Indoors at the Alerus Center- Grand Forks, ND

AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: The auction will take place indoors at the Alerus Center ballroom by huge video screen & photographs.  All units will be on hand for running inspection from noon to 5pm March 25th and 8am to 10am auction day. 


SPECIAL NOTES:  All items must be removed by Monday, April 2nd at 1pm- loading dock on site.  Alerus Center is equipped with hotel & restaurant facilities.  We will accept absentee bids until 6pm March 25th!


ONLINE BIDDING- Please register in advance to bid live online by visiting







*2013 Case IH Steiger 500 Quad Trac, deluxe cab, full Auto Guidance- Pro 700 monitor, 372 receiver, Nav II controller, f&r diff locks, hi cap drawbar, 30” belts, clear caps, 1000 PTO, hi flow hyd, 4 remotes, 1823 hrs, local ag tractor, SN#ZDF134868

*2008 Case IH Steiger 485 HD 4WD, luxury cab, inst seat, power shift, 1000 PTO, 4 hyd, diff locks, full auto steer, Pro 600 monitor, 262 receiver, Nav II controller, front & rear weights, 620/70R42 duals, 3895 hrs, SN#Z8F110292

*2014 Caterpillar Challenger MT865C belted ag tractor, power shift, 30” belts, 5 hyd, hyd swinging draw bar, front weights, Trimble auto guidance w/FMX monitor, 3289 hrs, single owner local farm tractor, SN #AGCC0865KNDKG1516

*2014 JD 8360R MFWD, IVT, ILS, 3pt w/ quick hitch, PTO, 5 hyd, 60 gpm pump, Auto Trac ready, HID lighting, front fenders, front & rear weights, 420/85R34 front duals, 480/80R50 rear duals, 4997 hrs, single owner, SN#1RW8360RAED084862

*2012 Case IH Magnum 290 MFWD, deluxe cab, inst seat, power shift, 3pt w/ quick hitch, PTO, 4 hyd, hi flow hyd pump, guidance ready, front & rear weights, 380/80R38 front, 380/90R54 rear duals, clean tractor, 2250 hrs, SN#ZCRD01218

*1997 Case IH 9380 4WD, 400hp, 24 spd, Trimble EZ Guide 250 light bar, 4 hyd, 20.8-42 triples 60%, 5970 hrs, SN#JEE0068089

*1997 Case IH 9390 4WD, N14 Cummins, Agribib 520/85R42 triples, front suitcase weights, 4 hyd, 8411 hrs, SN#JEE0069288

*1982 Versatile 895 Series II 4WD, service records from 1995, 20.8-38 duals- 1 new, 5696 hrs showing- 9196 estimated total hrs, SN#091223

*1978 JD 4440, CAH, QR, 3pt, 540/1000 PTO, 3 hyd, service records from 1987, 18.4-38 duals, 10121 hrs showing, SN#4-162388R

*1975 JD 4230, CAH, QR, 3pt, 540/1000 PTO, 2 hyd, service records from 1989, 18.4-38 duals, 7208 hrs showing, SN#1-070136R

*1985 Case IH 2294 2WD, CAH, power shift, 3pt, 540/1000 PTO, 3 hyd, 18.4-38 hub duals- 1 new tire, 10- front weights, 11546 total hrs, SN#9939903



*2013 JD S670 2WD, inst seat, contour master, chopper, rock trap, 5 spd var spd feeder, feeder reverse, GreenStar 3 system display, AHHC, Y/M, DAS, hopper ext, large wire concaves, rear hitch, 520/85R42 front duals, 28LR26 rear tires, no hopper fold down, 1821 sep hrs, 2735 eng hrs, SN#1H0S670SKD0756366

*2013 JD S680 2WD, inst seat, contour master, chopper, rock trap, 5 spd var spd feeder, feeder reverse, GreenStar 3 system display, AHHC, Y/M, DAS, hopper ext, large wire concaves, rear hitch, 520/80R42 front duals, 28LR26 rear tires, 2223 sep hrs, 3294 eng hrs, SN#1H0S680SKD0756082

*2011 Case IH AFX8120, var spd feeder, rock trap, self leveling sieves, HID lights, guidance ready, Pro 600 color touch screen, extended wear rotor, leather int, Magna cut chopper, 900/60R32 drive tires, 540/65R30 rears, 2331 eng, 1631 sep hrs, SN#YBG212146

*2008 Case IH AFX8010, lateral tilt, var spd feeder, rock trap, self leveling sieves, HID lights, guidance ready, Pro 600 color touch screen, Y/M, 21’ auger, 20.8-42 duals, chopper, 2 sets of concaves, grain & beans only, second owner local combine, 1573 sep, 2283 eng hrs, SN#203367

*2004 JD 9660 STS, Bullet Rotor, contour master, var spd feeder, chaff spreader, rock trap, chopper, bin ext, Y/M monitor, 520/85R38 front duals, 28L-26 rear tires, 3154 sep hrs, 4662 eng hrs, excellent repair history from local JD dealer including engine, new Bullet Rotor, new Y/M, etc- $30,000 plus records available, SN#H09660S705888

*1991 JD 9600 combine, new Maurer Big Top hopper ext & fine cut chopper in 2017, used only in soybeans & gone through at JD last year, 30.5L-32 drive tires, 14.9-24 rears, 4272 sep, 5840 eng hrs, SN#H09600X640346

*2010 Case IH 2162 40’ flex draper w/ 3” cut, AHHC, F/A, single drive, gauge wheels & CIH mounts, SN#YAZN12506

*Case IH 2010 30’ rigid head w/ SSR quick attach sunflower pans & drum reel, very nice unit, SN#CBJ020207

*Case IH 1010 30’ rigid head w/ Lucke 9” sunflower pans, new wobble box 2017, nice set up, SN#JJC124644

*2014 Mac Don PW-7 16’ pkp platform w/ CIH Flagship or NH CR adapter, deluxe wind panel, SN#257828-14

*2005 New Holland 76C 14’ pickup head w/ Rakeup pkp, set up for CIH Flagship & NH CR combines

*JD 930F flex head w/ Crary air reel, full poly & new Crary gear box 2016, SN#H00930F697862

*JD 915 15’ head, refurbished auger flighting & center fingers, UHMW liner under auger, good for dry bean pkp head

*Trailtech triple axle double header trailer w/ hyd fold & pintle hitch, can fit up to 40’ heads

*3) Unused America 840 40’ HD 6-wheel header trailers w/ brakes & lights

*3) Unused America 835 35’ HD 6-wheel header trailers w/ brakes & lights

*3) Unused America 440 40’ 6-wheel header trailers

*4) Unused America 435 35’ 6-wheel header trailers

*Unused America 430 30’ 4-wheel header trailers



*2013 International ProStar Plus sleeper, 60” midrise sleeper, Maxx Force engine 450hp, 10 spd trans, Eagle interior, engine brake, dual alum tanks, 236 WB, 295/75R22.5 tires, alum wheels, 495565 miles showing

*2011 International ProStar day cab, Maxx Force engine, 10 spd trans, air ride, air slide 5th wheel, dual alum tanks, 170 WB, 295/75R22.5 tires, new rear caps, alum fronts, steel disk rears, only 188890 actual miles

*2010 International 8600 day cab, ISM Cummins engine, Ultrashift trans, dual fuel tanks, air slide 5thwheel, air ride, 172 WB, 295/75R22.5 tires, alum wheels, Penske maintained, 378202 miles

*2008 Kenworth T-370 day cab, ISB Cummins engine, Allison auto trans, engine brake, alum fuel tank, air ride susp, 174 WB, 11R22.5 tires, all alum wheels, new rear caps, only 152985 actual miles

*2009 Freightliner Columbia 112, Smart Shift 10 spd auto trans, 13000 eng hrs, 590000 miles showing

*2007 Sterling day cab, 450 Mercedes eng, 10 spd trans, new tires, alum disk wheels, 555000 miles showing

*2005 Peterbilt 378, ISX Cummins eng 450hp, 10 spd trans, 6 alum wheels, new aggressive caps on rear, many new engine parts, 455000 miles showing, clean southern truck

*2005 IH 9200i day cab, Cummins ISM eng 350-380hp, Eaton 10 spd trans, air ride susp, 3:70 ratio, dual alum tanks, 154 WB, 295/75R22.5 tires, alum fronts, steel disk rears, 894804 miles showing

*2004 Freightliner Columbia, 42” flattop sleeper, OM460LA Mercedes engine, 410 HP 10 spd trans, dual alum tanks, 221 WB, 11R22.5 rubber, 875886 miles showing

*2004 Freightliner Columbia 112, 10 spd trans, Top 2 electronic lighting , 27000 eng hrs, 745000 miles showing

*2003 Kenworth T-800 day cab, Cat C-10 engine, 10 spd trans, engine brake, 4:33 ratio, alum fuel tank, 176 WB, 11R22.5 tires, alum wheels, new rear caps

*2003 Freightliner Columbia day cab, Detroit 12.7L 60 Series engine, 430 HP, 10 spd trans, engine brake, wet kit, dual alum tanks, 175 WB, 11R22.5 tires, steel disk wheels

*2003 Freightliner DSL conventional ST112 day cab, Mercedes/Detroit 365 eng, 10 spd trans, cruise, A/C, elec windows, wet kit, jake brake, 3:93 ratio, manual override fan, safe-t-pull, 11-22.5 tires, alum rims, 697000 miles showing

*2003 Peterbilt 378, ISX Cummins eng 450hp, 10 spd trans, air ride, set back axle, 6 alum wheels, 803000 miles showing

*2002 Freightliner FL112 day cab, Cat C12 eng, 10 spd trans, new A/C compressor, 11-22.5 tires, 470980 miles showing

*2007 IH 9200i, sleeper, Cat C-13 eng 425hp,10 spd Eaton Fuller, Sirius XM radio, air ride susp, jake brake, 2 new injectors, new A/C pump one year ago, 11-22.5 tires, alum wheels, 844267 miles showing

*1995 Freightliner FLD112, sleeper, 3176 Cat eng 365hp, 10 spd Eaton Fuller, brand new Captain’s chair, jake brake, dual exhaust, alum front bumper, air slide 5th wheel, alum wheels, 697000 miles showing

*1995 IH 9600 cab over, sleeper, 60 Series Detroit eng, Eaton 10 spd trans, air susp, dual tanks, 155 WB, 295/75R22.5 tires, steel disk wheels, 683594 miles showing

*1995 IH 9600 cab over, sleeper, 60 Series Detroit eng, Eaton 10 spd trans, air susp, dual tanks, 155 WB, 295/75R22.5 tires, steel disk wheels, 569842 miles showing

*1989 Kenworth T600, 3406 Cat eng 400hp, 9 spd trans, wet kit w/ quick dump valve, 24.5 virgin rubber, alum fronts


*2011 International Prostar, Day Cab, Maxx Force 13 Engine, 430 HP, 10 Spd Trans, Air Ride Cab & Susp, 169″ WB, Alum Wheels, 289816 miles showing, VIN#3HSDHSJR6BN426425 Added 3/15/18 

*2011 International Prostar, Day Cab, Maxx Force 13 Engine, 430 HP, 10 Spd Trans, Air Ride Cab & Susp, 169″ WB, Alum Wheels, 267958 miles showing, VIN#3HSDHSJR0BN426436 Added 3/15/18

*2007 Kenworth T600 sleeper semi, Cat C-15, 10 spd Eaton Fuller, 60″ sleeper, 280WB, 22.5 tires, alum wheels, good rubber, 2 valve wet kit, APU unit, 4 bag air ride, 674457 miles showing, VIN#3WKADB9X97F156233 Added 3/15/18



*1981 Kenworth W900A, Silver 8V92T eng, Allison auto trans, air ride cab, spring ride, A/C, power steering, alum frame, dual 120 gal fuel tanks, full fenders, 216 WB, 11R24.5 tires, alum disk wheels, 335784 miles showing, very clean

*1981 Kenworth W900A, 3406 Cat eng, Eaton 9 spd trans, air ride, A/C, power steering, dual 120 gal fuel tanks, full fenders, 220 WB, 11R24.5 tires, alum disk wheels, 16514 miles showing, very clean



*2016 Timpte Super Hopper 40’ x 96” alum hopper bottom trailer, 66” sides, ag hoppers, air ride, elec tarp, steel disk wheels, very clean

*2015 Wilson Pacesetter 40.5’ aluminum hopper bottom trailer, ag hoppers, front & rear ladders, roll tarp, air ride w/ scale, 66” sides, 96” W, all alum wheels

*2015 Wilson Pacesetter 40.5’ aluminum hopper bottom trailer, ag hoppers, front & rear ladders, roll tarp, air ride w/ scale, 66” sides, 96” W, all alum wheels

*2012 Wilson Pacesetter 42’ aluminum hopper bottom trailer, ag hoppers, front & rear ladders, roll tarp, air ride w/ scale, 66” sides, stainless rear panel, less than 300 mi on new brakes, bearings &wheel seals

*2009 Merritt 38’ hopper bottom trailer w/ belt conveyor, elec roll tarp & 11-24.5 tires

*2003 Timpte 4224 tandem axle hopper bottom trailer, 2 hoppers

*1999 Vantage 40’ x 96” aluminum end dump trailer, 58” sides, frameless, tandem air ride, elec tarp, 11R24.5 tires, alum outside wheels

*1998 Timpte 42’ x 102” hopper bottom trailer, 78” sides, spring ride, manual tarp, new brakes & tires 2015

*1995 Wilson 45’ x 102” hopper bottom trailer, 78” sides, air ride, elec tarp, new brakes & tires 2015

*1995 Wilson Pacesetter 42’ x 96” hopper bottom trailer, 78” sides, standard hoppers, air ride, roll tarp, 2 spd openers, 11R24.5 tires

*1989 Timpte 45’ x 96” hopper trailer, 66” sides, spring ride, side chutes, roll tarp, elec traps w/ wireless remote, 11R24.5 tires, alum outside disk wheels

*1996 Red River 42 ½’ live bottom trailer, air ride, plastic slope liner, heavy 80 chain option, beet & potato end gates, 5 yrs on new drive motor, mud scrapers & 24.5 tires

*1994 East 28’ X 96” tandem axle alum end dump trailer, 64” sides, spring susp, full alum frame, rear center chute, 11R22.5 tires & Dayton wheels

*2007 Witzco 50T triaxle lowboy trailer, 24’ well, used very little 

*1988 Fruehauf 45′ X 96″ Flatbed Trailer w/Steel Frame, Aluminum Decking, Spring Ride, 2 Axles, 11R22.5 Tires & Steel Disk Rims, VIN#1HSP04522JM040102 Added 3/15/18 



*2006 Freightliner Columbia tri-axle farm truck, Detroit 60 Series engine, 430-470hp, 10 spd trans, brand new Loadline 21’ box, hoist, 3pc combo end gate, roll tarp & rear controls, dual alum tanks, steerable 3rd pusher axle, 265 WB, 11R22.5 tires, new virgin rubber, all alum wheels, 454257 miles, Penske maintained

*2007 Freightliner FLD120SD gravel truck, Detroit 14L eng 515hp, 10 spd trans, air ride, new RTE smooth side hard steel box, steerable pusher, alum wheels

*1999 Peterbilt 375 cab & chassis, tandem twin screw, ISC Cummins 300hp, Eaton Fuller 13 spd, Rayco spring susp, 20000lb front, 40000lb rears, 256 WB, outside alum wheels, 483353 miles showing

*1984 IH 2375 tandem twin screw farm truck, L10 Cummins, 9 spd trans, 20’ alum box & hoist, roll tarp, low miles on OH

*1978 Chev C-65 tandem twin screw, 366 V-8, 5/4 trans, 20’ Strong box, 3pc end gate, roll tarp, diff lock, 60 gal saddle tank, plumbed for drill fill, 10.00R20 tires on Dayton wheels, 32500 miles showing

*1966 Chev 2T farm truck, V8 eng, 4/2 trans, 14’ box w/ hoist, 8.25-20 tires 

*1975 International Loadstar 1600, 345 Eng, 4 Spd w/ Hi/Lo Auto Trans, 14′ Knapheide Box w/ext & Roll Tarp, 2) Saddle Tanks (not working), main tank behind set, small dent in bumper, Rear Hitch, 9.00-20 Tires w/steel disk rims, single owner, 50492 miles showing, S/N#00512EHA36427 ADDED 3/15/18 

*1984 Ford 9000 Tandem Axle. Cummins Engine, 9 Spd Trans, PTO & Pump set up for Beet Box, Steerable Pusher Axle, 659803 miles showing, VIN#1FTYW90W3EVA36494 ADDED 3/15/18 



*2011 Case 3520 3-wheel dry fert floater w/ 70’ booms, Trimble guidance, Viper Pro supplemental, granular bins, & foam markers, 2090 engine hrs, SN#XYAT028411X  Corrected Year 3.22.2018

*2003 Ag Chem Terragator 8103, 3 wheel dry fert floater, Terrashift trans, 70’ boom, Airmax One box, auto steer, elec tarp, 3113 hrs showing

*2005 Summers Ultimate NT PT sprayer, 90’ booms, 1500 gal tank, 200 gal rinse tank, spray wand, spray tips, hyd pump, 3-way nozzle bodies, 5 section auto shutoff w/ easy boom control, monitor, hyd boom tip lift, factory windscreen, adj axles, 380/90R46 tires, SN#ED823

*Late model New Holland SF216 sprayer, 132’ booms, 1600 gal tank, 20” nozzle spacing, 4 section shut offs, 2-way nozzle bodies, end row nozzles, 3” fill, auto rate controller, joystick control, 380/90R46 tires, SN#Y85005171

*Force 1600 gal fert/chem 4-wheel steer trailer w/ adj axles, 18.4-26 tires & hitch, nearly new

*2002 Spray Aire 3400 PT sprayer, 90’ boom, 800 gal tank, 100 gal rinse tank, inductor, triple nozzle bodies, hyd pump, small & large 1000 PTO, Raven 440 monitor, Smuckers foam markers, brand new orifice plates & screens in 2017, 13.6-38 tires, SN#34109

*Spray Aire 2200 PT sprayer, 90’ hyd fold booms, 3 section boom, 750 gal tank, Big 1000 PTO, chem inductor tank, added wet boom w/ Teejet nozzle bodies, no controller- cabling & plumbing for Trimble Field IQ or Raven 440/450 controller, 13.6R38 tires

*1000 gal pull between chemical caddy w/ John Blue twin piston pump & 21.5-16SL tires, plumbed to rear

*H&S 90’ field sprayer, SN#909123

*4) Michelin Agribib 650/65R38 Floatation Tires on CIH Sprayer Rims-80%, will fit CIH 4420-4440 Sprayer, used very little ADDED 3/15/18



*2016 Great Plains YP2425A-48TR 24R30/48R twin row planter, Row Pro units, hyd drive, Tru Count, front fold, dual marker assembly, 82 BU central fill hopper, hyd hitch, scraper kit, corn & bean plates, includes factory semi mount liquid fertilizer cart, used in 2017 only, like new, SN#GP-B1096G

*2010 JD 1770NT 24R30 front fold vacuum planter, CCS central fill, row cleaners, pneumatic down pressure, Refuge tank, 750 gal on board liquid fert tank, pump & accessories, finger closing wheels, markers, liquid kit new in 2014, very well equipped, SN#A01770E730178

*Sorenson 48R22 front fold vacuum planter, Agco White vacuum units, John Deere central fill tank, full liquid kit w/ onboard tank, trash whippers, 12-4 row sections & extra seed plates

*2005 JD 1750 24R22 vacuum planter, Moore bar, 2- 150gal liquid fert tanks, 3bu hoppers, hyd drive, variable rate, Brown box monitor, dual vacuum pumps, 2- 1yr old fert pumps & 2pt hitch 

*2001 JD 1780 24R22 front fold vacuum planter, liquid fert, 3bu hoppers, Seedstar, ground driven w/ cable driven units & walking tandems around, no tanks, SN#A01780D690149

*JD 1770 Conservation 16R30 front fold vacuum planter, MaxEmerge Plus row units, 3 BU boxes, 750 gal liquid fert tank, pump & accessories, markers, 350 monitor, SN#670306

*JD 1760 12R30 wing fold vacuum planter w/ flex frame, in row liquid fert w/ 2-250 gal tanks & ground drive pump, trash whippers, 3bu boxes & markers, 350 monitor, SN#665163

*JD 7100 18R22 planter, 1.6bu hoppers, plate type units, 22” spacing, lift assist, Dickey John PM400 population monitor, markers, soybean plates & end pull transport

*JD 7200 16R30 vacuum planter, front fold, 1.6bu boxes w/ extension, 2pt hookup, 250 monitor

*1999 Kinze 2600 16R30 twin line planter, liquid fert w/ GDS liquid kit, Ag Industries squeeze pump, rebounder seed firmers, KPM 2 monitor, markers, corn fingers & soybean disk plates, SN#613428

*2015 Elmers FCDBSP20SS2422 24R22 single shank flat fold row crop cultivator w/ large rolling shields, pull type hitch and HD lift assist, used very little, SN#SS240152926



*2009 JD 2210 64 ½’ field cultivator, 6” spacing, 4 bar harrow, 5 section fold, 15’ main frame, Accu depth, true position std, 200lb trip, 7” bolt on sweeps, walking tandems around, 129 shanks, floating hitch, castering gauge wheels, low transport, SN#N02210X008537

*2008 JD 637 45’2” cushion gang disk, 5 section fold, 9” spacing, blades measure 24”, walking tandems around, hyd depth adj, wing gauge wheels, 4 bar harrow, 4 recent main frame tires, SN#N00637X014339

*2002 JD 2400 49’ chisel plow w/ 5 section fold, walking tandems around, front castering gauge wheels, 3 bar Summers heavy harrow & Accu depth

*Unused 2016 Elmers Super 7-70’ heavy tine harrow, auto fold, 7 bar hyd adj sections w/ hyd pitch adjust, ½” tines, brand new unused, SN#HS770016624

*2008 Wilrich 657DCR 28’ disk chisel, 3 section fold, heavy harrows, new front disks, chisel plow rear shanks, walking tandems around

*Wilrich 3450 45’ field cultivator w/ 5 section fold, 4 bar Summers harrow, walking tandems around & rear hitch, no frame welds

*JD 960 44’ S-tine cultivator w/ 5 section fold, 3 bar harrow, 4” shovels, walking tandems around & rear hitch

*JD 960 44’ cultivator, 5 section fold, 3 bar harrow, walking tandems around, gauge wheels & packer hitch

*Flexicoil System 95 50’ harrow packer, 5 bar harrows, all teeth replaced a few yrs ago, no welding, SN#S95-B000-J028307

*New Holland/DMI ST770 ripper, heavy spike harrow, front disks, 7 shank, rear disk levelers, SN#JFH0029961- same as DM 730B

*JD 610 25’ chisel plow w/ 3 bar Herman harrow, SN#N00610X001437

*Summers 40’ S-tine harrow packer

*Melroe 420 40’ 3 rank multiweeder w/ 4 bar HD sections, no welding, SN#1365

*Herman 50’ harrow w/ 500 gal liquid tank & hyd pump, good teeth



*2001 JD 1820 61’ air hoe drill, 5 section fold, full run blockage monitor, 7.5” spacing, 3” rubber press wheels, 1900 430bu 3 comp TBT cart w/ new hyd fan & fill motors,  3 black metering rolls, drill SN#A01820X690238, cart SN#A01900H690208

*1994 Flexicoil 5000 33’ air seeder w/ 9” spacing & 3.5” packer wheels, complete w/ Flexicoil 1720 170bu cart w/ monitor, canola & grain seed rollers
*1994 JD 730 30’ air drill w/ 7 ½” row spacing, new disks, scrapers & bearings 2 yrs ago, & JD 787 180bu cart w/ grain & soybean feeding rollers, never used fert, drill SN# N00730X000310, tank SN#N00787X000843

*JD 455 35’ front fold grain drill w/ 7 ½” spacing, fert compartment & markers, SN#N00455H001655

*2) Late model Case IH 6300 12-6” press drills w/ rubber press & dry fert, single hitch, not hooked together- selling separately

*40’ drive across hyd drill transport w/ steering axle



*2013 Farm King 1684 16 x 84 auger w/ swing hopper, SN#Y168413000004

*2008 Westfield J100-41 auger, SN#204043

*2002 Westfield J210-41 auger, SN#139344

*Brandt 7500 grain vac w/ complete hose pkg, SN#96217

*ConveyAll 55’ all belt conveyor, single phase elec drive, 12” belt, standard hopper

*Batco 1545 15” x 45’ belted conveyor w/ field loader & Honda gas engine drive

*Batco 1385 13 x 85 S model conveyor w/ PTO drive, SN#11960

*2004 Haul all 150bu belt seed hopper, rear or side discharge, telescoping spout, Honda 5.5hp motor w/ elec start, elec clutch for on/off & roll tarp, SN#410048

*Farm King 5×11 & 5×16 utility augers w/ pulley, no drive motor

*ConveyAll BTS240 seed tender w/ roll tarp & Honda 5.5hp eng, SN#021450

*Case IH 8220 25’ PT swather w/ U-2 finger reel, like new

*Gustafson seed treater



*2000 Harriston 3200 6R potato planter, hyd drive, Raven 660 control, front & rear catwalk, box extension & markers, row spacing adj 36-40”

*Harriston 240 single phase clod hopper w/ star table & extension on discharge conveyor

*TriSteel 20’ belt conveyor w/ 2 stingers, hyd lift & steering, hyd side shift

*Better Built potato seed treater, used 2 seasons         



*2007 JD 200C LC  excavator w/ 65” bucket & fixed thumb attachment, 9273 hrs showing, SN#FF200CX508131

*1985 JD 690C hyd excavator w/ 60” ditching bucket & 30” GP bucket, 30” track shoes, SN#DW690CA508899

*2004 Cat 262B skid steer load w/ aux hyd, quick attach bucket & new 12-16.5 tires, SN#CAT0262BAPDT00304

*2008 JLG Skytrak model 4008 telehandler forklift, 8000 lb, SN#0300-128102

*Caterpillar 6P25 LP forklift w/ side shift, 3 stage mast, 4400lb lift capacity, 190” lift height, 42” forks & pneumatic tires, SN#5AM05326

*Caterpillar T50D LP forklift w/ side shift, 3 stage mast, 5000lb lift capacity, 188” lift height & 42” forks

*2001 Hyster H50XM LP forklift w/ 3 stage mast, 189” lift heights, 42” forks & pneumatic tires, 6700 hrs showing, SN#H177B4707



*2004 Chev Silverado 3500 4×4 4-door dually pickup, 6.6L Duramax diesel, auto trans, custom cab, A/C, AM/FM, 2012 flatbed body w/ enclosed boxes under bed, brake controller, gooseneck ball & receiver hitch, approx 158000 miles showing 

*2007 Chev Silverado 1500 LTZ Pickup, 4X4, Extended Cab, Leather Heated Seats, Power Windows, 5.3L V-8 Engine, Long Box, 130 gal Fuel Tank w/Pump, 13200 miles showing ADDED 3/15/18

*2) 2011 Arctic Cat HDX Prowler UTV w/ soft cab & winch, 4732 miles showing

*2001 Polaris Sportsman 500 4×4 ATV, single owner, 4800 miles showing

*Big Tex model 120A20 20’ bumper hitch trailer, deck over, tandem axle

*Heavy duty military utility trailer, no title

*8’ pickup topper w/ windows, red in color

*350 gal field service fuel tank w/ 12V Gasboy pump & 20’ hose



*2017 BIL 16’ pull type blade scraper w/ concrete weight, like new, SN#870

*2004 Hurricane 3pt rotary ditcher w/ 1000 PTO

*Woods 3180 15’ batwing mower w/ 540 PTO, stump jumpers & aircraft tires

*Unused America 160R 16’ multi angle pull type blade w/ hyd angle adj, weight box & oversize tires

*Unused America 140R 14’ multi angle pull type blade w/ hyd angle adj, weight box & oversize tires

*4) Unused America F12 12’ pull type box blade/killifer-

*4) Unused America F10 10’ pull type box blade/killifer

*2) Unused America F8 8’ pull type box blade/killifer

*Unused America 10F 10’ heavy duty box blade/killifer w/ hyd tilt

*2) Unused America 12F 12’ heavy duty box blade/killifer w/ hyd tilt

*Unused America 6’ 3pt track, furrow or tile closer

*1994 Woods 14’ batwing mower w/ 1000 PTO

*JD sickle mower



*Unused Lowe 750ch hyd auger w/ 9” & 12” bits & skid steer quick attach

*Unused Stout XHD84-6 brush/grapple bucket w/ skid steer quick attach

*Unused Stout HD72-4 close tine brush/grapple bucket w/ skid steer quick attach

*Unused Stout 72-3 rock/grapple bucket w/ skid steer quick attach

*Unused Stout 72-3 rock bucket w/ skid steer quick attach

*Unused Stout 66-9 brush/grapple bucket w/ skid steer quick attach

*Unused Stout HD72-3 open end rock/brush/grapple combo bucket w/ skid steer quick attach

*Unused Stout tree & post puller w/ skid steer quick attach

*Unused Stout round bale spear w/ skid steer quick attach

*Unused double tine bale spear w/ skid steer quick attach & prem powder coat finish

*Unused tree & post puller w/ skid steer quick attach & prem powder coat finish

*Unused 72” rock bucket w/ skid steer quick attach & prem powder coat finish

*Unused 72”’ brush/grapple w/ skid steer quick attach & prem powder coat finish

*2) Unused HD solid weld on quick attach skid steer plates

*2) Unused receiver plate trailer movers w/ premium powder coated paint finish

*2) Unused HD 48” 5500lb walk through pallet forks w/ skid steer quick attach & prem powder coat finish

*2) HD 48” 5500lb walk through pallet forks w/ skid steer quick attach, slightly used

*Unused 96” HD snow bucket w/ skid steer quick attach & prem powder coat finish

*Unused 102” HD snow bucket w/ skid steer quick attach & prem powder coat finish

*2) Unused tree & post pullers w/ skid steer quick attach

*2) Unused America SP10 10’ snow pushers w/ steel shoes & skid steer quick attach

*2) Unused America SP09 9’ snow pushers w/ steel shoes & skid steer quick attach

*2) Unused America SP08 8’ snow pushers w/ steel shoes & skid steer quick attach

*Unused tree saw w/ skid steer quick attach

*Unused 72” skid steer angle broom

*Unused 68” snow blower w/ skid steer quick attach

*2) Unused 72” fork extensions

*4) Unused 94” hyd skid steer loader/dozer/blade

*Unused 84” 4 in 1 bucket w/ skid steer quick attach



*JD ATU steering wheel w/ adaptor, hubs & wiring harness

*Laser Beacon 3000 w/ tripod & field tower

*JD Starfire globe, early SF1 model



*Unused 30’ x 65’ x 15’ peak ceiling double door storage building w/ commercial fabric- waterproof, UV & fire resistant & 12’ drive through doors at two ends

*Unused 30’ x 40’ x 15’ peak ceiling double door storage building w/ commercial fabric- waterproof, UV & fire resistant & 12’ drive through doors at two ends

*Unused 20’ x 30’ x 12’ peak ceiling storage shelter w/ commercial fabric & roll up door

*2) Unused 10’ x 20’ commercial instant pop up tent

*Unused 20’ HD 2 piece wrought iron driveway gate



*Hagen 550L 66” hyd drive snowblower w/ elec chute control, wiring harness & switch, geared for 18 to 21 gpm output skid steer, SN#H000904 

*Vermeer 605K Round Baler w/540 PTO, Elec Auto Twin tie PKP, Equal fill/auto tie monitor, gone through last winter, many new chains, shows 5747 bales, second owner ADDED 3/15/18

*14 Bundles of 10)  continuous Fence Panels – 20′ X 6 Bar w/1 1/4″ X 14ga Round Tubing, 5 Uprights, Clips & Connectors, Galvanized Finish ADDED 3/15/18 

*Aaladin 1400 Series hot water pressure washer

*2) Unused 10’ 20-drawer HD work bench w/ 40” high hanging wall, stainless steel drawer panel & metal handles

*Unused HD 110V 60HZ tire changer

*Unused HD 110V 60HZ wheel balancer

*Unused 9000lb HD two post auto lift

*Unused 50T hyd shop press

*Unused HD wood chipper 3pt, PTO, fits 40-70hp

*Unused 10T digital floor scale w/ 78” plate

*Unused Bierman Sales model 51 EZ dual tire changer w/ combine tire rollers for use w/ 520-380 width tires, 14.9, 18.4 & 20.8

*JD 72” undermount mower deck from JD 4400 utility tractor, works on various models

*2) Unused 5hp elec pumps w/ 2” fittings, meters & stainless steel plumbing

*2) 5hp elec pumps w/ 2” fittings, meters & stainless steel plumbing

*Spring trip row markers for Elmers row crop cultivator

*16) Precision sunflower planter plates for JD Maximerge planter

*Pair of long dividers for JD 600 Series flex heads

*8) JD 8000 Series front end suitcase weights

*Pair of IH Super A rear wheel weights, will fit other models

*Pickett 8000 Series tractor mounting parts- 1 set of left hand side brackets, 1 set of right hand side brackets, 2- uprear tire brackets & 1 set of dividers

*2) Pallets of CIH vibrashank assemblies- 40 complete assemblies per pallet, fits newer 3” x 4” frame on models 4600, 4700 & 4900 cultivators

*Approx 70) JD gauge wheels off 1890 seeding tool

*Approx 60) 5 ½” paired Dutch row openers off Concord air seeder w/ fert tubes to fit C-shank units, most tips replaced last yr

*TRS Industries 22’ fitted planter tarp, fits 12R22 or 8R30 planter with or without insect/herbicide attachment

*Westfield endgate dril;l fill auger w/ new brush auger 2016, not used last yr, SN#0099181W

*Westfield endgate drill fill

*Dayton metal/wood upright band saw



*4) Michelin Agribib 650/65R38 Floatation Tires on CIH Sprayer Rims-80%, will fit CIH 4420-4440 Sprayer, used very little ADDED 3/15/18

*Camoplast 634-8023 30” track from Quadtrac- 85%

*Goodyear 30” Trackman track from Quadtrac- 60%

*Pair of Goodyear Power Torque 6 ply 16.9-26 tractor tires w/ tubes, excellent condition

*8) Titan 710-38 metric tires 45%

*2) Goodyear 18.4-34 tractor tires 30%

*2) 18.4-38 tires w/ rims 70%, fits 4450 duals

*4) JD Gator 12” 5-bolt steel wheel rims

*Set of Camoplast 16” tracks, used only 70 hrs, were purchased for 8400T, may fit others

*8) 11R24.5 14 ply trailer tires

*3) 225/75R15 all season tires- 70%

*Unused 9.5-42 10 ply tractor tires on rims

*2) Sets of 11.00-16 8 ply mono ribs w/ 8 hole rims

*7) 5.90-15 packer tires from Concord air seeder



GRAND FORKS AREA EQUIPMENT & TRUCK AUCTION- For more information call 701-757-4015 office, 701-215-2058 Dennis, 701-317-0870 Mark


TERMS: Cash, cashier’s check, wire transfer, approved check in US funds.  All sales final.  Statements made auction day take precedence over all advertising.  ND Sales tax laws may apply on some construction & consumer units. Document fee on vehicle titles will apply & vehicle titles will be mailed to buyers.  Due to some conflicts at press time, please note some file photos, see website for originals.


Canadian buyers are always welcome.  Please furnish a letter of credit for registration. Some purchases require payment by wire. Most units move easily across the border, feel free to ask in advance for document assistance if necessary.


AUCTIONEERS & CLERK: Resource Auction, Dennis Biliske- Auctioneer, 2702 17th Ave S, Grand Forks, ND 58201, ph 701-757-4015, fax 701-757-4016, Dennis Biliske ND Lic 237, ND Clerk Lic 624, email-, website-


Photo Gallery


Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. Resource Auction, agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.