elmer and joanne boucher auction

High Plains Auction & Appraisal

18 March, 2025 1:43 am

From Dunseith East on Hwy 5 to 33 Ave, then 6 miles South or Hwy 3 turn East at 91st, go East 3 Miles, one mile South - From Rolette go West on Hwy 66 to mile marker 3, turn North to dead end, then 1 mile west

Stationary Engines and Shop Tools
3 International 1/12 to 3 HP, one with air cleaner
International 3 to 5 HP
Fairbanks-Morris 2HP style D
McCormick Deering 3HP
McCormick Deering 1/12 HP
2 John Deere 3HP
Sears and Roebuck 2HP Model 417 made by Stover
Kohler Elec Start 12HP New
Hydraulic  press
2 ton cherry picker
2 wheel cart, lots of mechanic tools
Cutting equipment, chop saw
Next to new air compressor
20th Century arc welder
JD pressure washer
2 wheel cart
Wheel borrow
Pull behind lawn sprayer
Heavy duty Vise, 2 space heaters
5 Wisconsin engines various HP, all run

Coast to Coast 12 ga. Pump shotgun Model 267
Hopkins and Allen Single shot shotgun S/n 6732
Long Tom 12 ga. Single shot shotgun S/N 150164
1943 98 Mauser  s/n 7505

Misc. Items
Brass Bed
Lots of old life magazines and TOY FARMER
Old Horse Harness
2 pet carriers
Cream cans, Pump jack,
25 and 30 gal Redwing crocks
Meat grinder, wash tub
Delaval Cream separator
Old rocking horse, Waterfall dresser
Generator Pinnacle PTO, 20,000 Kilowatt on trailer
Boss Snow V Plow 81/2'

Machinery and Vehicles
JD 4010 D w/ dual loader 18.4×34 tires ,  snyco mesh trans. New clutch jobber 3pt dual hyd
1953 Dodge pickup, fluid drive, 1 ton, rebuilt engine, new tires, original box
JD Gator 6 wheel ,box and hoist, 4 wheel drive low hours
1953 Dodge Truck box and hoist
1949 Diamond T Truck, engine stuck
JD 37 9ft mower
80ft Sprayer, hyd pump, 500 gal tank
1988 JD F 912 front mount mower, 55* deck excellent condition
Jerri walk behind sickle mower
Kurtz and Root 4500 watt generator
Wind power generator with Wisconsin engine
Fenders for 60 JD tractor
JD Bikes
Belt pulley for Ford and IHC tractors
Oil cans
Old railroad water pump
Cenex rear tine tiller

Tractors & Tank Cars
Red Crown Riveted Tank Car (1 of 1500 Limited Edition) (1)
Claire Scheibe Memorial Farmall 400 Limited Edition Tractor (1)
50th Anniversary Farmall H w/Farmer Tractor Special Edition
New Holland 4000 Ford Tractor
McCormick WD9
Massey Ferguson Special Tractor
Co-op No 3 LP Tractor
Co-op No 3 Tractor
Farmall F20 Tractor
Case 600 Tractor
Versatile 836 Tractor
Steiger Panther 1000 Tractor
Fordson Tractor
Farmall Super MTA Special Edition Tractor
Massey Harris 44 Tractor
Massey Harris 4880 Tractor
New Holland Haybine
McCormick IH I PR Corn Picker
Ertle Signature Edition (Honoring 47 Years)
1913 Ford T-Van
1931 Hawkeye Flatbed & IH Tractor
Little Playmate Farm Set (28 PC'S)

John Deere Series – 1992-2008 (No. 1 in Series)
John Deere 1837 Vintage Airplane
Amoco Series #3 Lead Free Regular, Silver & Premium
Amoco Vintage Airplane Collector #1& #2
Standard Oil NC1453 (1of 5,000)
Red Crown P51D Mustang
And Various varieties

Toy Farmer Collection
1988 John Deere 630 LP National Farm Toy Show 1/32
1989 Allis Chalmers 190 1/32 (2)
1990 Case 800 1/32
1991 International Super M 1/32
1992 Massey Harris 55 Diesel 1/32 & 1/43
1993 John Deere 4410 Diesel 1/32 & 1/43
1994 Minneapolis Moline G750 1/16 & 1/43
1995 Allis Chalmers 220 1/16
1996 Case 1170 1/16
1997 New Holland 8260 1/16 & 1/43
1998 John Deere 4320 Diesel 1/16 & 1/43
1999 International 660 1/16 & 1/64
2000 Massey Ferguson 1155 1/16 & 1/64
2001 John Deere 4520 1/16 & 1/64
2002 Oliver 1950-T 1/16 & 1/64
2003 John Deere 7020 Diesel 1/32& 1/64
2004 Massey Ferguson 1500 1/32 & 1/64
2005 Oliver 2655 1/32 & 1/64
2006 International 4366 1/32 & 1/64
2007 Case 2470 1/32 & 1/64
2008 Allis Chalmers 7580 1/32 & 1/64
2009 Steiger Panther KM-325 1/32 & 1/64
2010 International 3788 1/32 & 1/64

Toy Farmer
Allis Chalmers A C440
Steiger Super Wildcat Series 2

Toy Tankers – Amoco

Amoco Toy Banks – Limited Editions and others to many to mention

Gas Pumps
Red Crown Gas Pump Limited Edition
Shell Gas Pump

Mack 1960 Model B61 Dump Truck
Silver Knight 18-Wheeler Versatile Truck 1985 Series Tractor
Versatile 1150, 1/16 yellow
Oliver Super 99 (precision) 1/16
Plow 7 – Bottom Allis Chalmers
Disk Allis Chalmers
Case IH Quad Tractor 1/32

International No 66 Series
No 1 – No 9
No 10, 5 Millionth
1995 Steiger (green) CP 1400 1/32 tractor
Case IH 1996 Quad Track Collector Edition Tractor 1/16
Versatile 825 #710 Tractor 1/16
Versatile 825 #703 Tractor 1/16
Versatile 935 Boston 1990 Tractor 1/16
Ford 1156 Versatile 1990 (blue) Special Edition Tractor 1/16

Toys Without Boxes- Most are 1/16 & Some Limited Edtions
Massey Ferguson 3070 Tractor
Deutz-Allis 9150 Tractor Special Edition
White American 60 First Edition Tractor
Farmall 1206 Tractor
International 1568 Tractor
McCormick W9 Steel Wheel Tractor
International 600 Diesel Tractor
International 560 Tractor
Farmall 350 Tractor Special Edition
Fordson Super Major Tractor Special Edition
Oil Pull Steel Tractor
Minneapolis Moline 198 Tractor
Case International 9150 Tractor
Massey Harris Clipper Combine
International Harvester Truck (Steel)
Model T Car
White 4-Wheeler Tractor 4-225 Grey/Red Stripe
Amoco Oil Co. Tractor/Trailer
International Hydrostatic Combine
McCormick Deering Tractor
McCormick Deering (Steel)

Old Time Tractor Pull Tractors
2nd Annual Co-op Model 3 with Belt Buckle-Tractor (with box)
3rd Annual Twin City Tractor (No Box)
4th Annual Massey Harris Pacemaker (with box)
5th Annual Oliver Row Crop 66 (with box)
6th Annual John Deere 70 (With Box)

Toy Farmer Magazines 1989-1990 and 1994-2011)
Belt Buckles

John Deere
John Deere Day 1992
Cat H Series Motor Grader
Stampede Wheat (2)
American Agrijusters
Versatile Tractor

Guest Consignors – Rick Casavant & Bob Malo
95 Gehl grinder mixer
3 point Hitch post hole digger
2 JD heavy duty cylinders
26ft IHC  55 series chisel plow
24 ft. IHC vibra chisel
35ft JD 1000 series field cultivator
3 Vern Crip Feeders
52ft Herman Harrow
1600 A JD hay conditioner
535 JD Round Baler
510 JD Round Baler
All Field Ready






Photo Gallery


Auctioneers Note:  Elmer & Joann have decided to leave the farm and move to Rugby. For more information call Elmer (701) 881-2180 or 201-0235.  Please come and spend the day with us.  There's alot of interesting items.


Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. High Plains Auction Appraisal, agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.