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farm retirement auction grandin nd

Pifer's Auction & Realty

16 March, 2025 8:06 pm

Driving Directions:  From Grandin, ND:  Proceed north on Highway #81 for 2.3 miles, then right on to County Road #1 for 6 miles, then south where pavement begins and proceed 1.5 miles south.  From Hendrum, MN: Proceed west on Norman County #25 (which becomes Traill County #1 in North Dakota) for 3 miles, then south where payment ends for 1.5 miles. Roads will be marked.


Farm Retirement Auction

Excellent Modern Line of Machinery, Tractors and Trucks

Thursday, June 22, 2017 – 10:00 a.m. (CT)


Auction Location: On-Site – Grandin, ND

Auction Note:  Paul and Jonathon have retired from farming and are offering this excellent line of John Deere tractors, combines, headers, planters, trucks and much more.  This will be one of the summer’s most exceptional auctions of farm equipment.  This is a live auction on site with Internet bidding available on the larger items beginning at 11:00 a.m.

Contact:  Kevin Pifer at 701.238.5810 or or Pifer’s Auction & Realty at 877.700.4099 for more information and a complete catalog.

Driving Directions:  From Grandin, ND:  Proceed north on Highway #81 for 2.3 miles, then right on to County Road #1 for 6 miles, then south where pavement begins and proceed 1.5 miles south.  From Hendrum, MN: Proceed west on Norman County #25 (which becomes Traill County #1 in North Dakota) for 3 miles, then south where payment ends for 1.5 miles. Roads will be marked.





2001 JD9400 4WD, 425 hp, 4,269 hrs., quad hyd., 20.8R42 trips front & back

2001 JD8310 5,567 hrs., 3 pt., PTO, quad hyd., 30/8534 duals front, 320/90R50 duals back

1983 JD 4450, 8,200 hrs., duals, 3 pt., power shift, 540/1000 PTO, 14.9R45, dual hyd.

D17 Allis Chalmers, power steering, 3 pt., single hyd., tire chains.


Combines, Headers & Header Trailers

2008 JD 9770 STS, bullet rotor, 1,607 separator hrs., 2,348 engine hrs.,

Massey Ferguson 760

JD 630F Hydraflex, new cutting edge in 2015

JD Corn Head, 12-row, rebuilt, 22 inch rows, 1,500 acres since rebuilt

Massey Fergus 9120 – 20’ Flex Head

Homemade Header Trailers (2)


Grain Cart, Augers & Grain Vac

Brent 874 Grain Cart

Brent 610 Grain Cart

Westfield W80

Westfield 70-31

2010 Wheatheart SA1071 Swing Hopper

Super Chrome Vac 510


Semi, Grain Trailer, Grain Trucks & Pickup

2000 IH Semi, 636,000 miles

1978 Ford 7000 tag axle tandem, custom cab, 450 + grain box

2004 Mauer Grain Trailer, 36’, Shur-Lok Tarp

1997 GMC 1500 2-wheel drive pickup,, red

Van Trailer (used for spraying)


Tillage & Planting Equipment

Summers Sprayer, 120 ft., 1500 & 200 gallon tanks, scs4400 controller, height controller

1992 Maxemerge2 Planter, 24-row, 3 bushel each; Case IH 4700 – 44 ft. Vibra-Tiller, harrows

IH 4700 Vibra-Tiller, 36 ft. Summer Harrows

S-Tine Flexi-Coil, 50ft.

2008 Salford, 30 ft.

IH 30 Chisel Plow, harrows

Case IH Ego-Tiger 730B, DMI, Yield Till System; Melroe 45 ft. drag; Rhino 122- 28 ft. disk.


JD Auto Steer, Laser Equipment, Scraper, 4-Wheeler & Mowers

JD Brown Box SF1

JD Brown Box RTK

RTK Unit

JD ITC GPS Auto Steer SF1

JD 3000 Starfire Autor Steer SF2 & RTK

DAC 7000 Scraper Controller

Laser Trailer

AGL Laser Equipment

Lorenz Scraper, L10800, pull-type

BROWN box scraper, 8 ft.

2005 JD 500 4-Wheeer, winch, 5-speed, 215 hrs.

Woods ditch mower, 6 ft.

Woods mower, 5 ft.

Rotary Ditcher



Fuel Tank, 500 Gallon

Fuel Tank, 1,000 Gallon

Fuel Tank, 1,000 Gallon

Steel Tank, 6,000 Gallon, Used for fertilizer

Water Tank, 1,500 Gallon,White

Water Tank, 1,500 Gallon,Green

Tank, 280 Gallon

Propane Tank 500 Gallon

Pickup Fuel Service Tank

Chemical Mixing Cone

Alloway Snowblower, 8 ft., 3pt., PTO

ARK FELD Instant-Way Hog Scale

JD Quik Tach

Farm-Hand Loader, XL940, 7 ft. bucket

McKee 620 Snowblower, 3 pt., 540 PTO

Portable 3 pt. hitch (trailer style)

Hobart Stickmate LX AC Welder

Powermate Generator, 4000 wt.

540 PTO Mower, 60 in.,3 pt.

Numerous service manuals

Bolts and Racks

Millermatic 252 Wire Feed Welder

Westfield Endgate Drill Fill

Northstar Portable Air Compressor, Gas  

Socket Sets, 1 inch & 3/4 inch


Tool Boxes

Welding Table

Portable Bench

220 Lincoln Arc Welder

Oxyacetylene Welder, tanks, cart

Service Tank

Satlock Light Bar

Drag Sections

Tillage Parts



Water Pump, 2 inch.

8310 Tank

8310 Triples, extensions

Duals, 14.9 x 38


Engine Hoist

Extension Ladders



The Paul E. Grothe and Rebecca H. Grothe Charitable Remainder Uni-Trust, Paul Grothe, Trustee; The Grothe Family, LLLP; Jonathon Grothe


This sale is managed by Pifer’s Auction & Realty, 1506 29th Ave. S., Moorhead, MN  56560.  All statements made the day of the auction take precedence over all printed materials.


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Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. Pifer's Auction & Realty, agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.