7 miles South of St Anthony, ND
Ready for WORK
40 Angus & SimAngus bulls all A.I. Sired by the top Angus genetics in the industry.
SAV Harvester – (9 sons sell)
SAV Recruit 255 – (9 sons sell)
Connealy IN Focus 4925 – (4 sons sell)
WMR Timeless 458 – (3 sons sell)
EXAR Denver 2002B – (2 sons sell)
SAV Prosperity 9131 – (2 sons sell)
SAV Revere 1180 – (1 son sells)
Hoover Dam – (2 sons sell)
AAR Ten X 7008 S A – (6 sons sell)
SAV Pursuit0160 – (3 sons sell)
To view bulls contact:
LES FLECK (701) 445-7459 / (701) 391-5577
AARON FLECK (701) 445-7455 / (701) 391-557