hegvik farms auction

Steffes Group Inc.

18 March, 2025 6:52 am

Farm Retirement Auction. Most equipment was purchased new and always shedded with an excellent maintenance program in place. Major equipment begins selling at 11:30 AM. Live online bidding available on major equipment. For information contact Ron Hegvik at 701.789.0341 or Brad Olstad at Steffes, 701.237.9173.


LOCATION:? From Cooperstown, ND, 6-1/2 miles west on ND Hwy. 200, 3 miles south on Co. Rd. 11; or from Hannaford, ND 5-1/2 miles north on ND Hwy. 1, 4 miles west on Co. Rd. 22, 1 mile north.

AUCTIONEER?S NOTE:? Most equipment was purchased new and always shedded with an excellent maintenance program in place.? Major equipment begins selling at 11:30 AM.? Live online bidding available on major equipment.?


2009 Case-IH 485, Quad Trac, deluxe cab, leather, 4 hyd., return flow, 1000 PTO, Pro 600 display, integrated auto steer, front & rear diff lock, safety cable pull, site glass, idlers, 2,538 hrs., S/N78F112132

1998 JD 7810, 2WD, deluxe cab, power quad, 3 hyd., power beyond, 3 pt., quick hitch, 540/1000 PTO, JD 725 quick tach loader, 73″ bucket, joystick control, 18.4-42 press steel duals, 5,315 hrs., S/NRW7810H013651

1990 JD 4455, quad range, 3 hyd., 3 pt., quick hitch, 540/1000 PTO, 134 A/C conversion, 18.4-38 band duals, 9,753 hrs., S/NRW4455H006688

1968 IHC Farmall 856, open station, Standard, 2 hyd., 540/1000 PTO, 23.1-30 rear tires, shows 7,042 hrs., S/N11059

Farmall McCormick 400 wide front, gas, 1 hyd., PTO, TA, converted 12v, 14.9-38 rear tires, overhauled motor



JD 2600 display, SF1 activation, 681 hrs.


2012 JD S670, premium cab, deluxe controls, PRWD, Contour-Master, integrated auto steer, high cap. unloading auger, fine cut chopper, TouchSet controls, HID lights, 520/85R42 press steel duals, 600/65R28 rear tires, 506 sep. hrs., 679 engine hrs.

1997 Case-IH 2188, axial flow, specialty rotor, AHH, RS, fore/aft, 2 spd. hydro, rock trap, chopper, reverser, long auger, converted shoe shake, 30.5-32 singles, 14.9-24 rear tires, 2,750 sep. hrs., 3,552 engine hrs., maintained every year by Case-IH dealership, S/NJJC0193933

Ag Tracks ATI Track System, 36″, mounts for JD 9770 or JD S670

2010 JD 635 flex head, fore/aft, poly, AWS Extreme air bar, S/N736663

2004 Case-IH 1020 flex head, 30?, fore/aft, poly bottom, S/NJJC0334354

2003 JD 930 flex head, fore/aft, poly, full finger, S/N702052

1998 Case-IH 1015 pickup head, 397 Westward 8-belt pickup, S/N310245

1997 MacDon 3000 pull-type swather, 25′, bat reel, auto fold, one season of use



2011 J&M 1000 Storm grain cart, 1,000 bu., roll tarp, DigiStar scale, Firestone 900/60R32 tires



2008 JD 1890 air seeder, 42′, 7-1/2″ & 15″ spacing, full run monitor, 2008 JD 1910 tow behind commodity cart, 350 bu., variable rate, hyd. fill auger, 520/85R42 straddle duals, cart S/NA01910H730787, air seeder S/NA01890C730448



2014 Summers 2510DT heavy duty rock flex tandem disc, 38′, notched front & rear blades, Summers 104 heavy duty harrow, hyd. leveler, weight & light pkgs., S/NM0073

2010 JD 2210 field cultivator, 64′, tandems across, full floating hitch, single pt. depth, JD 3-bar harrow

IHC 800 high clearance plow, 14×18″, hinged



(2) Alloway danish tine cultivators, 8×30″, tunnel shields

Harriston hyd. rod weeder, 8 row



1998 Kenworth T2000, 3406E Cat, 475 hp., Eaton Fuller 13 spd., engine brake, air ride, air slide, twin aluminum fuel tank, 3:55 ratio, 11-24.5 tires on aluminum rims, shows 842,181 miles

2002 Volvo VNL, factory day cab, N14 Cummins, Meritor 10 spd., engine brake, air ride, air slide 5th, full poly fenders, twin aluminum fuel tanks, 3:73 rear tires, 275/75R22.5 tires, outside aluminum rims, 586,012 actual miles

1974 Chevrolet C65 lift tag tandem, 427, 5&2 spd., 19′ Frontier box, hoist, roll tarp, double tip tops, double saddle tanks, electric over hyd. lift, 10:00-20 tires, shows 69,270 miles



2009 Timpte hopper bottom, 42’x96″x72″, ag hopper, roll tarp, air ride, double row lights, 11-24.5 tires, aluminum outside rims

1998 Timpte hopper bottom, 42’x96″x78″, ag hopper, roll tarp, air ride, 11-22.5 tires on aluminum rims

Wemco HD36 tandem axle header trailer

Vulcan single axle header trailer, 30′

Lorak square tube trailer, 28′

Shop-built tandem axle trailer, 24′, dovetail

Pickup box trailer, 125 gal. tank & pump

Laser trailer, 2-wheel, electric over hyd. mast



2003 Wheatheart auger, 71’x13″, mechanical swing low pro hopper

1993 Westfield auger, 71’x10″, mechanical swing low pro hopper

Mayrath auger, 51’x8″, 7-1/2 hp., 1 phase, needs gear box reduction

Sheyenne/Westgo GS20 auger, 40’x10″, 10 hp., 1 phase electric

Westfield J208-36 auger, 36’x8″, 10 hp., 1 phase

Westfield loadout auger, 31’x8″, 7-1/2 hp., 1 phase

Westfield auger, 31’x8″, 5 hp., 1 phase

Westfield auger, 31’x7″, 5 hp., 1 phase

Airmaster fan


Degelman Super Picker II rotary rockpicker, 4-bat, PTO & chain drive

Toreq 11500 pull-type scraper, 11-5 yd., hyd. push-off, 18.4-26 rear tires, S/N115-3516

HyGrade grader, 14′, hyd. angle tilt, weight box

2009 JD HX15 pull-type mower, hyd. fold, safety chain, 1000 PTO

1975 Chevrolet Scottsdale 20, 350, automatic, 4WD, Summers sprayer, 60′ mid-mount booms, Honda motor, Raven 440 controller

JD snow bucket, 96″

JD pallet forks

JD rock bucket

1,000 gal. propane tank



1994 Honda 650XR dirt bike

Polaris 500 ATV



Various tires & rims

Adj. axle for JD 9770, spindles, hubs, 480/70R34 tires & rims

Rock box for JD

Oil filters

Pallet farm support items



RON & KAY HEGVIK, 701.789.0341

Or Brad Olstad of Steffes Group, 701.237.9173

in Trailers

in Tanks


in ATVs, Snowmobiles, Boats, Recreation

1994 650XR

in ATVs, Snowmobiles, Boats, Recreation

2009 HX15

in Mowing

Super Picker II

in Miscellaneous

in Blades


in Earth Moving Equipment
Serial number: 115-3516

in Laser Equipment

in Grain Handling Equipment

in Grain Handling Equipment

in Grain Handling Equipment

in Grain Handling Equipment


in Grain Handling Equipment


in Grain Handling Equipment


in Grain Handling Equipment


in Grain Handling Equipment

in Tillage Equipment

in Tillage Equipment

in Bean Equipment

in Trailers

in Trailers


in Tractors
Serial number: 21226

1968 856

in Tractors
Serial number: 11059

1990 4455

in Tractors
Serial number: RW4455H006688

1998 7810

in Tractors
Serial number: RW7810H013651

in Farm Loaders & Attachments

in Farm Loaders & Attachments

in Farm Loaders & Attachments

2009 485

in Tractors
Serial number: 78F112132

2008 1890

in Seeding Equipment
Serial number: A01890C730448

2010 2210

in Tillage Equipment

2014 2510DT

in Tillage Equipment
Serial number: M0073


in Tillage Equipment

1975 Scottsdale 20

in Pickups

1974 C65

in Trucks

2002 VNL

in Trucks

1998 T2000

in Trucks


in Trailers


in Trailers

2011 1000 Storm

in Grain Handling Equipment

1997 3000

in Swathers

2012 S670

in Combines


in GPS & Navigation Equipment


in GPS & Navigation Equipment

ATI Track System

in Other Equipment

in Miscellaneous

1997 2188

in Combines
Serial number: JJC0193933

2004 1020

in Headers
Serial number: JJC0334354

in Trailers

1998 1015

in Headers
Serial number: 310245

2010 635

in Headers
Serial number: 736663


in Trailers

2003 930

in Headers
Serial number: 702052

in Trailers

Photo Gallery

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Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. Steffes Group Inc , agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.