s v ranch estate date change

G & G Auctioneers

17 March, 2025 11:10 pm

2175 93rd Ave SW - Taylor, ND

gold mining equipment

aerometer tells air direction and velocity


518 Dresser loader-Komatsu eng

AustinWesternSuper 400 maintainer

Cat bulldozer-motor out

sweeper for payloader, low boy trailer

ANBO anvil forks for payloader-like new                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


2950 JD MFWD-3pt, 2 hyd, joystick,

   w/260 JD SL loader, 11,113 hrs

2290 Case-2 hyd, 3 pt, 540/1000, PS,

   6530 hrs, 18.4-38 tires

350 FarmAll -1 hyd, 540,wide, torque

’12 L230 NH skidsteer –40 hrs, 2 buckets,

   pallet fork, post hole digger w/9” & 12’ bits


’94 GMC Sierra 1500 SLE-4X4, auto,

   AC, 127K, topper

’85 Volva moving van-diesel w/Tommy Lift

White semi, ’76 Dodge pickup w/flatbed

’65 Chevy grain truck, 100 GMC pickup

Model T truck-ran when parked

Diamond D 10’ GN stock trailer

’12 ABU trailer-walk dually, flip beaver tail

’01 Exiss-3 horse, hay rack, AC -D Stewart

’10 Featherlite 20’ stock combo-D Stewart


21’ Koffler- jet- runs good

ATV windshields & fencing box

ATV fence line ramp, ATV trailer

’84 Lance pickup camper

9.9 Yamaha boat motor

5.5 Johnson boat motor


1380 JD haybine, 2 JD mowers

Rowse dble mower, 3 pt bale fork

JD 8’ trailer type mower-field ready

FH hay basket, 9 wheel rake, bale auger

200 Husky pickup sprayer, chisel plow

LL247A press drill, LLA press drill

105 JD combine w/sund pu & straight head

18½‘ IH vibra shank w/hyd harrow

Parker gravity box, Foster wagon

2 grain augers, Mayrath drill fills

silage truck end gate, 8’ Allied dozer

3 pt blade,3 pt cement mixer-like new

diamond tooth harrow, under cutter

snowblower, 4 bot JD plow, transfer auger

Leutz grinder, 7 sect harrow

straw saver, mushroom hay stacker


Bale Buster bale processor

420 ArtsWay grinder mixer

creep feeder, 100+ bales hay

AC feed wagon, Priefert chute

The Elgin windmill, water tank

3 bale feeders, 7 Maverick 10’ panels

2-16’Trailhand gates,12’ Sioux gate

cake feeder on trailer, turned tires

calf table, saddle, horse blankets

RR ties, wood & steel posts

chicken feeders & waterers

PARMAK solar fencer-25 mi

steel post pounder, wire winder

fence stretcher, clips, post puller


channel iron, 50+ ¾” sucker rod

13 alum beams, PVC pipe, 4” pipe

wrought iron patio rail, soffits

various size plywood, cedar lumber

2 pallets quikrete

½” blue & 1½” pink foam sheets

pallet of 2X4 lumber, full roll of PEX pipe

pallet of rough cut 2X10

pallet of rough cut 1X10

17 boxes Great Lakes wood flooring-NIB

Lots of plumbing supplies, 2 toilets-NIB

Lots of electrical supplies

SafWay professional scaffolding


2 HD rolling work benches-NIB

Rollomatic eng hoist, engine stand

acetylene torches

Gorilla rack 2 dr cabinet on wheels

Coleman MagnaForce 27g air comp

 lge anvil

Dayton 150 BTU oil heater, spikes

1½ hp air comp, nuts, bolts, screws

TrueCraft ¾” socket set, sweeps

portable air tank, creeper, ladders

car jacks, filters, anti-freeze, oils

sledge hammer, ratchet wrenches

Craftsman 15” 12 spd floor drill press

tube grease, hyd hose, cylinders,

weed burner, water fire extinguisher

Delco auto diagnostic tester, chain

Nat gas heater, Alked 3 T floor jack

250 gal service tank, metal bender

350-500 gal fuel tanks, 3 gas stands

L shape service tank w/12v pump

100 gal service tank w/12v pump

air hose reel, #12 Vulcan c-clamp

c-clamps, dual clamps, Jet jointer

long box pickup mat, floor jacks

guards-new, platform ladders

steering wheel locks, rolls hot roofing

9000 & 20,000 twine, 15” Jet planer

sheet rock jack/stand, 2 prop wall heaters


Waines coat kitchen cabinet, table

RW 12 crock lid, 2 gal crown crock

claw foot piano stool, cream can

bob sled parts, forge, windmill head

hay barn pulley, pails of traps, insulators

bottles/decanters, steel spoke wheels

reclamation wood from school house

Maytag gas stove, cr. separator

cast iron sink & tub, lge scythe

pedal grindstone, wagon wheels/parts

1 row HD cult, binder header

dump rakes, 2 row corn planter

McCormick HD mower w/Buckeye cast seat

trunk, wood canisters, Singer sewing machine

kraut cutter, wood wall phone, cow bell

4 bottle milk carrier, potato basket, bottles

Ayrshire Dairy milk bottle cooler, corn sheller

pitchers, whiskey crocks, old pictures, pew

silver tea set, kitchen scale, butter churn top

1929,30, 33 ND license plates, RR lights

carnival glass pitcher, kerosene lamp

cast iron waffle irons, rolling pins, tinker toys


116 JD 48” riding mower –hyd

JX75 JD push mower-5 spd, dog kennels

utility trailer –like new, picnic table

garden irrigation lines, gas jugs

Dandy Lion Killer roller, grass seed

Fimco ATV sprayer, hand sprayer

Wen 16” elect chain saw, bug zapper

gopher getter, soaker hose-NIB

wheel barrels, weed barrier, coolers

rakes, pick, ax & handles, wire pet kennels

assort gardening tools & supplies

4 boxes field stone for house-NIB


Neptune dryer, Kenmore elect stove

king bed-like new, sectional, sm desk & chair

sofa/end/coffee tables, 2 matching bookcases

leather glider rocker w/ottoman , Riccar vac

chest of drawers, misc kitchen items

lge corner armoire type cabinet

Pottery Barn white twin bed w/drawers under

stereo w/Pioneer speakers, snow skis & boots

canners, jars, pressure cooker

Cabela’s & other elect meat grinders

commercial chrome shelving, griddle

Pampered Chef, wheat grinder

RCA 42” flat screen TV, Blue Ray, lamps

HB deep fryer, food dehydrator

bread maker, Keurig, Mr Coffee

rice maker, card tables

file cabinets, office supplies, walker

toilet riser, diamond willow cane

Norditrac Summit 5500 treadmill

Parabody400 SeriousSteel homegym

Photo Gallery


*TERMS: Cash/Bankable Check *Lunch Served *More items too numerous *Not Responsible for accidents *Statements on day of sale take precedence over printed material*Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids *Sold as is, where is with no guarantees or warranties implied whatsoever. Large sale – 2 rings


Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. G G Auctioneers, agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.