jerry graf estate

G & G Auctioneers

16 March, 2025 3:43 am

3905 52nd Ave - New Salem, ND  58563

(I-94 Exit 123 - South 1 mile, West 2 mile)


1570 Case tractor

W-6 IH tractor

80 JD tractor

"A" IH Farmall McCormick tractor-wide front

AC Gleaner combine-propane

WC AC tractor-narrow front

15-30 McCormick Deering

Caterpillar dozer-scrap

horse drawn header

1 way

AC roto baler with buncher

MF combine

disc & drill

MF sq baler

2-JD barrel rakes

8 ton 4 wheel wagon

IH chisel plow with harrows

Versatile swather-for parts

Dakon gravity box on wheels

’26 McCormick Deering wood thresh mach.-D Heid

’28 Chevy 1 ton truck with wood spoke wheels

’44 IH 1½ ton truck

’71 IH 2 ton truck

IH 1610A Cargostar-12’ box

Willy’s Jeep Wagoneer-4X4-doesn’t run

’85 Mercedes Benz car

’62 Buick – 4 dr sedan

’70 Chevy pickup

’79 Chevy ¾ ton pickup

’84 Cadillac 2 dr coupe

’87 Buick Century-4 dr


New Comb Loom Co  5576 rug loom & lots of thread

4 fanning mills

2 wood wagon wheels

horse drawn equipment

several styles of wardrobes – spoon carved,with drawers and mirror

beds – wood curved , metal, & more

several dressers with mirrors

china cabinet

wainescot & other old cabinets

treadle sewing machine

Frontier Cavalcade Soovenir program (1882-1957) July 2-7, 1957

4+ Aladdin lamps

Postal Telegraph Int system

lots of kerosene lamps & lanterns

CROCKS-2-15 gal, 6 gal, 5 gal, 2 gal-cracked all RW,  5 gal whiskey crock,.pickle crock, assorted   others

Cast iron-skillets, griddles, waffle irons

hay knife

CLOCKS-lots-mantle, kitchen, coo coo & more

meat grinders

sev oak wall phones


floor lamp



aluminum roaster

sad irons

ice tongs


blue & white telephone insulators

several cream cans & pails

bread oven

covered bread pan

cistern pump

enamel colander, trays & more

pop bottles

galvanized pails

kerosene heater

blue jars

cow kickers

fence crawlers

hilex jugs

copper boiler


bale hooks

ammo box

2 corn shellers

forge & tools

old radios

Mobil cans & tins

Anti Sludge Iso Vis “D” motor oil sign

AD items-WKW Livestock Lemmon,SD picture/thermometer, New Salem Motor Sales picture, New Salem Miller Machine & Supply picture, Sporrtsman bar can/bottle opener-Art & Evelyn Kobs-New Salem, Occident Elevaotr metal pencil, Grain Belt can/bottle opener

2 Robert Woods paintngs

Comic Books-’46 Fun Comics, ’48 Ozzie & Babs, ‘47 Capt Marvel

metal plate for Root & Vanderwoort Eng, Co for JD plow Co. 


12 ga Ithaca featherlite M37 pump 2 3/4

12 ga single shot New White Powder Wonder -Genuine Arory Steel

22 ga JC Higgins Sears Roebuck & Co bolt action with  Bushnell 3x9x32 scope & clip


misc ammo


1000-1500 bu bins


miscellaneous small buildings

1000 gal propane tank

50+ RR ties, stubs, switch ties

lots of assorted size steel posts

several rolls red brand barb wire

miscellaneous lumber & metal gates


Power Kraft 230 welder

Craftsman radial arm saw

Sears 2 cyl air compressor

Jari mower

band saw

drill press

Sears router & table

elect press washer

lots saws

mole trap

curry combs



Smith,  Purex, Victor acetylene torches tanks & carts

workmate bench

scoop shovels

filing spade

pitch forks

water tank

live animal trap

2 tires -16.9-30 -new

9.56-14 SL tire-new

misc tires & rims

bench grinder

1 Ton chain hoist

wood pipe vises

lots c-clamps – all sizes

Solar brand battery charger

pipe wrenches

hydraulic jacks

lots of sockets

open & box end wrenches

2.5 hp Chicago elect generator

grease guns

lots of tool boxes

new cables

welding helmets

various size black pipe

calf puller

2 Ton floor jack

sickle sharpener

aluminum ladders

4 fuel tanks


Air Quest furnace-New In Box

Kenmore refrigerator

2 chest freezers

roll top desk

window Air Cconditioner

Quartz tower heater


Stainless Steel bowls

lots of misc household items


Photo Gallery


This is a very unique collection of items. Not many sales like this. Lots of Surprises! Don't miss out on this one, see you on sale day!  Will have 2 Auction Rings.


Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. G G Auctioneers, agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.