17 March, 2025 8:15 am
Full Listing Now Posted- Click Details!!!
THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 2014- 9:00 AM
LOCATION: Indoors at the Alerus Center, 1200 S. 42nd St, Grand Forks, ND (Just off I-29)
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: The auction will take place in the Alerus Center ballroom by huge video screen & photographs. All units will be on hand for inspection on the Alerus Center Lot- go outside to “look & touch” come inside to “bid & buy”. Running inspection from noon to 5pm August 6th and 8am to 10am auction day. Please be prepared as there will be two auction rings.
SPECIAL NOTES: All items must be removed by August 14th at 1pm- loading dock on site. Alerus Center is equipped with hotel & restaurant facilities. We will accept absentee bids until 6pm August 6th!
ONLINE BIDDING- Please register in advance to bid live online by visiting www.resourceauction.com
FINANCING AVAILABLE:Nearly ALL of our late model combines, tractors and heads are eligible for low or no interest financing to qualified U.S. buyers. Please call in advance for details on specific units or visit our website for breakdown.
*2012 JD 9510R 4WD, 18/6 power shift trans, 5 hyd (High Flow), diff lock, XM radio, premium cab w/ command arm, HID lights, front and rear weight package, elec mirrors, 710/70R42 duals, only 618 hrs, SN#RW9510RECP002890
*2012 JD 9410R 4WD, 18/6 power shift trans, 5 hyd (Hi Flow), 1000 PTO, HD Axles, HID light package, radar, front and rear weight pkg, leather interior, Auto Trac ready, 520/85R46 duals, only 875 hrs, remaining warranty, SN#RW9410RECP004383
*2014 Case IH Magnum 340 MFWD, luxury cab w/ leather, power mirrors, 3pt w/ quick hitch, PTO, 6 hyd w/ power beyond, Pro750 color touch screen, dual beacon lights, front weights, front fenders, 380/80R38 front duals, 380/90R54 rear triples, only 233 hrs, farmer owned, remaining warranty, SN#ZDRD09021
*2012 Case IH Steiger STX500 4 WD, full auto guidance, PRO700-262 WAAS-NavII, elec mirrors, radar, inst seat, 6 hyd, full rear suitcase weight Pkg, 360 HID lighting, HD drawbar, low pressure return, 800R38 Michelin duals, only 457 hrs, SN#ZCF130583
*2012 JD 8310R MFWD, ILS, 16/4 power shift trans, 1000 PTO, 4 hyd (60 gpm), 3pt w/ quick hitch, prem cab/radio package, inst seat, HID light pkg, front fenders, HD drawbar, radar, 7″ color display, Auto Trac ready, 420/85R34 fronts, 480/80R50 rear duals, only 601 hrs, remaining warranty, SN#RW8310RJCP060863
*2011 Case IH Magnum 225 MFWD CVT, luxury cab, cab susp, inst seat, full Auto Steer-NavII-Pro700-372-WAAS, 540/1000 PTO, 5 Remotes, 600/2000 lbs weights, front fenders, active front susp, diff lock, 3pt w/QH, elec mirrors, ISO Plug, radar, 380R34 front duals, 380R50 rear duals, only 1416 hrs, SN#ZBRH01204
*2010 JD 8270R MFWD, 16/4 power shift trans, active seat, inst seat, 1000 PTO, 4 hyd (60gpm), 3pt w/ quick hitch, front fenders, radar, HID lighting, Auto Trac ready, 380/85R34 fronts, 380/90R50 rear duals, only 270 hrs, remaining warranty, SN#RW8270RTAP008454
*2010 JD 8295R MFWD, IVT, ILS, deluxe cab, 3pt w/ quick hitch, PTO, 4 hyd, Auto Trac ready, HID lights, 4) 450 lb rear weights, front weights, 380/54 rear duals, 380/38 front duals, 1936 hrs, SN#4770
*2008 JD 9630 4WD, power shift, diff lock, auto steer, weight pkg for inside wheels, suitcase weights between fenders, 520/85R46 triples, 2425 hrs, SN#RW9630P002159
*2008 JD 8130 MFWD, ILS, IVT trans, 4 hyd (60 gpm), 540/1000 PTO, 3pt w/ quick hitch, front weights, HID rear light package, active seat, inst seat, 480/70R34 fronts, 480/80R50 rear duals, 3173 hrs, SN#RW8130D025369
*2007 JD 9330 4WD, 18/6 power shift trans, 1000 PTO, 4 hyd (48 gpm), rear weight package, HID light package, diff lock, active seat, Auto Trac ready, 480/80R50 duals, 1650 hrs, SN#RW9330PLAP017982
*2006 JD 9520 4WD, power shift, 4 hyd (48 gpm), diff lock, active seat, inst seat, front and rear weight package, Auto Trac ready, 800/70R38 duals, 3740 hrs, SN#RW9520P040733
*2001 JD 8410 MFWD, power shift, semi active seat, 3pt w/ quick hitch, PTO, 4 hyd, Auto Trac ready, HID lights, 2) 1400 lb rear weights, front weights, 380/50 rear duals, 320/38 fronts, 6785 hrs, SN#13067
*1998 JD 8400T belted ag tractor, narrow gauge, 3pt w/ quick hitch, PTO, 4 hyd w/ power beyond, 16” belts- 60%, Auto Trac ready, front weight bracket, 6553 hrs showing, track adj issue on one belt, SN#902196
*1997 JD 8400 MFWD, power shift, 3pt w/quick hitch, PTO, 4 hyd, front weights, 14.9-30 fronts, 14.9-46 rear duals, 8920 hrs showing, single owner, SN#11321 added 8.01.2014
*1996 JD 8100 MFWD, power shift, 3pt w/ quick hitch, PTO, 4 hyd, Auto Trac ready w/ integrated A/T valve, front weights, front fenders, like new 380/90R46 rear duals, good 380/85R30 fronts, ISO plug, only 7479 hrs, sharp, SN#5388
*1979 JD 4640, QR, new cab kit, 3pt, PTO, 3 hyd, 20.8×42 duals, eng work 1500 hrs ago, 7000 total hrs, single owner
*1974 IH 1066 Hydro, Case 700 loader, 16.3R38 rears, 7960 hrs showing
*2007 NH TC55DA MFWD utility, 3pt, NH 270TL loader, rebuilt trans & new turbo charger, 3480 hrs, SN#Z6NCC1457
*1963 JD 4010 diesel row crop, 3pt, PTO, 2 hyd, only 2600 hrs- original tractor, retired farmer-call for details
*1961 JD 3010 diesel tractor w/ 3pt, hyd, PTO, Farmhand F110 loader, 15.5-38 rears, 10552 hrs, SN#34418
*2012 Case IH AFX 9230T track combine, RWD, deluxe cab, contour feeder house, straw chopper, rock trap, large tube rotor, Pro 700 display, grain loss monitor, Y/M monitor, yield mapping, self leveling sieves, 360 degree HD lights, 36” tracks, 28L-26 steering tires, only 442 sep hrs, 679 engine hrs, SN#YCG215636
*2012 Case IH AFX 8120 RWD, contour feeder house, AHHC, F/A, auto reel spd, rock trap, large tube rotor, variable spd feeder house, variable spd rotor drive, chaff spreader, straw chopper, Y/M monitor, self leveling sieves, 900-32R1 drive tires, 28L-26 steering tires, 721 sep hrs, 920 engine hrs, SN#YBG213827
*2011 Case IH AFX 8120 RWD, contour feeder house, AHHC, F/A, auto reel spd, rock trap, large tube rotor, variable spd feeder house, variable spd rotor drive, chaff spreader, straw chopper, Y/M monitor, self leveling sieves, 900-32 drive tires, 28L-26 steering tires, only 468 sep hrs, 629 engine hrs, SN#YAG210762
*2011 Case IH AF7120 luxury cab w/leather, grain loss monitor, yield mapping, Y/M, HID stadium lights, HD rear axle, corn/grain/bean, 24′ unloader, bin ext, contour feeder, auto reel speed, AHHC, auto pilot, F/A, self leveling sieves w/ elec adj, ext wear pkg, full Auto Steer, rock trap, chopper, large wire concaves, 540/65R30 rears, 520/85R42 duals, only 741 sep, 1114 eng hrs, SN# YCG214687
*2011 JD 9870 Bullet Rotor, contour master, var spd feeder, rock trap, touch set concaves, chopper, power tail board, F/A, auto reel spd, auto height sensor, bin ext, Y/M, elec sieve adj, chaff spreader, only 581 sep hrs, 880 engine hrs, corn/grain/bean, extended power train warranty to 9/15, SN#740244
*2010 JD 9770 STS, Bullet Rotor, contour master, Hi torque rev var speed feeder, HI cap lift cyls, touch set round bar concaves, prem cab, dlx header pkg, ext wear pkg, self leveling sieves, Hi cap unloader, fine cut chopper, chaff spreader, power tail board, bin ext, Pro Drive, 600/65X28 rears, 20.8X42 duals, corn/grain/bean, only 1238 eng, 992 sep hrs, SN#737429
*2008 JD 9770 STS, Bullet Rotor, contour master, HD var speed rev feeder, rock trap, round bar concaves, F/A, auto height & reel speed, chopper, chaff spreader, 22′ unloader, bin ext, Y/M ready, HID Lights, Auto Trac ready, 480/70X30 rears, 20.8X38 duals, corn/grain/bean, only 1570 eng, 935 sep hrs, SN#728224
*2007 Case IH AFX7010, corn/grain/bean, Pro600 color touch screen, yield/ moisture monitor, field tracker, diff lock, HD rear axle, 21′ auger, auto reel speed, AHHC, bin ext, elec sieve adj, large wire concaves, rock trap, chopper, 520R42 rears, 600R28 duals, 1326 sep, 1784 eng hrs, SN#HAJ201217
*2006 JD 9760 bullet rotor, contour master, F/A, AHHC, fine cut chopper, hopper ext, small & large concaves, 800/70R38 drivers, 600/65R28 rears, 1942 sep hrs, 2809 engine hrs, SN#715664
*2002 JD 9650STS, contour master, Y/M monitor, large round & small wire concaves, 20.8×42 duals, chopper, DAM, DAS, F/A, service records available, 2335 sep hrs, 3410 engine hrs, SN#695749
*1997 JD 9600, var speed rev feeder, rock trap, bin ext, F/A, HHC, DAM, DAS, Ag Leader yield monitor, chopper, chaff spreader, 20′ unload auger, 18.4X38 duals, corn/grain/bean, 3570 engine, 2506 sep hrs, SN#670558
*1998 Case IH 2388, spec rotor, rock trap, bin ext, 30.5-32 drive tires, 3243 sep hrs, 4115 engine hrs, SN#JJC0197870
*1998 Case IH 2388, straw chopper, rock trap, Y/M monitor, rotor cage, feeder house & chain, new unloading auger w/ grain saver & hopper, clean grain & return chain, sealed & balanced, drive splines, 30.5-32 tires, only 150 hrs on $46000 in uptime repairs, work orders available, SN#JJC0197459
*1995 Case IH 2188, spec rotor, chopper, rock trap, hopper top, large & small wire concaves, Mud Hog RWD, 30.5-32 drive tires, 16.9-24 rears, new top sieve, new chopper pan, new clean grain paddle chain & drives, 3566 sep hrs, 4980 eng hrs, SN#JJC0189195
*1994 JD 9600 combine, var spd fdr w/rev, AHHC, F/A, f/c chopper, chaff spreader, bin ext, 2 spd cyl, Y/M, 4249 sep hrs, 5905 eng hrs, SN#656221 – added 8.01.2014
*1984 JD Turbo 8820, factory 4WD, extender auger, feeder reverse, chaff spreader, 30.5-32 fronts, 16.9-26 rears, 4640 hrs, SN#600871
*1984 JD 7720 combine w/ new chopper, 30.5-32 drive tires & 18.5L-16.1 rears, 1821 hrs, SN#601739
*1979 JD 7720 combine w/ 24.5-32 drive tires & 11.2-24 rears, 2762 hrs, SN#359517H
*2012 Case IH 2162 40’ flex draper w/ 3” cut, finger reel, F/A, skid plates & single knife drive, slow spd transport, SN#YCZN16361
*2012 Case IH 2162 40’ flex draper w/ 3” cut, finger reel, F/A, skid plates & single knife drive, slow spd transport, SN#YCZN16365
*2009 Case IH 2162 40’ flex draper w/ 3” cut, finger reel, F/A, skid plates & single knife drive, gauge wheels, SN#Y9ZN11301
*Late Model Case IH 30’ flex head w/new oil drive & wobble box, 3” cut, F/A, finger reel, field tracker, dbl drive, long & short dividers, SN #JJC332081 – added 8.01.2014
*2009 Case IH 2020 35’ flex head, 3” cut, F/A, long dividers, SN#Y9ZL51247
*2009 Case IH 2020 35’ flex head w/ Crary air reel, 3” cut, F/A, fits CIH or NH, SN#Y9ZL51445
*2011 JD 635F 35’ flex head, 3” cut, F/A, long dividers, SN#740127
*2008 JD 635F 35’ flex head w/ F/A, single pt hook-up, finger reel & stubble lights, SN#H00635F725239
*2007 JD 635F 35’ hydraflex head w/ single pt hook-up, SN#H00635F712020
*2007 JD 635F 35’ flex head w/ Crary wind system, full finger updated table auger, fiber fingers, 70 series hook ups, new guards & poly 700 acres ago, SN#711466
*2004 JD 635F 35’ hydraflex head w/ single pt hook-up, SN#H00635F706291
*2004 JD 630F 30’ head w/ high dam, single pt hookup & good sickle, SN#H00630F707436
*2003 Case IH 1020 30’ flex head w/ F/A, 3” cut, finger reel, auto reel spd, 2 sets dividers & platform lockup, SN#JJC0332164
*NH 74C 35’ flex head w/ Crary air reel, fits CIH or NH, hard to find, SN#023035
*2) Honey Bee 94C 42’ draper heads w/ AHHC, pickup reel, CIH or New Holland adapters & transport, SN#442030259, SN#442030503
*1995 Case IH 1020 flex head, SN#JJC0215513
*JD 930 rigid head w/ finger reel
*JD 930 30’ rigid head
*JD 930F 30’ flex head SN#710279
*JD 930F flex head w/F/A & stubble lights, SN #661201 – added 8.01.2014
*JD 925 25’ flex head, SN#651176
*JD 925 25’ flex head – added 8.01.2014
*JD 924 flex head w/ poly finger reel
*JD 920 flex head w/ finger reel
*Crary C25 flex head w/ Crary air reel, full fingered plastic auger & JD 90 series hookup, new sickle, new guards, new poly skids
*AGCO Gleaner 30’ rigid head w/batt reel, fits R72 etc, SN #3035389G – added 8.01.2014
*JD 924 head w/ 20’ Sund pkp & screened bottom
*JD 222 rigid head w/ 9” sunflower pans & drum reel, SN#486463
*JD 220 rigid head, new J sunflower attachment w/ reel & 9” pan
*30′ 810 big auger rigid head SN#01394060040
*IH 810 30’ rigid head w/large auger – added 8.01.2014
*22 ½’ finger reel, black
*Poly nose dividers for JD 630 flex head
*Concaves & Bean Grates for Case IH Rotory Combines (1480…2388)
*2009 Case IH 3408 8R30 corn head w/ hyd deck plates, SN#Y95018941
*2007 Case IH 2412 12R30 corn head w/ hyd deck plates, new chains & knives, SN#CBJ032661
*2004 JD 1293 12R30 corn head w/ fluted rolls, hyd deck platess & new chains, SN#705834
*JD 893 8R30 corn head w/ green poly, manual deck plates & oil bath, SN#H00893X656837
*2002 JD 893 8R30 corn head w/ knife rolls, hyd decks & new chains, SN#696078
*JD 1293 12R30 corn head w/bish header adapter to fit JD, Case IH or NH combines, 2 sets of drive shafts, headsight foresight, hyd deck plates, used lat year on 300 acres, works great, SN#12934700809
*JD 1293 12R30 corn head w/bish header adapter to fit JD, Case IH or NH combine, 2 sets of drive shafts, headsight foresight, hyd deck plates, poly snouts & end dividers, only used on 300 acres – 2013, SN #H012934700809 – added 8.01.2014
*1996 JD 893 8R30 corn head w/ fluted rolls, SN#665842
*JD 893 8R30 corn head w/ green poly, manual deck plates & oil bath, SN#656837
*2000 Cat Lexion 830 8R30 corn head, SN#2XZ00492
*Case IH 1083 12R22 corn head w/ knife rolls, good condition
*JD 843 8R30 corn head, SN#470898
*Corn Sieve for 2388 (new)
*Elmers CM22 Cropmaster 22’ edible bean head w/ 9 bar pkp, 2 bean rollers & single point hook up, SN#08464
*Universal UH22 22’ edible bean head w/ 9 bar pkp, one bean roller & single point hook up, SN#7501470
*1993 JD 914 head w/ 7 belt pkp, kept indoors, excellent condition
*JD 912 head w/ 6 belt pkp, SN#630436
*1981 JD 912 head w/ 6 belt pkp, kept indoors, excellent condition
*Agco 24’ rigid head w/ poly finger reel, SN#2433439G
*Agco 13’ pickup head w/ Melroe 388 8 belt pkp, SN#R8886
*IH 810 20’ bean head w/ 2) 9’ Sund pickups & center screen
*IH 810 22 ½’ bean head w/ screen, 22’ Sund pkp & header trailer
*IHC 810 20’ bean head w/ 2) 9’ Sund pkps
*JD 224 head w/ pkp reel
*JD 214 pickup head w/ 6 belt pkp
*JD 212 pickup head w/ 5 belt pkp, SN#268687
*JD 212 pickup head w/ 5 belt pkp
*JD 212 pickup head w/ 6 belt pkp
*JD 212 pickup head w/ Sund pkp
*JD 212 pickup head w/ 6 belt pkp & 2 wheel trailer
*JD 5 belt pkp for JD 212 head
*Pickup reel for 930 rigid head
*Bat reel for 930 head
*3) Unused 36’ header trailers w/ telescopic front hitch, front dolly wheels, front fenders, tandem rear axles, rear lights & 6-bolt hubs
*Unused 32’ header trailer w/ telescopic front hitch, front dolly wheels, front fenders, tandem rear axles, rear lights & 6-bolt hubs
*Unused 42’ header trailer w/ telescopic front hitch, front dolly wheels, front fenders, tandem rear axles, rear torsion axles, rear brakes, rear lights & 6-bolt hubs
*4) Unused America 435 35’ 6-wheel header trailers
*4) Unused America 430 30’ 4-wheel header trailers
*Vulcan Ironworks 30’ header trailer, like new
*Hart 30’ header trailer
*Headbed 30’ header trailer
*Elmers 30’ header trailer
*Elmers 30’ header trailer
*Elmers 25’ header trailer
*30’ 2-wheel header trailer
*2 wheel Vulcan header trailer
*2006 IH 9900i, 60” stand up sleeper, ISX Cummins 435hp, 10 spd, engine brake, cruise, tilt & telescoping wheel, air ride susp, 3:55 ratio, tandem axle, air slide 5th wheel, 238 WB, 11-22.5 tires, alum wheels
*2005 Peterbilt 379 63” stand up sleeper, C-13 Cat, 430-470hp, 10 spd, jake, 237 WB, air ride, 11R24.5 tires, alum wheels, 628119 miles showing, sharp unit
*2005 Peterbilt 385 day cab, C-13 Cat engine, 430 hp, 10 spd trans, jake, 189 WB, 11R22.5 tires, alum wheels
*2005 IH 9200 day cab, Cat C-13, 430HP,10 spd trans, 184 WB, new 295/75R22.5 rears on steel disk wheels, alum fronts, air ride, 500000 miles showing
*2004 IH 9200 day cab, Cat C-13, 430HP,10 spd trans, 184 WB, new 295/75R22.5 rears on steel disk wheels, alum fronts, air ride, 500000 miles showing- Matched PR
*2005 Kenworth T800B day cab, C11 Cat 400hp, 10 spd, Merrit Ultrashift, 5 window cab, cruise, air ride, 4:10 ratio, 171 WB, aluminum fronts, new brakes, fresh DOT
*2005 Volvo VNM day cab, VED-12 395hp, Eaton Fuller 3 peddle auto shift, 174 WB, 11R22.5 tires, all alum wheels, 566511 actual miles showing
*2004 Kenworth T600, mid roof sleeper, ISX Cummins 450hp, 12 spd auto trans, new radiator & turbo, TK tri-pack auxiliary unit, 200000 miles on new trans, excellent rubber
*PR) 2004 Freightliner Columbia 120 day cabs, automatic transmission, alum wheels, 176WB, Mercedes 410 HP, low pro 22.5 50%, brakes 60 – added 8.01.2014
*2003 Freightliner CL120 Columbia day cab, Cat C13 410hp, 10 spd, 3:90 ratio, air ride susp w/ dump valve, ¼ fenders, alum deck plates, diff lock, 5th wheel slide, 171 WB, 22.5 low profile tires, alum disc fronts, 454057 miles showing
*FOUR) 2000 Mack CX613 day cabs, Mack E7 460hp, 13 spd, PTO/wet kits, dual alum tanks, 223 WB, 385/65R22.5 front tires- excellent, 11R22.5 rear deep lug tires, alum wheels all around, safety pull hitches, 550000-750000 miles showing, clean, well equipped- Matched set of 4
*1999 Kenworth T800B day cab, daylight doors, Cummins ISM 370hp, 10 spd trans, jake, dual alum tanks, 182 WB, air ride, new 11R22.5 rear tires, alum wheels, 843896 miles showing
*2002 Freightliner Classis day cab, Cummins ISM 380hp, 13 spd trans, jake, 208 WB, air ride, 295/75R22.5 tires on alum wheels around, 663271 miles showing
*2) Matched 2000 Kenworth T800B day cabs, Cat C-12, 10 spd, 190WB, 4:11 ratio, excellent rubber alum wheels- Last minute addition, watch for more info
*2000 Peterbilt 385, C12 Cat 430hp, 8LL trans, engine brake, air ride cab, tilt & telescoping wheel, air leaf susp, 3:90 ratio, tandem axle, air slide 5th, 184 WB, 22.5 tires, alum wheels, 613619 miles showing
*1998 IH 9200 day cab, Cummins M11, 10 spd trans, 275/80R24.5 tires, jake, alum wheels, 90% rubber, ¼ fenders, air ride, 672337 actual miles, nice truck
*1998 Peterbilt 379 day cab, Cummins M11 370E engine, 10 spd trans, jake, 206 WB, air ride, dual alum tanks, 11R22.5 tires on alum wheels, 728217 miles showing
*1996 Kenworth W900B day cab, Detroit 60 Series 12.7L 500hp, 13 spd trans, PTO/wet kit, dual alum tanks, 210 WB, 385/65R22.5 steering tires, 11R24.5 w/ Tire Boss, deep lug, alum wheels, safety pull hitch, very sharp truck
*1998 Freightliner Century Classis day cab, Cummins M11, 10 spd trans, jake, 188 WB, air ride, 11R22.5 tires, alum fronts, steel disk rears
*1995 Freightliner day cab, Cummins M11, 10 spd trans, PTO/wet kit, 192 WB, jake, air ride, 11R22.5 tires on steel disk wheels, alum fronts, 916582 miles showing
*1995 Freightliner flat top sleeper, N14 Cummins, 9 spd, cruise, engine brake, wet kit, 3:70 ratio, 5th wheel slide, dual alum tanks, 285/75R24.5 fronts, 285/75R24.5 & 275/80R24.5 rears, 852894 miles showing
*1995 IH 9200 daycab, 12.7L Detroit 425hp, 10 spd, air ride, wet kit, 535000 miles showing
*2012 Timpte 42’ alum hopper bottom, 96” W x 72” sides, AG hoppers, air ride w/ scale, 11R22.5 tires, alum wheels, red roll tarp, sharp
*2011 Maurer 34’ steel hopper bottom, 96” W x 66” sides, AG hoppers, spring ride, 11R24.5 tires, steel disk wheels, roll tarp, sharp
*2010 Timpte 40’ alum hopper bottom, 96” W x 72” sides, AG hoppers, air ride w/ scale, 11R22.5 tires, alum wheels, roll tarp, sharp
*2010 Jet 42’ all alum hopper bottom, 96” W x 68” sides, AG hoppers, air ride, 11R24.5 tires, alum wheels, elec roll tarp
*2005 Cornhusker 48’ alum hopper bottom, 96”W x 72” sides w/ 10’ spread axle, new brakes, good tires, low miles & roll tarp, single owner
*2003 White Farm Master 36’ x 102” hopper trailer w/ 72” sides, side chutes, roll tarp & 22.5/75R24.5 tires
*2001 Dakota Hawkeye 42’ tandem axle hopper bottom semi trailer, 285/75R24.5 tires
*1997 Cornhusker 800 42’ alum semi hopper trailer, 96” W x 78” H, 285/75.R 24.5’s on alum wheels & roll tarp – added 8.01.2014
*1996 Wilson 43’L x 102”W x 78″H grain trailer, air ride susp, dump valve & gauge, roll tarp, pace setter, pintle hitch, front & rear ladder, 2 spd trap openers, 11R24.5 tires w/alum wheels
*1995 Dakota 30’ steel hopper bottom, 96”W x 66” sides, 11R22.5 tires, steel disk wheels, roll tarp
*1991 Wilson 42’ x 96” hopper bottom trailer, 16” hopper clearance, good roll tarp, new dollies, tires & brakes – 70% – added 8.01.2014
*2) 2014 HMI 34’ steel end dump ag trailers w/ super singles & tarps, used 2 seasons for beets only
*2012 Loadline 34’ x 96” end dump trailer, 66” high, combination endgate, roll tarp, rear controls, 11R22.5 tires, alum wheels
*2010 Loadline 34’ x 96” end dump trailer, 66” high, combination endgate, roll tarp, rear controls, 11R22.5 tires, alum wheels
*2010 Loadline 34’ x 96” end dump trailer, 66” high, combination endgate, roll tarp, rear controls, 11R22.5 tires, alum wheels
*2010 Loadline 34’ x 96” end dump trailer, 66” high, combination endgate, roll tarp, rear controls, 11R22.5 tires, alum wheels
*2009 Loadline 34’ x 96” end dump trailer, 66” high, combination endgate, roll tarp, rear controls, 11R22.5 tires, alum wheels
*2002 Loadline 34’ x 96” end dump trailer, 66” high, combination endgate, roll tarp, rear controls, 425/65R22.5 super singles, alum wheels
*2001 Loadline 34’ x 96” end dump trailer, 66” high, combination endgate, roll tarp, rear controls, 425/65R22.5 super singles, alum wheels
-Above 7 trailers & B&L live bottom below are custom painted, all matched units from one seller
*2003 Magnum Mfg 36’ tandem axle end dump trailer w/ roll tarp & 11R24.5 tires
*1980 Ravens end dump tri-axle trailer, liner, all alum, mud scrapers
*2006 Wilson 50’ walking floor trailer, 96”W x 72”H, black alum, 445/50R22.5 super singles on alum wheels, good rubber, air lift 3rd lift axle, roll tarp, air ride, model #DWG-550WB
*1999 Landoll 50’ x 102” NGB trailer, 50T, steel composition w/ wood floor, fixed triaxle, air ride, detachable neck, 13’ back platform, 26’ well, 11’ neck, outriggers, 22.5 tires, alum wheels
*1998 B.L. Industries 42’ x 96” live bottom trailer, 66” high, 425/65R22.5 G600 super singles, alum wheels & roll tarp
*Load King 1827 tri-axle belly dump gravel trailer, good doors
*2007 Freightliner Columbia 120 tandem farm truck, Cat C-13, 430-470HP, auto shift, jake, full locking rears, excellent rubber, alum wheels, double frame, New Load Line 21’box, hoist, combo endgate, roll tarp, & rear control- super sharp
*2005 Mack Vision cab & chassis, E7 427 Mack engine, 10 spd Fuller, jake, 11R22.5 tires on steel disk rears, diff lock, 232 WB, 21.5’ frame length- ready for box, 713019 miles showing
*1996 IH 4900 tri-axle w/ 3rd lift tag, DT466E, 8 spd low reduction, Spudnik 24’ live bottom box w/ manual roll tarp, Safety pull hitch, mud scrapers, 11R22.5 tires, odometer shows 47688 miles- is approx 90000 total
*1991 Kenworth T-800 tri-axle, 60 series Detroit 430HP, 11R24.5 tires, 24’ box, hoist, comb end gate & roll tarp
*1985 Freightliner tri-axle, 3406 Cat engine, 13 spd trans, 24’ Double L box & roll tarp, belt in good shape, brakes- 70%, 24.5 tires- 90%, low gear for beets & potatoes, GAP approved, DOT ready, field ready
*1980 GMC Brigadier, Detroit 6V92 335hp, 8 spd, spring susp, tandem axle, 220 WB, 11-22.5 tires, all steel wheels, Mastercraft 20’ x 60” x 96” box w/ rear dump, 297000 miles showing
*1978 Ford F700 tag axle, 361, 5/2, PTO pump, no box, 9.00 tires, 25700 actual miles, single owner
*1976 IHC Loadstar 1800 twin screw, 466 gas, Allison auto, 18’ Buffalo box, roll tarp, grain & beet end gate, set up for beets, Harsh hoist, Safe-T-Pull, poly on floor*1968 Ford F600 tandem, 330 V8 engine, 4/2, 9.00-20 rear tires, 8.25-20 fronts- 6 new tires, good box
*1974 Chev C65 tandem twin screw, 527, 5/4, 18’ steel box & hoist – added 8.01.2014
*2010 Hardi Commander 4400 132′ susp boom sprayer, triple nozzel bodies, 1200 gal tank, rinse tank, Hardi 5500 monitor, 380/90R50 tires, SN#0009016046 added 8.01.2014
*2008 TopAir TA2400 track sprayer, new belts, 132′ booms, 2400 gal tank, green/ yellow in color, triple nozzle bodies, touch down wheels, Raven 400 monitor, auto rate controller, SN# B23610100
*2001 Loral 3000SS, IH eng 300hp, Allison trans, 60’ booms, Midtech controller, Air Max V, 48-66 tires, electric tarp, 4303 hrs, 60708 miles showing, SN#1HTGBADL92H3Y1536
*1998 Loral 3000SS, IH eng 300hp, Allison trans, 60’ booms, Midtech controller, Air Max V, 48-66 tires, flip top tarp, 4408 hrs, 63065 miles showing, SN#1HTGBADR1XH628252
*1996 Ag Chem 854 Rogator, 100’ booms, foam markers, Raven 460 control w/ 5 section shutoff, 3-way Teejet quick turn nozzle bodies w/ 20 gal flat fan & 10 gal air inducted nozzles- many updates, repairs & options- see website for details
*2008 NH SF216 pull type sprayer w/ 134’ suspended boom, front fold, hyd leveling, 1600 gal poly tank, rinse tank, hyd pump drive, agitator, triple nozzles, auto rate controller, multi switch controller, 380/90-46 singles, SN#Y8S005176
*Summers Ultimate sprayer w/ 90’ booms, 3 way nozzles, foam markers & 380/90R46 tires, SN#C0584
*Hardi Commander 120’ pull type sprayer w/ 1200 gal tank
*2002 Spray Air 3400 PT sprayer w/ 90’ booms, wet boom, 800 gal tank, marker & duals
*1996 Spray Air 2200 PT sprayer w/ 90’ booms, mix cone, marker, harness for Raven 440 & 13.6-38 singles
*NYB 84’ pickup sprayer w/ 400 gal tank, spray controller & 8hp Honda motor
*Spray Foil 66’ sprayer w/ 3pt mount, 22” spacing, 2) 260 gal tanks, mounts for Magnum tractor
*Brittonya 16R30 band sprayer w/ 300 gal tank & in cab boom controller
*Flexicoil 67 1000 gal tank converted to nurse tank w/ 13.6-38 tires, no booms
*2010 Amity 4010/3350 40′ air hoe drill – 335 bushel 2 comp TBH stainless tank w/winch for NH3, NH3 kit, single shoot, 10″ spacing, carbide tips, all run blockage monitor, hyd fan drive, hyd run meters, single fan, 6″ rubber press wheels, 14″ closing disks, excellent unit, SN#700083
*2012 Elmers Super 7 S7-90 90’ 7-bar heavy tine harrow, tines measure 20.5’, auto fold, hyd depth control, excellent condition, SN#12181
*Case IH PTX600 54’ chisel plow w/ walking tandems around, wing gauge wheels, 106 Summers heavy tine harrow, 3 section fold & floating hitch, SN#CBJ0014895
*2005 Wilrich Quad 50’ 5 fold field cultivator w/ walking tandems around, one point depth adjustment, 250 shanks, 4 section harrows & floating hitch
*2002 JD 2400 40’ spring std chisel plow w/ 3 section fold, accu-depth, walking tandems around, gauge wheels & 3 bar harrow
*JD 730 air drill w/ 1900 270BU tow between cart, 7 ½” spacing, dual shoot, fertilizer goes down shank, 15) 7 ½” manifolds for every other row seeding, new depth control, handles & plates, duals, excellent condition
*Flexicoil System 95 80’ harrow packer w/ P30 packers & 5 bar harrows, auto fold
*2001 Summers 60’ harrow
*Summers 30’ 3 rank multi weeder
*JD 960 50’ field cultivator frame, 5 section fold
*JD 9350 24’ grain drill w/ new drive chains 600 acres ago, factory transport & hitch
*Case DOT 31 28’ double offset disk w/ 700 acres on new front blades & bearings, SN#1650104
*JD 230 25’ disk w/ 9” spacing
*JD 3600 8 bottom auto reset plow w/ adj 16, 18 & 20” cuts
*IH 700 7 bottom plow w/ 16” slat bottoms
*Wilrich 2900 7-18 plow
*Wilrich 8 bottom flex plow
*IH 7 bottom plow
*Herman 54’ harrow
*IH 480 30’ disk
*IH 490 28’ disk
*IH 645 21’ vibra chisel
*Hesston 2210 40’ cultivator w/ walking tandems & harrow
*Alloway RTS 28’ cultivator
*2008 Amity 2700 12R beet harvester w/ rear elevator, belted boom, mini tank & row finder, good condition, SN#H351608
*2012 Amity 3700 12R triple drum defoliator w/ steel front flail, knife scalpers, row finder & strut wheels, low acres, clean, SN#701146
*2006 Artsway 6812A 8R rear scrubber beet harvester, belted apron, mini tank, row finder
*1987 Alloway Topmaster 6R22 defoliator w/ front steel, rear rubber & knife scalpers
*Alloway 6R topper w/ steel cup front drum & knife scalpers
*Alloway 12R22 row crop cultivator, 3 tines per row, beet tools
*Alloway 36’ folding bar w/ JD lift assist
*Amadas 2105 CDS edible bean combine w/ new auger flighting & many new spring teeth, SN#420237
*2005 Pickett 8R30 one step bean cutter/windrower w/ 8 bar pickup, 1 ½ bar, setup for 120” wheel spacing, can be converted to 60”, 1500 total acres, kept indoors, like new
*Pickett 12R22 One Step bean cutter/windrower
*Pickett C80-30-2-4 8R30 One step bean cutter/windrower w/ end delivery, mounts for JD 8000 Series & crate of spare parts, SN#98-256
*Schnell edible bean belt conveyor for 9770 combine, like new
*Lilliston Red Top bean combine
*Harriston 12R22 midmount bean cutter
*Harriston 12R22 3pt bean rod
*UFT 20’ 3pt rod weeder
*20’ 3pt rod weeder
*United Farm Tool 8R30 front mount bean knife
*8R30 front mount bean knife w/ hyd lift
*Orthman 8R30 bean knife
*8R30 bean rod w/ hyd lift & new bar
*JD 825 8R row cultivator
*Farmhand 8R30 cultivator w/ rolling shields
*JD 2R potato digger w/ nearly new chain
*Evenflow 50 cwt holding hopper for edible beans
*78’ skid steer bucket for edible beans
*JD 70 Series 8R30 disk planter w/ markers
*Noble 8R30 row crop cultivator
*JD 856 16×30 single shank cultivator w/ coulter & shields
*JD 400 30’ 3pt rotary hoe w/ gauge wheels
*2012 Parker 1348 grain cart – 1325 bu, 1000 PTO, 22″ hyd folding auger, tarp, light package, 76.50R32 tires, scale, hyd chute control, SN# B29620125
*2006 New Holland HW325 turbo/diesel SP swather, deluxe cab, air ride, 2 spd hydro, header reverse, canola roller hitch, 1350 engine hrs, 1049 machine hrs, sells w/ 30’ Honeybee draper head & finger reel
*New Holland HS16’ mower/conditioner head for HW325 windrower, double sickle drive, 200 acres on new guards & sickle
*1997 Macdon Premier 2930 turbo/diesel SP swather, 2 spd hydro, Cummins engine, 1999 972 25’ draper head w/ finger reel & SCH EZ cut bar, 500/60-26.5 Trellborg tires, only 1800 machine hrs, swather SN#113553, head SN#129569-
*Unverferth 6500 grain cart, 1000 PTO, roll tarp, 24.5-32 tires, green in color, SN#B19270134
*Brent 910 grain cart w/ 30.5-32 forestry tires, bottom of hopper under auger has been replaced
*UFT 750 grain cart w/ hyd drive, top extensions, roll tarp & 24.5-32 tires, SN#4651
*Killbros 1200 700BU grain cart w/ large 1000 PTO, roll tarp & good 30.5-32 tires
*1997 Premier 1900 25’ PT swather w/ 540 PTO, canola end cutter & finger reel
*1996 Premier 1900 25’ PT swather w/ 1000 PTO, canola end cutter & finger reel
*Case IH 8220 25’ PT swather w/ finger reel & canola shear, SN#CFH0128660
*JD 800 18’ SP swather w/ 6 cyl gas engine, SN#245366E
*JD 21’ PT swather w/ finger reel & bat reel
*JD 590 25’ PT swather w/ finger reel & roller hitch
*JD 590 21’ auto fold swather
*Premier 21’ PT swather
*Case IH 725 25’ PT swather
*Case IH 725 25’ PT swather
*IH 4000 19‘ SP swather w/ cab & a/c
*Versatile 400 20’ SP swather w/ cab A/C & finger reel
*Versatile 400 18’ SP swather w/ transport
*Farm King 8’ canola roller
*22’ alum finger reel for Versatile 4400 swather
*2010 Wheatheart SA1381 13×81 auger w/ mech drive swing hopper, hyd lift
*Westfield 13×61 grain auger w/ mech drive swing hopper
*Loftness Model GBL 11’ grain bagger, only bagged 5 bags, SN#52-473
*1998 Conveyall 14×85 belt conveyor
*1998 Conveyall 10×35 belt conveyor
*Sorenson 90’ belt conveyor w/ hyd swing
*Westfield WR100-21 10×71 PTO auger w/ hyd lift,SN#161296
*Westfield 10×60 grain auger w/ mech drive swing out, hyd lift
*Westgo 6×36 auger w/ PTO drive
*Feterl 12”x16’ swing hopper auger
*Westfield W100-31 10×31 PTO grain auger
*2005 Handle Air auger vac w/ 7” hose & attachments
*KwikKleen 772 7 tube grain cleaner w/ screenings auger, like new condition
*Farm King 10×70 auger w/ hyd swing hopper
*Load King 18’ 2-compartment drill fill w/ brush & poly cup augers
*Midland 14’ seed tender w/ augers & 2) 200BU tanks
*Hi-cap 40” x 70” rotary grain cleaner
*Tox-O-Wic 570 grain dryer w/ fine screens
*NH 853 round baler
*NH 850 round baler
*2) Unused America bale carriers
*2) Unused America hay feeders
*2) Unused America silage feeders
*JD 450 trailing sickle mower w/ PTO & 7’ bar
*Vicon CM216 3pt disk mower
*7’ pull type sickle mower
*2007 GMC 5500 service truck, Duramax diesel engine, Allison auto trans, 13’ Knapheide steel utility body w/ lube tanks, pump & hose reels, fuel service unit & air compressor, 178 WB, dual rear wheels, less than 170,000 actual miles
*2003 Wells Cargo 48’ gooseneck triple axle enclosed trailer, 8’ gooseneck, 2 side doors, ramp door, 7000# axles, nice condition
*2004 Ford F250 King Ranch 4×4 diesel crew cab, Power Stroke diesel, a/c, heated seats, sliding back window, sunroof, leather interior, 50% rubber, box liner, $4300 on new injectors (3000 miles), uses no oil, glass & interior in excellent shape, 133956 miles showing
*2003 Ford F-350 Super Duty 4-door, leather, power locks, Power Stroke diesel V8, automatic, long box, fuel service tank, toolboxes, oversize tires & alum wheels
*2003 Ford F150 ext cab, many recent repairs, A/C works, no rust, 25000 miles on new trans, 50000 miles on new engine, 230000 total
*1993 Chev 1T 4WD dually, 6.5 turbo/diesel, auto trans, new motor at 170000 miles, 235794 total miles showing
*1994 Chev 1T dually w/ 8’ box, good condition
*1986 Ford F350 2WD service truck, 460 engine, 4 spd, Knapheide service body w/ 300 gal fuel tank & pump, new tires, recent engine repairs
*1986 Ford F350 1T dually, 6.9L diesel, auto trans, flatbed
*1984 Ford F350 1T dually, 7.3L diesel w/ ATS turbo, 4 spd trans, flatbed, new paint, new tires, 55000 miles on motor
*1984 Chev 1T dually, 454, 650 Holly carb, flatbed w/ toolboxes & 2) fuel service tanks, Hobart welder/generator
*1979 Chev C70 fuel truck, 366 V8, 4/2 trans, bulk fuel tank w/ pump, hoses & reels, 11.00-20 good rear tires, 76394 miles showing
*Shop built 26’ triple axle flatbed trailer, 3×12 treated wood lined w/ 3×3 angle iron on outside, never used
*Shop built 12’ x 8’ tandem flatbed trailer w/ headache rack
*Older 5 x 17 tandem horse trailer – added 8.01.2014
*2003 JD 200C LC hyd excavator, 70” ditching bucket, 40” GP bucket w/ teeth, hyd thumb, 32” tracks, A/C works, only 5130 hrs, 2nd owner farm machine, SN#EF200CX504011
*Caterpillar D6RXL crawler dozer w/ 10’ 4” hyd angle blade, ROPS, 24” tracks, rear drawbar & new batteries, fingertip controls, SN#5LN01448
*Caterpillar D8 crawler, power shift, 40” track shoes, Carco rear winch (less cable), series H, SN #46A204 – added 8.01.2014
*2004 Volvo L110E wheel loader, CAH, CB radio, AM/FM radio, auto power shift, ride control, 4.25 yd bucket w/ BOE, hyd quick coupler, parallel lift, 23.5-25 L3 tires- 30%, 10289 hrs, SN#L110EV60138
*Kershaw 10’6” 4×4 brush mower w/ 3208 Cat V8 engine, hydrostatic drive, 92” dual drum cutting deck, good 23.1-28 tires & winch, SN#354
*3) Unused Lowe 750ch hyd augers w/ various 9”, 12” & 15” bits & skid steer quick attach
*Unused Stout HD72-8 brush/grapple bucket w/ skid steer quick attach
*Unused Stout HD72-4 brush/grapple close-tine bucket w/ skid steer quick attach
*Unused Stout HD72-3 rock/brush/grapple open end combo bucket w/ skid steer quick attach
*Unused round bale spear w/ skid steer quick attach
*Unused Stout tree & post puller w/ skid steer quick attach
*Unused Stout hitch receiver plate; Unused Stout regular skid steer plate; Unused Stout solid skid steer plate
*Unused Stout walk through 48” pallet forks w/ skid steer quick attach
*Unused Stout full back 48” pallet forks w/ skid steer quick attach
*Unused 48” pallet forks w/ skid steer quick attach
*2) Unused skid steer quick attach plates
*Self contained 8” water pump w/ 471 Detroit diesel engine & 20’ noncollapseable suction hose, runs & starts good
*2013 Arctic Cat Wildcat UTV, roof, rear view mirrors, newer 8 ply tires, only 1200 miles, single owner
*IH Farmall A wide front w/ 60” belly mower, runs good
*1948 JD G narrow front, runs good, SN#32048
*1945 JD H, completely restored, new paint, new rubber, runs good, SN#54007
*1996 Polaris Trail Boss 250 2×4 4-wheel ATV
*1992 Glastron G1700 17’ boat, Johnson 115hp oil injected outboard motor, power trim, pedestal seats, open bow, cover, Yacht Club trailer, Hull ID#GLAM3242E292
*Lund 18’ fishing boat w/ steering console & Johnson 35hp elec start motor
*1952 Plymouth Belvedere 2-door car for parts
*4×8 flatbed trailer w/ tilt bed, ATV or motorcycle
*6 ½’ x 16’ tandem axle trailer
*8’ S-tine garden type cultivator
*Johnson Mfg Hygrade 14’ multi-angle pull behind blade w/ rear steer, concrete counter weight, new cutting edge, low hours, good condition
*Allis Chalmers C-106 scraper, converted cable scraper w/ all new hyd cylinders & laser mast, SN#386
*JD 2018 14’ rotary mower w/ 1000 PTO, chain kit & airplane tires
*JD 28’ (Donahue) square tube transport trailer w/ good planking, stored inside, good condition
*2) SSR 12” water pumps w/ hoses, used very little
*17” water pump w/ 1000 PTO & 48’ discharge hose
*Clipper 560H tandem axle pull type dry fertilizer spreader, 4/4.5T
*4) Unused America 12’ pull type box blade/killifer
*4) Unused America 10’ pull type box blade/killifer
*Unused America 10’ 3pt pull type box blade/killifer
*Unused America 9’ 3pt pull type box blade/killifer
*Unused America 10’ box blade/killifer w/ hyd tilt
*Unused America 12’ box blade/killifer w/ hyd tilt
*10’ 6-way blade w/ 3pt
*Ranch King 60” pull behind mower w/ 13hp engine
*Farm King model 510 mower w/ 3pt, PTO & 5’ blades
*Bushhog 2720 20’ flex wing rotary mower
*Gehl 140 8’ 3pt gyro mower
*Cub Cadet 154 lawn tractor w/ 3260 60” deck, 3pt, 537 hrs, SN#20001120031078
*3pt hyd weed badger w/ extendable 22” rotary fingers, nice for clearing shelter belts
*Leon QA loader w/ 8’ bucket
*2) DuAll 250 loaders w/ PTO pumps & buckets, 1 from IHC H, 1 from IHC M
*JD 9’ 3pt blade
*South Bend Precision metal lathe, 9” w/ 4’ bed, forward & reverse, chucks & tools
*93 ½” upright bandsaw w/ adj table & extra blades
*Pallet of sprayer pumps & parts
*Pallet of JD planter parts
*Pallet of gas & fuel cans
*Pallet of PTO drive shafts
*9600 feeder house screen
*Pallet of misc belts, tires & electrical misc
*Pallet of cultivator & chisel plow shovels
*Pallet of hyd cylinders & motors
*Pallet of implement tires & rims
*Pallet of small electrical motors
*Pallet of combine & header parts
*22’ x 14’ non insulated overhead door w/ all hardware
*Dual chaff spreader for JD combine
*Slowdown kit & auger bean screen kit for JD 9600 combine
*Complete set of corn cylinder filler plates for JD 9600 combine
*1000 gal fuel tank w/ 110v Gasboy pump
*Jet drill press mounted on table
*2) Rear hitches for back of cultivator
*2) Go lights for top of tractor cab or truck
*JD fertilizer boxes w/ disk openers & drives from 1997 JD 7200 12R planter
*2) Demco 130 gal poly tanks & saddles
*Dura-Plas 2200 gal horizontal tank w/ 2” full port valve
*Summers 3 bar harrow for cultivator or chisel plow- 2) 7’ sections & 1) 10’6” section w/ adj harrow angle
*Eaton RS404 20K truck axle w/ no spin differential & 6:37 ratio
*New auger motor
*Belted truck seed tender
*Craftsman 10” 2.5hp radial arm saw
*2) Battery operated grease guns
*Pail of pump grease guns
*Pair of 24.5-32 Goodyear radial tractor tires
*Set of 4 ATV tires & rims from Arctic Cat 700- 2) 25x8x12, 2) 25x10x12
*2) 1050/50R32 Michelin radial tires
*4) 7.5-20 SL tires & 2) 7.5-16 tires w/ 8 bolt rims
*2) Goodyear 14.9-24 tires, tractor bar
*2) Goodyear 14.9R30 tires, tractor bar
*16.9R30 Goodyear radial tires- 40%
*2) Sets of 4 Michelin 445/50R22.5 super singles on alum hub pilot wheels
*PR 36” Camoplast tracks from JD 9530T
*PR 16” Camoplast tracks from JD 8400T & others
*2) BF Goodrich 14.9-38 tires on 13” rims, high tread
*3) 22.5 aluminum truck rims
*2) 30.5L-32 combine tires
*2) 30.5L-32 combine tires w/ 10 bolt rims
*6) 4-wheeler tires
*4) E13.50/85R16 tires on rims, fits Wishek disk
*2) 12.4-30SL A96 Tires on rims, like new
*2) 12.4-30 tires on rims
*2) 14.9R46 tires
*2) 800/70R38 Goodyear tires off of JD STS combine
*JD 6 & 10” wheel spacers, fits 8000 series
*Alloway gauge wheels w/ struts
*Misc front & rear wheel spacers, fits CIH Magnum series
*27” 10 hole hub extension for duals
*18.4-38 JD hub duals, rims & tires
*4) 22.5-8.25 truck rims
*3) 22.5-12.25 truck rims for super singles
*4) 12-16.5/F Forerunner SKS-1 12-ply skid steer tires w/ rim guard, super traction, high stability
*8) 11R22.5 matched recaps
*4) P275/65R18 matched Goodyear Wrangler SRA
GRAND FORKS AREA EQUIPMENT & TRUCK AUCTION- For more information call 701-757-4015 office, 701-215-2058 Dennis, 701-317-0418 Mark
TERMS: Cash, cashier’s check, wire transfer, approved check in US funds. All sales final. Statements made auction day take precedence over all advertising. ND Sales tax laws may apply on some construction & consumer units. Document fee on vehicle titles will apply & vehicle titles will be mailed to buyers.
Canadian buyers are always welcome, please furnish a letter of credit for registration. Some purchases require payment by wire. Most units move easily across the border, feel free to ask in advance for document assistance if necessary.
AUCTIONEERS & CLERK: Main Resource Equipment Auctions, Dennis Biliske- Auctioneer, 2702 17th Ave S, Grand Forks, ND 58201, ph 701-757-4015, fax 701-757-4016, Dennis Biliske ND Lic 237, ND Clerk Lic 624, email- info@resourceauction.com, website- www.resourceauction.com