Bids must be received by 4:00PM on Tuesday, July 14, 2020. For a detailed Request For Lease packet including complete terms and conditions as well as a bid form, please contact Steffes Group at 320.693.9371, Eric Gabrielson 701.238.2570 or Shelly Weinzetl 763.300.5055.
LOCATION: From Granton, WI, 1.25 miles east on U.S. 10. W2306 U.S. 10, Granton, WI 54436
Bids due by Tuesday, July 14, 2020 by 4:00PM
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Large 504,000± bu. commercial grain facility w/high capacity dryer (1,700 bph) and modern 500 bu. dump. Here is your opportunity to rent 1 or more storage bins and a 36’x54’, heated, & insulated shop. Site features a Brock commercial 314,385± bu. storage grain bin, (2) GSI 4024 Series 80,303± bu. grain storage bins & a Brock commercial 29,380± bu. wet bin. Addition of Mettler Toledo, truck scale estimated date of completion is August 15, 2020. Complete set up! Rent may include individual bins, shop or entire site.
Clark County- Grain Bin Storage Facility – 3± Acres
Lynn Township
P.I.D. #: 034-0185-000
Taxes: Paid by Lessor
Site Insurance: Paid by Lessor
Highway Access: US-Hwy 10
Grain Facility – 504,371± bu. Storage Capacity
- 4 Bins
- 2016 Brock E-09010 Commercial Grain Storage
- 90’ diameter, 19 ring, 314,385± bu., full air floor, 10”x50’ commercial power sweep unloader, (2) 30” centrifugal fans w/25 hp. motors, overall height 74’2”, eave height 50’10”, (22) roof vents, (2) mushroom roof vents, ladder & cage platform
- 2015 GSI 4024 Series Bin
- 60’ diameter, 8 ring, 80,303± bu., (6) grill roof vents, (20) high mount roof vents, staircase, (3) 30 hp. centrifugal fans, (2) roof exhausters, 10” horizontal unload auger w/15 hp. drive motor, 10”x60’ DGD sweep auger, (3) heaters w/natural gas, Agri-Dry gravity spreader
- 2014 GSI 4024 Series Bin
- 60’ diameter, 8 ring, 80,303± bu., (6) grill roof vents, (20) high mount roof vents, staircase, (3) 30 hp. centrifugal fans, 10” horizontal unload auger w/15 hp. drive motor, 10”x60’ DGD sweep auger, (3) heaters w/natural gas, Agri-Dry gravity spreader
- 2016 Brock EH-30416 Commercial Wet Bin
- 30’ diameter,16 ring, 29,380± bu., stiffeners, ladder & cage w/platform, overall height 65’8, eave height 57’6”
- Legs
- 2016 Sweet Ace ll wet leg, 105’, 10,000 bph
- 2016 Sweet Apollo lll dry leg, 98’, 3,750 bph
- Conveyors
- 2016 Sweet 1012 conveyor 65’, at 4,000 bph & 75’ Sweet catwalk for 90’ bin
- 2016 Sweet 1012 conveyor, 69’, at 4,000 bph & 70’ Sweet catwalk for 60’ bin
- 2016 Sweet 1012 wet bin unload conveyor, 31’, at 4,000 bph
- 2016 Sweet 1012 dryer unload conveyor, 18’, at 4,000 bph
- 2016 Sweet 2017 pit conveyor, at 10,000 bph
- Towers
- 2016 MC-101375, main tower dryer, 1,700 bph, natural gas, internet connection
- 12’x12’x100’, Sweet interior upper distribution platform, Sweet interior lower distribution platform, 100’ level loadout access platform in tower, 12”x45’ trussed wet leg discharge to wet bin, 10”x40’ wet leg discharge to dryer, 10”x20’ dry leg discharge to 90’ bin fill conveyor
- 2016 Sweet Square Tower, 10”x65’ trussed dry leg discharge to 60’ bin fill conveyor
- 2016 Sweet Tube Tower, 51”x50’
Scale Addition
- Mettler Toledo, truck sale, 11’x70’, estimated date of completion is August 15th, 2020.
Grain Bin Management
- Bin Manager Intelli-Farms
- Bin temperature & moisture sensors on (2) 80,303± bu. bins and 314,385± bu. bin 2014-2016
Power Sources
- Natural gas
- 23M gas meter w/15psig outlet pressure
- Electric
Dump Pit
- 500 bu.
- Concrete basement
- Steel fabricated
- 10’4”x6’4” steel drive-over grates
- 10,000 bph discharge
- Auto start/stop for pit conveyor
Pole Shed
- 36’x54’-12 Menards shed
- Post frame
- Steel siding & roof
- Concrete floor
- Heat
- Insulated
Pieces in Place for Future Construction
- Piers
- (4) Cement piers have been poured next to the dump pit for future installation of an overhead loadout bin
- Grain Reclaim System
- All bin loadout augers are aligned for future installation of a reclaim conveyor that would convey grain to leg to fill overhead bin
- All bids must be received no later than 4:00PM on Tuesday, July 14th, 2020.
- Mail Bids to Steffes Group, Inc, 24400 MN Hwy 22 S., Litchfield, MN 55355 or Email to [email protected]
- There will be no oral bidding. Interested parties should submit their highest and best bid. Seller to review all offers at completion of bid proposal deadline. Winning bidder to be notified by Monday, July 20th, 2020
- The successful bidder will be required to sign a lease agreement.
- Bids are offered for lease to qualified purchasers without regard to sex, race, color, religion, natural origin, or handicap.
- The owner(s) reserve the right to accept or reject any and all bids.
For a detailed Request For Lease packet including complete terms and conditions as well as a bid form, please contact Steffes Group at 320.693.9371, Eric Gabrielson 701.238.2570 or Shelly Weinzetl 763.300.5055
All bids must be received no later than 4:00PM
on Tuesday, July 14, 2020.
Steffes Group Inc.
24400 MN Hwy 22 S, Litchfield, MN 55355
or Email: [email protected]
Photo Gallery
Information contained herein is presented on behalf of
the seller. Steffes Group Inc., agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to
be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions.
All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction.
Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any
matter of print and will be final.