Hebron Community Center - Hebron, ND
2000 Ford Taurus station wagon-uses no oil, good tires, 162K
Lahman skidsteer – Subaru 25
eng w/dirt & grapple buckets &
Singer treadle sewing machine
jewelry case, knife display case
postage scale, tobacco cans
’57 Brownie camera, scales
Pabst train beer sign-works
fire extinguisher, globe, pitchers
bottle cappers, cigarette roller
straight edge razors, toasters
shaving mug & brush, sadd irons
2,3,6 gal RW crocks, crock bowl
butter crock, old tools, old cans
ND school map w/no highways
tool belt, kerosene lantern
pocket knives, collector knives
buck saw, thermometers
belt buckles, model tractors
glass wash boards, rope maker
50’s match book collection
cigarette lighter collection
WWII First Aid kit, wash tub
Red Cross First Aid kit
cow kickers, sprayers
Columbus Family scale
bucket of bottle openers
collector cars
2 Sentry safes, humidifier
Ice cream maker
lots of misc household items
tool boxes, tool sets
jumper cables, 2 T wench
log chain, socket sets
assort power tools
lots of hand tools – some new
22 Remington auto M597
.17 HUR New England sportster
12 ga Stevens pumpM820 B
30.30 Winchester 94-lever action-mint
243 Savage M12 w/Bushnell 6.18X50 scope
12 ga Winchester 1300 2¾-3-shot
.25 Winchester super short magnum M70 w/Bushnell scope
16 ga Champion shotgun
22 CJ Hamilton single shot- shot 5 times
110 Gardone rifle
.22 Gamble Pioneer SS LR
22-270 Savage w/Bushnell scope
gun rack, gun cabinet
rifle rest, misc ammo
Craftsman snowblower-elect start
3 pc white wicker patio set
metal detector, trampoline
coolers, fire pit
camp stove, live bait aerator
*TERMS: Cash/Bankable Check *Lunch Served *More items too numerous *Not Responsible for accidents *Statements on day of sale take precedence over printed material* Owner Reserves the right to reject any and all bids *Sold as is, where is with no guarantees or warranties implied whatsoever.