greg schulz estate farm auction

Steffes Group Inc.

16 March, 2025 4:34 am

Late Model Farm Equipment Auction. For information contact Brad Olstad at Steffes, 701.237.9173 or 701.238.0240


LOCATION: From I-94 Exit 340 (Kindred, ND exit), 8 miles south on County Rd. 15, 1/4 mile west.

AUCTIONEER?S NOTE: Equipment has been well-maintained and most equipment has been shedded. In particular, please note the late model tillage. Major equipment sells at 11:30 AM. Live online bidding available on major equipment. Registration, terms, & details at

EQUIPMENT INSPECTION: Wednesday, May 28 from 8 AM ? 5 PM.


2003 Case-IH STX450, deluxe cab, leather, powershift, 4 hyd., return flow, 1000 PTO, Outback integrated auto steer, S3, eDrive X control, Outback A320 globe, unlocked for USA and Russian satellites, front & rear diff lock, front & rear weights, 520/85R46 factory triples, shows 4,871 hrs., S/N102406

1987 Case-IH 7140, MFWD, 18 spd. powershift, 2 reverse, 3 hyd., return flow, 3 pt., quick hitch, 1000 PTO, diff lock, radar, 380/90R46 press steel duals, 380/85R28 front tires, 4,947 hrs., S/N9949080


2013 Outback A321 Smart Antenna, New, to include A321 antenna, unlocked for USA and Russian satellites, power & data cables, mounting hardware, battery & charger, user guide & quick reference guide

AGPS Inc Ditch Pro, ditching software, automatic control, touch screen monitor, less RTK globe

JD Starfire ITC globe

JD brown box display & processor

JD SF2 key card

JD universal steering wheel


1994 JD 930 rigid head, set up with 9″ sunflower pans, reel, pro plates, single pt. hookup, S/NH00930P656767

1980 JD 853A all crop head, 8×22″, sunflower sides & back, stubble shoes, S/N427748


JD 1780 MaxEmerge planter, 24×22″, 3 bu. hopper, in-furrow Totally Tubular liquid fertilizer, half-width disconnect, Precision corn & bean plates and drop tubes, heavy duty down pressure, JD brown box display, hyd. fold markers, New discs, scrapers, bearings, and chains, S/N670113


JD 1900 commodity cart, 270 bu. twin compartment, mechanical drive, hyd. auger, 28L-26 tires with DMI 5250 NH3 & dry fertilizer applicator, 44′, set up for 22″ space, MicroTrak display w/3500 heat exchanger, tandems across, S/N675413


2013 JD 2410 chisel plow, 32′, full floating hitch, Tru-Depth, 32″ standards, single pt. depth control, light pkg., tandems across, JD 3-bar harrow, S/N1N02410XTD0752563

2012 Summers 2510DT tandem disc, 32′, rock flex, 25″ blades, weight pkg., tandems across, Summers 3-bar harrow, S/NL2775

Case-IH Tigermate II field cultivator, 50′, tandems across, 7″ sweeps, 6″ space, wing stabilizer wheels, 4-bar harrow, rear hitch & hyd., S/NJFH0013718

1996 JD 960 field cultivator, 36′, tandems across, 5″ sweeps, single pt. depth, 3-bar harrow, S/N960X007199

JD cultivator, 8′, 3 pt., 7″ sweeps, 4-rank


2002 Peterbilt 378 factory day cab, C12 Cat, 10 spd., air ride, air slide, aluminum tank, 202″ WB, 11-24.5 tires at 95%, aluminum outside & steel inside rims, shows 1,055,011 miles, rear end & differential work done, VIN#1XPFDU9X02N579548

1999 Peterbilt 378 factory day cab, C12 Cat, 430 hp., 10 spd., engine brake, air ride, manual adj. 5th wheel plate, SS air cleaners, aluminum fuel tank, 202″ WB, 11-24.5 tires at 95%, aluminum rims, shows 1,520,000 miles, rear end & differential work done, VIN#1XPFDU9X1XD463899


2010 Wilson hopper bottom, 41’x96″x66″, ag hopper, air ride, Shurco 4500 Smart II electric roll tarp, single row lights, 11-22.5 tires on aluminum

2010 J&M HT974 header trailer, 4-wheel, 35′, light pkg., S/N15292

Shop-built header trailer, 4-wheel, used with all crop head

1988 Trail King TS100CD-483 tri-axle double drop trailer, 48′, air up/down 3rd axle, air ride, 16′ rear deck, 22′ well, 10′ front deck, 11-24.5 tires on tandem axle, 11R22 tires on 3rd axle, steel rims, set up for stinger

2009 Load Trail tandem axle car trailer, 20′, 16′ tilt bed, 7,000 lb. axles 4ZETD202391062557

2008 Road King skid steer trailer, 12′, flip-up ramps, 7,000 lb. axle 1093229


River Bend fiberglass tank, 3,000 gal., 3″ plumbing

River Bend fiberglass tank, 1,500 gal., 3″ plumbing

GPI chemical transfer pump

Honda transfer pump, 2″

River Bend electric hose reel, 2″

Mix cone, 70 gal.

Mix cone, 20 gal.

1,800 gal. upright poly tank

Ag Chem 250 gal. saddle tanks with brackets

Front-mount fertilizer tank, 300 gal., aux. lights, mounts for 7140


Friesen 375 Seed Express twin compartment, belted, roll tarp, spout controls, site glass, Honda motor, S/N31276

2008 Brandt 1545 belted conveyor, truck unloader, self-contained, self-propelled, joystick-controlled, 27 hp. electric start motor, S/N87146-08

Westfield 100-61 auger, low pro hopper, 540 PTO, mounts for electric motor, S/N240992

Westfield MK 130-61 Plus auger, low pro hopper, hopper walker, right angle drive PTO kit, S/N242879


1998 Ashland I-110 scraper, 11 yd., hyd. push-off, rear hitch, laser mast, 16.5-16 front tires, 18.4-26 rear tires, S/N20012

CST/Berger AL Series electronic self-leveling rotary laser, LD440 stick receiver, telescopic grade rod, aluminum tripod


Bush Hog Legend 2615 hyd. fold mower, 1000 PTO, safety chain, solid rubber wheels, S/N2615L1210336

Befco Cyclone finishing mower, 15′, hyd. flex fold, 540 PT0

Lorenz 9101 snowblower, 9′, hyd. chute & spout, 3 pt., 1000 PTO, S/N1320

JD toolbar, 8′, 3 pt.

Trail Eze 660 running gear with w/flatbed & 1,000 gal. tank used for waste oil

Water pump unit on trailer, 540 PTO, 13″ discharge, with 24′ PTO ext. on trailer, & pallet discharge hose

JD X749 Ultimate lawn tractor, diesel, 4×4, all wheel steer, 62″ deck, power bagger, mid hyd., 296 hrs., S/NM0X749A050056

F&S Estate pull-type sprayer, 7-nozzle folding boom, Honda motor & pump, hand wand w/reel

Spray Mite ATV sprayer, 20 gal., folding booms, Shurflo 12v pump

Hypro pump with electric motor


1,000 gal. fuel tank, Gasboy pump, on skids

560 gal. fuel tank, Gasboy pump, on skids

250 gal. fuel tank

Fill-Rite fuel transfer pump


Chicago electric winch, 2,000 lb.

Emglo portable gas air compressor, Honda power w/hand hose reel

Karcher HDS950 hot water power washer/steamer, 220v

Miller Bobcat 225 welder/generator, 161 hrs.

Miller stick welder

Steel welding tables & vise

JD AC 175 portable heater, forced air, kerosene or fuel oil, 175,000 BTU

Self-contained hyd. system, for shop-built hyd. press, 30 ton, and cherry picker

Industrial drill press, 12 spd.

Asst. of hyd. jacks

Small bench grinder & other grinders

Air impacts: 1? & 3/4?

Dremel tools

Asst. log chains, various lengths & sizes

(5) Culverts, 20?x42?

(3) 10,000 gal. steel tanks

Misc. farm support items


Set 380/90R46 tires on 10-bolt rims

380/85R28 front duals & hubs for Magnum 10-bolt rims

Set 18.4-34 band duals

JD dual spacers, 13″, 10 hole x 8 hole, for sprayer

JD rear hitch for chisel plow, New

Extra Precision seed discs for planter

Complete wet kit w/tank, pump, & motor

(18) Front suitcase weights for Case-IH

(2) 1,000 lb. ballast weights for STX

(2) Sets plastic half fenders, for semi-tractor, New


For information contact Brad Olstad of Steffes Group, 701.237.9173 or 701.238.0240

in Miscellaneous

AC 175

in Miscellaneous

in Miscellaneous


in Miscellaneous

in Miscellaneous


in Miscellaneous

in Other Equipment

in Tillage Equipment

in Miscellaneous

in Miscellaneous

in Tractor/Implement Tires

in Miscellaneous

in Tanks

in Tanks

in Tanks

in Tanks

in Tanks


in Other Equipment

X749 Ultimate

in Lawn & Garden Equipment
Serial number: M0X749A050056


in Applicators

in Applicators


in Lawn & Garden Equipment

Legend 2615

in Mowing
Serial number: 2615L1210336


in Snowblowers
Serial number: 1320

in Other Equipment

2008 1545

in Grain Handling Equipment
Serial number: 87146-08

MK 130-61 Plus

in Grain Handling Equipment
Serial number: 242879


in Grain Handling Equipment
Serial number: 240992

1998 I-110

in Earth Moving Equipment
Serial number: 20012

AL Series

in Laser Equipment

1987 7140

in Tractors
Serial number: 9949080

in Tractor/Implement Tires

in Miscellaneous

in Applicators

2003 STX450

in Tractors
Serial number: 102406

in Miscellaneous

2013 A321

in GPS & Navigation Equipment

Ditch Pro

in GPS & Navigation Equipment


in GPS & Navigation Equipment

in GPS & Navigation Equipment

in GPS & Navigation Equipment

in GPS & Navigation Equipment


in Seeding Equipment
Serial number: 670113


in Seeding Equipment
Serial number: 675413

in Miscellaneous

2013 2410

in Tillage Equipment
Serial number: 1N02410XTD0752563

2012 2510DT

in Tillage Equipment
Serial number: L2775

Tigermate II

in Tillage Equipment
Serial number: JFH0013718

1996 960

in Tillage Equipment
Serial number: 960X007199

2002 378

in Trucks
Serial number: 1XPFDU9X02N579548

1999 378

in Trucks
Serial number: 1XPFDU9X1XD463899


in Trailers
Serial number: 1W1MAFYA5AA253721

1988 TS100CD-483

in Trailers
Serial number: 1TKS04837JM120315

in Tanks

in Tanks

375 Seed Express

in Grain Handling Equipment
Serial number: 31276

in Applicators

in Applicators

in Applicators

in Applicators


in Trailers
Serial number: 4ZETD202391062557


in Trailers
Serial number: 1093229

1994 930

in Headers
Serial number: H00930P656767

1980 853A

in Headers
Serial number: 427748

2010 HT974

in Trailers
Serial number: 15292

in Trailers

Photo Gallery

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Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. Steffes Group Inc , agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.