300FPS  177Cal Pellet Rifle Hi Standard Double Nine 22Cal Revolver Browning SA 22Cal Handgun  lR Browning Buckmark Challenge SE Pro Target SA Dan Wesson CTG 357 Magnum Revolver Sig Sauer P220 SAS 45Cal SA Handgun Savage Model 64 22cal lR Remington Model 550 1 22cal lR Short Marksman 4 5mm 177cal Pellet Pistol


Special TermsSpecial Terms: Please read special terms. Do not register to bid until you have read all terms as they will be enforced! 1. All persons attending the exhibition, sale, or removal of merchandise assume all risks of damage to person or property and specifically release and indemnify United Country Aasness Auctioneers, LLC. from any liability. 2. All property is sold "AS IS", with no guarantees or warranties and ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Property is open to thorough public inspection. It is the Bidder's responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, value or any other determinative factor. United Country Aasness Auctioneers, LLC. may attempt to describe the merchandise in advertising, on the internet and at the auction but makes no representations. In no event shall United Country Aasness Auctioneers, LLC. be held responsible for having made or implied any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Bidder shall be the sole judge of value. 3. All internet Bidders agree to pay an internet fee of the hammer price of each item they purchase. 4. Bidders who bid from off site and are not present at the live auction or preview understand and acknowledge that they may not be able to inspect an item as well as if they examined it in person. United Country Aasness Auctioneers, LLC. shall endeavor to describe in detail each item and any pertinent information about it United Country Aasness Auctioneers, LLC. will not be responsible for any errors or omissions in the description of the merchandise unless it is a material and intentional misrepresentation of the item itself. Bidder agrees that everything is sold as is and that they may not return any item they purchase for any reason. 5. United Country Aasness Auctioneers, LLC. is providing internet pre-auction and live bidding as a service to Bidder. Bidder acknowledges and understands that this service may or may not function correctly the day of the auction. Under no circumstances shall Bidder have any kind of claim against United Country Aasness Auctioneers, LLC. or anyone else if the internet service fails to work correctly before or during the live auction. United Country Aasness Auctioneers, LLC. will not be responsible for any missed bids from any source. Internet bidders who desire to make certain their bid is acknowledged should use the proxy-bidding feature and leave their maximum bid 24 hours before the auction begins. United Country Aasness Auctioneers, LLC. reserves the right to withdraw or re-catalog items in this auction. 6. The auctioneer shall advance the bidding at his own discretion. United Country Aasness Auctioneers, LLC. may withdraw any item before or during the auction. Should a tie or a dispute arise between two bidders, the auctioneer may, at his discretion, reopen the bidding until the property is sold. The record of the auction made by United Country Aasness Auctioneers, LLC. shall be conclusive. . Unless exempted by law, the purchaser shall pay any and all applicable taxes. Bidder agrees to indemnify against any claim if sales tax is not collected on Bidder's purchases. Bidder further agrees that under no circumstances will he/she initiate a chargeback on his/her credit card. Each buyer will have to fill out a ST3 form or sales tax will apply on farm machinery.Firearms purchased online and shipped will need to be shipped from our FFL to your FFL. NO Exceptions'


Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. United Country Aasness Auctioneers, agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.