halliday farmers elevator absolute auction

G & G Auctioneers

17 March, 2025 11:49 pm

40 RR Ave  Halliday, ND


656 Farmall-gas, 2 hyd, 540, 8486 hrs, 18.4-34

    new tires, w/707 Leon quick tach loader

‘76 IH 1500 Loadstar truck w/box, hoist, roll tarp

50 Hyster propane pallet fork-644 hrs

Hyster propane pallet fork-smaller-needs work

3 pt 7’ blade, 3 pt brush hog


2 Lorrich 675 bu, 1 unknown 2700 bu

3 Amber waves 2850 bu-all have fans

4 Amber waves 3600 bu-3 have fans

3 Amber waves 4000 bu-all have fans

(Some bins have unloading augers & some

   have propane burner units)


Motomco automatic moisture tester M919E

Barley Pearler, Scale, Seedburo computer grain scale M8800A, Carter Dockage Tester, grinder

Gustafson seed treater & slurry tank, Simpson Tru Weight scale


CMS 14E Continuous Multi Stage Farm

   Fans Auto grain dryer


Brandt 10”x70’ w/swingout – PTO

Feterl 10”x60’ w/swingout – PTO

Westfield 8”x26’–7.5 hp elect &110v cablelift

Westfield 8”x26’ – 7.5 hp

Westfield 8”x51’-PTO/elect 10 hp-bad axle

Westfield 8”x56’ – 15 hp elect

Westfield 6”x26’ – 5 hp elect

Westgo 8”x40’ -7.5 elect

Westgo 6”x20’ – 2 hp elect

Westgo 8”X31’ – 5 hp elect

transfer auger


1000 gal propane tank, pallet jack,

aluminum truck dolly cart ramp, clamps,

drill press, lots of pallet racking, hand tools

12” belting from lag, boxes of nails

metal ladder, metal beam, Forney welder,

Smith acetylene torch & cart, tow rope,

SP-100 Lincoln welder on cart, weights,

100#, 200# & hyster propane tanks,

ext cords, tractor chains, come-a-longs,

tarp straps, flex spouts, gas jugs, flighting,

55 gal barrel vacuum, air compressor,

table saw, DeWalt chop saw, elect drills,

sawzall, air tank, pipe & crescent wrenches,

breaker bars, battery charger, hyd jacks,

scrapers for truck boxes, shovels, brooms,

welding table w/vise, Yard machine Gold 17.5hp/42” riding mower-doesn’t run, Troy Bilt string trimmer on wheels, Platform scale


American Stockman white salt bags

Barn lime, Solar cube salt

Payback mineral

Kay Dee Super Range

Payback Golden Grow

American Stockman Eddi salt blocks

Payback 44% soybean meal solvent extract

Sweet 45 dried molasses

American Stockman Trace mineral salt

3 Crystalyx High Maglick tubs

Z-Tags, Lots of misc vet supplies

Calf Eze calf puller-NIB


Dr Peper cooler, Coke pop machine, Kenmore dorm fridge, sm fridge w/ glass door, ant. library table w/2 drawers, office/computer desks, office chairs,, file cabinets, monitors, keyboards,  water dispenser, microwave, paper shredder, folding tables, occasional chairs, mop bucket, coffee maker, cleaners, Respond Employee Health Kit

Photo Gallery


*TERMS:Cash/Bankable Check *Lunch Served *More items too numerous*Not Responsible for accidents*Statements on day of sale take precedence over printed material*Sold as is, where is with no guarantees/warranties implied whatsoever.


Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. G & G Auctioneers, agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.