R & D Auction, Inc.
27 August, 2015 10:00 am
Directions: 12131 43rd St. SE, Valley City, ND ~ 3 Miles East of Valley City on I-94 to Exit 296 (Peak Exit), 9 Miles South to 43rd St. & ½ Mile East. ~or~ From Fingal, ND – 5 Miles West on 45th St., 2 Mile…
12131 43rd St. SE, Valley City, ND ~ 3 Miles East of Valley City on I-94 to Exit 296 (Peak Exit), 9 Miles South to 43rd St. & ½ Mile East. ~or~ From Fingal, ND – 5 Miles West on 45th St., 2 Miles North, & ½ Mile East [Watch for Signs]
Sale Order: 10:00 AM – Tools & Misc.
11:00 AM – Guns; ATV; & Yard Equipment
12:00 Noon – Pickups; Willy’s Jeep; & Trailers
1:00 PM – Tractors & Farm & Ranch Equipment
Auctioneers Note: This is an exceptionally clean sale. Most of the items are in excellent condition. Several of Glenn’s tractors on this sale have been featured on the front cover of the Dakota Edition of the Fastline Magazine. The Fastline Magazine pictures on this sale flier are just to show them. They won’t be sold as they are a precious family momento.
- John Deere 4240 (Diesel; 4260 Actual Hours; 3Pt.; PTO; Dual Hydraulics; CAH; 18.4×38 Like New Tires; Sn#019498R)
- John Deere 4430 w/F258 Loader (Diesel; 5721 Actual Hours; w/Power Beyond Joy Stick; Quad Range; 3Pt.; PTO; Dual Hydraulics; CAH; 18.4×38 Like New Tires; Sn#046932R)
- John Deere 4010 (Diesel; 6120 Actual Hours; Synchro-Range Transmission; 3Pt.; PTO; Dual Hydraulics; 18.4×34 Tires; Sn#51315)
- 1952 John Deere G w/Narrow Front (Gas; 6-Speed & Starter; PTO; Rock Shaft; 13.6×38 Tires; Sn#58300)
- John Deere 60 w/Wide Front(Gas; Original JD 3Pt.; Power-Trol; Power Steering; New 30.6×38 Tires; Sn#6006613)
- 1945 John Deere B (Bought New in Litchville, ND; Gas; PTO; 6-Spd.; Rock Shaft; 11.2×38 Tires; Sn#175556; One Owner)
- 1959 Ford 851 Powermaster (Gas; 3Pt.; PTO; 5-Speed; New 13.6×28 Tires; Red & White; Completely Restored)
- Ford 4000 (Gas; 3Pt.; Live PTO; Hydraulics; 5120 Hrs.; One Owner)
- Ford 3000 (Gas; 3Pt.; Live PTO; Hydraulics; New 13.6\12×28 Tires; 4255 Hrs.)
- 1951 H Farmall w/Narrow Front (Gas; Belt Pulley; PTO; New 12.4-11×38 Tires; Sn#372079)
- H Farmall w/Wide Front (Gas; Belt Pulley; PTO; New 11.2×38 Tires; Sn#281035)
- 400 Farmall w/F11 Loader & Grapple (Gas; TA; PTO; Triple Hydraulics; New 14.9×38 Tires; Sn#35302)
- 2007 Chevy K1500 Silverado Z71 4×4 Club Cab (25,096 Actual Miles; 5.3Ltr.; Automatic; Loaded)
- 1946 Willy’s Jeep (Runs; Good Rubber; Spare Tire; Owner’s Manual; Good Condition; Sn#75762)
- 1981 Ford Custom 150 (4×4; 121,000 Actual Miles; 300 6-Cylinder; 4-Speed)
- IHC Mdl. 770 Auto Reset Plow (5-16s)
- 16’ IHC Chisel Plow
- 16’ John Deere Mdl. 100 Chisel Plow w/Harrow
- 12’ Heavy Offset Disk w/20” Disks
- 16’ John Deere Tandem Disk
- 16’ John Deere End Wheel Drill
- 14’ IHC Vibra-Chisel Plow (9” Spacing)
- 24’ John Deere Field Cultivator
- McKee Bros. Mdl. 750 Snowblower (8’/2-Stage)
- Woods Brush Bull Mdl. BB72 3Pt. Rotary Brush Cutter
- 1984 Versatile 18’ Mdl. 10 Pull Type Swather
- Ford 6’ 3-Pt. Blade
- Ford 3Pt. 3-Bottom Plow (Sn#10_341)
- 12’ John Deere Disk
- 10’ Tandem Disk
- Fargo Sprayer
- Hydraulic Dual Compartment Drill Fill
- John Blue Nitrolator
- 3-Section Drag
- 6-Row Wide Cultivator
- 4-Row Mounted Cultivator
- Track Whacker
- 300Gal. Gas Barrel on Stand
- 216 John Deere Flex Head
- Sunco 12” Sunflower Pans
- 273 New Holland Square Baler (Sn#123368)
- Rowse 9’ Sickle Mower w/New Holland Head
- IHC 5-Bar Side Delivery Rake
- Hydraulic Bale Squeeze (10 Bales)
- Square Bale Elevator
- 3) Hay Racks
- Trailer Running Gears
- 10’x5’ Corral Panels
- 10’x5½’ Corral Panels
- 16’ Wire Panels
- 4’ Hanging Gate
- 16’ & 18’ Hanging Gates
- Other Gates & Misc. Lumber
- 500+ Steel T-Posts
- Barbwire
- Wire Winder
- Cattle Oiler
- Hastings Calf Feeder
- Rubber Tire Feeders
- Bale Feeders
- Portable 11’ Feed Bunks
- 450gal. Poly Water Tank
- 3Pt. Posthole Digger w/9” & 12” Augers
- 3Pt. Bale Fork
- Hay Sweep w/Push Off
- John Deere 55 ABH 3-Bottom Plow
- 2) John Deere 4-Bottom Plows
- John Deere R Manure Spreader
- 12’ Dump Rake
- Walk-Behind Potato Digger
- 2-Row Allis Chalmers Corn Planter
- Old Wooden Feed Wagon
- McCormick Deering Feed Grinder
- John Deere Roll-o-Matic Narrow Front
- John Deere Steering Wheels
- Ford 3000 Fenders
- John Deere Tractor Weights
- 30gal. Texaco Barrel
- Several Tractor Manuals
- Buzz Saw
- Scythes
- Coal Water Tank Heater
- Gas Lamps
- 4-Pane Barn Windows
- Platform Corn Sheller
- Hand Corn Sheller
- Little Giant Corn Sheller
- Cream Cans
- Cream Can Cart
- Maytag Motors
- Barnes County Atlas’s
- Runner Sleds
- Pedal Car
- Old Bicycles
- Alaskan Snowshoes
- Aluma 4½’x8’ Trailer w/Fold-up Ramp
- 16’ Tandem Trailer w/Ramps & Stabilizer Jacks in Rear
- 1964 Chevy 60 Truck w/14’ Box & Hoist
- Craftsman YT3000 Hydrostatic Lawn Tractor 21hp/46” Cut
- Husqvarna LGT 2654 Lawn Tractor w/54” Deck 7Spd.
- Craftsman VTS Limited Edition Lawn Tractor 20hp/46” Cut
- Dandelion Weed Roller
- Earthquake 158 Rototiller
- Craftsman Gas Leaf Blower (210mph)
- 4’x3’ Yard Trailer
- 10’x5’ Chain Link Dog Kennel
- Igloo Doghouse
- Husqvarna 235 Chainsaw
- 30amp Battery Charger w/150 Amp Boost
- 12-Ton Press
- Lincoln Arc Welder
- Coleman Powermate Air Compressor
- Air Compressor
- MANY Misc. Hand & Power Tools
- Bench Grinder
- Chain Hoists
- Handyman Jacks
- Aluminum Step
- Knipco Type Heaters
- Kohler Engine
- Stepladder
- Metal Shelving
- Log Chains
- 70gal. Service Tanks w/Hand Pumps
- Hydraulic Cylinders
- 20.8×34 Tires
- 2) 18.4×38 Tires
- Other Misc. Tires
- 2008 Artic Cat 366 4×4 4-Wheeler
- Aluminum 4-Wheeler Ramps
- 22 Marlin Mdl. 60
- 22 Remington Sportmaster Mdl. 512
- 12ga. Stevens Mdl. 58
Other Misc. Items
View the full auction listing.

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Information contained herein is presented on behalf of
the seller. R & D Auction, Inc. , agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to
be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions.
All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction.
Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any
matter of print and will be final.