duanes motor service retirement and guests

G & G Auctioneers

16 March, 2025 8:26 pm

400 South Ave West - Glen Ullin, ND


WD 45 AC-gas w/M 20 American 

   Econo Lift loader & 8’ bucket

car dolly, ¾ T pickup box trailer

Yamaha ATV 4X4


'07 Chevy Silverado WT, V-6, 1/2 T, single cab, 2X4, runs & looks great (guest)

’67 Chevy C50 truck-runs good,

   15½’ box/hoist w/new wood floor

’60 Chevy C60 truck-runs good,

   20’ flatbed, winch, dble act hoist

’82 Olds Regency 98– 4 dr,diesel,

   157K w/3K on rebuilt

’63 Chevy ½T w/serv tank/pump

’73 Chevy ½T-4X4w/serv tank-p

’75 Pontoon w/rebuilt-75 hp

   Mercury, power trim & tilt

Cushman 36v golf cart


Miller 225 AC Thunderbolt welder

Smith acetylene torch, bushings

Branick Strut machine, 20T press

Weaver portable wheel alignment

Thor liquid valve grinder, air jacks

Forney welder, air bumper jack

armature lathe, transmission jacks

brake bleeder, engine stands, vise

brake drum/rotor cutters

brake pressure tester, brake pad caliper service kit, 1 T chain hoist

wheel sockets, lge truck sockets

Mac Harmonic balancer kit

ES Tech Pro Action scope

7 pc universal hook & pick kit

Serpentine belt service kit

3 valve broken spark plug remover

Micrometer set, wheel pullers

Snap On air hammer, wrenches

hose clamps, organizer cabinets

flat head tools for Ford, C-clamps

4400 lb shop crane,pipe wrenches

cabinets on casters, truck creeper

starters, generators, hones

assorted pullers, welding rods

cam bearing installation tool

Goodyear hose cabinet, drill bits

tie ratchets, fuel pressure testers

oil pumps, chain, # /letter stamps

1 5/16”-2” wrench set, antler mnts

Jeepers Creepers creeper

Snap On Deluxe Refrig identifier

Craftsman shop vac,bench grinder

Central Neumatic cabinet

SHOP / MISC cont.

car stands, gas jugs, hi-lift jacks

Snap on car stands, 2 anvils

The Bone creeper, bolt cutter

B&D Pro & HD angle grinders

assorted air drills, carbon arc torch

tools to true stones, weld helmets

chop saw, parts washer

bottle jacks, timing lights

flaring tools, paint regulator

steer wheel pullers,1’X22’ I beam

Snap On slide in, brass fittings

wiring, battery acid, battery cables

push rods, metal tractor seats

110 & 3 phase motors, brake parts

K-line brass valve guide tools

Hastings & Kolee valve tools/parts

Sneaky Pete main seal tool

CR Seals & Bearings cabinets

sev Niehoff cabinets, work bench

lots of Standard Ignition cabinets

Interstate & other signs, ¾” impact

bolts & bins, Ford specialty tools

rivot machine for brake shoes

battery cable repair kit

tools for brass valves, oil can set

V belts, gaskets, misc parts

Midwest Fastener cabinets-full

o-rings, hose clamps, ¾”air impact

Westco pto parts,15’ RR iron pcs

drain plugs, wood ruff keys

porta power,crow bar,knipco heatr

ant. window weights, dbl washtub

a lot of specialty tools & items

Al Beckers large old safe w/comb

cherry picker, metric tap‘n die

2- R12 recyclers, oil drums

harden valve seats, assort testers

Snap On top engine cleaner

tool to remove broke taps out

350 Chevy transmission-low miles

6.2 diesel engine-low miles

lots & lots of motor repair manuals

motor specification guide


Photo Gallery


*TERMS: Cash/Bankable Check *Lunch Served *More  items  *Not Responsible for accidents.  *Statements on day of sale take precedence over printed material.*Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids. *Sold as is, where is with no guarantees or warranties implied whatsoever.

Duane has been fixing autos for 59 Years!


Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. G & G Auctioneers, agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.