james kjensrud real estate auction

R & D Auction, Inc.

18 March, 2025 1:53 am

6170 Co. Rd. 29; Walcott, ND  - From Interstate 29 Exit 42 (Walcott Exit) go 12 Miles West & 1½ Mile South.

**10 Acre Farmstead with 5 bedroom home & 2 shops.

**10 Acre Tract to build on

** Approximately 30 Minutes from Fargo, ND

Auctioneers Note:    This is a very nice farmstead located within 30 minutes of Fargo, ND.  There is a large updated home, and very useful shop buildings on the site.  It would work for a nice hobby farm or to start a business in the shop.  Notice that it even has a race track on site.  The second tract would be a lovely place to build a home or cabin.  Call Dale & come out & take a look.


 (Selling at 11:00 AM)

20.64+/- Acres Farmstead Selling in 2 Tracts

Location: 6170 CO. Rd. 29; Walcott, ND

Legal Description:  Both Tracts Combined – A part of the SW¼ of Sec. 11, T-135-N, R-51-W; Richland County, North Dakota.  Consisting of 20.64 Acres for both Tracts.  Tracts have been surveyed out. Tract 1 is 10.575+/- Acres.  Tract 2 is 10.065+/- Acres.  An extended Metes & Bounds description is available.

2013 Taxes:   $1,711.00 for both tracts combined.  Will need to be reassessed after sale.



10.575+/- Acre Farmstead w/Large Home w/Attached Garage; 50×80 Fully Insulated Shop; & Machine Shed w/Concrete Floor.




Terms:  15% Down Payment due upon acceptance of bid day of auction, with the remainder due at closing on or before December 1, 2014.

To View or More Information – Call Dale Haugen at 701-973-2106 or 701-680-2395 or email sold@rdauction.com  or check out at www.rdauction.com


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James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction James Kjensrud Real Estate Auction


Terms:  15% Down Payment due upon acceptance of bid day of auction, with the remainder due at closing on or before December 1, 2014.

To View or More Information – Call Dale Haugen at 701-973-2106 or 701-680-2395 or email sold@rdauction.com  or check out at www.rdauction.com



Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. R D Auction Inc , agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.