john tate farm retirement

Steffes Group Inc.

16 March, 2025 7:26 pm

Most equipment was purchased new and stored inside with excellent maintenance. Short auction. Major equipment sells at 11:30 AM. Live online bidding available on major equipment. For information contact John Tate 701.261.8926 or Brad Olstad at Steffes, 701.237.9173 or 701.238.0240




LOCATION:? From I-29 Exit 92 (Grandin, ND) east to US Hwy. 81, 2 miles north, 7-1/2 miles west; or from Hunter, ND on ND Hwy. 18, 5 miles north, 2-1/2 miles east on Traill Co. 1. (15832 10th St SE, Hunter, ND)

AUCTIONEER?S NOTE:? Most equipment was purchased new and stored inside with excellent maintenance.? Short auction.? Major equipment sells at 11:30 AM.? Live online bidding available on major equipment.?



1995 Ford Versatile 9280, 12 spd. gear, 4 hyd., rear weight pkg., 520/85R38 duals at 95%, shows 3,670 hrs., single owner, S/ND102-729

Front suitcase weights, off Ford NH 9280

2006 JD 8230, MFWD, deluxe cab, active seat, buddy seat, IVT, 4 hyd., return flow, 3 pt., quick hitch, 540/1000 PTO, (3) PTOs, integrated auto steer, diff lock, power? mirrors, HID lights, rear inside weight pkg., 8 front suitcase weights, 380/85R34 front duals, 480/80R46 press steel duals, 2,626 actual hrs., S/NRW8230D005329



1997 JD 9600, DHH, DAS, Data Center, long auger, 30.5-32 singles, 16.9-26 rear tires, shows 1,285 sep. hrs., shows 1,921 engine hrs., single owner, S/N673234

1997 JD 925 flex head, poly bottom, stubble lights, Johnson rock guards, S/N672409

Hart single pole header trailer, 25′

1977 Versatile 400 self-propelled swather, 18′, single stick, bat reel, single owner



Brent 672 grain cart, 650 bu., roll tarp, 24.5-32 single tires at 90%, S/N672-053



Case-IH 6200 press drills, three 10’s, 6″ space, dry fertilizer, rubber press, tarp, heavy duty down pressure springs, Poma front-fold markers, rock guards

Kuhn drive-over drill transport, 32′, front & rear steer



JD 980 field cultivator, 38-1/2′, 6″ space, 7″ sweeps, single pt. depth, tandems across, JD 3-bar harrow

Summers Super Chisel plow, 28′, 12″ space, tandems across, Summers 3-bar heavy duty harrow, light pkg., spike points, S/NH0179

JD 610 chisel plow, 27′, tandems across, single pt. depth, NH3 points, NH3 hitch, nitrolator, Summers heavy duty harrow

Landoll Soilmaster II disc chisel, 16-1/2?, mechanical front disc, walking tandems, Summers 3-bar heavy duty harrow

JD CCA pull-type field cultivator, 10′ w/JD high pressure cyl.



1979 GMC 7000 lift tag, hyd. tandem, 366, 5&2 spd., 19-1/2′ Frontier box, hoist, roll tarp, plumbed for drill fill, 9:00-20 tires, 42,978 actual miles, single owner

1967 Chevrolet C50 single axle, 327, 4&2 spd., 14′ Midwest box, hoist, plumbed for drill fill, 8:25-20 tires on budd wheels, shows 66,561 miles



Micada hopper bin, 3,700 bu., 18′ dia., 3 hp. 18″ air fan, on single skid

(2) Micada hopper bins, 3,300 bu., 3 hp. 18″ air fan, on double skids

Hopper bin, 800 bu.

Westfield auger, 61’x10″, hyd. swing hopper, 540 PTO

Westfield auger, 51’x8″, PTO

(2) Westfield endgate drill fills, steel flighting

Grain spreader

(2) Auger flex downspouts

(2) Auger hoppers



Toreq 9000 hyd. push-off scraper, 13-50-16.1 front tires, 16.9-26 diamond rear tires, S/N9-3898

Dakon fork-style rockpicker

Alloway SB96 snowblower, hyd. chute, mechanical adj. spout, 3 pt., 540 PTO

1,500 gal. poly tank

1,000 gal. fuel tank, Gasboy pump, auto shut-off nozzle

Electric motor, 1-1/2 hp.



Barrel freight cart

Misc. air tubes, tires & rims

Pickup bumper tow hitch

Assorted farm support items

Misc. shop tools



or Brad Olstad of Steffes, 701.237.9173 or 701.238.0240

in Tanks

in Tanks

in Grain Handling Equipment

in Grain Handling Equipment

in Grain Handling Equipment

in Grain Handling Equipment

in Grain Handling Equipment

in Grain Handling Equipment

in Grain Handling Equipment

in Grain Handling Equipment


in Snowblowers

in Miscellaneous


in Tillage Equipment


in Earth Moving Equipment
Serial number: 9-3898

2006 8230

in Tractors
Serial number: RW8230D005329

1995 9280

in Tractors
Serial number: D102-729


in Tillage Equipment

Super Chisel

in Tillage Equipment
Serial number: H0179


in Tillage Equipment

Soilmaster II

in Tillage Equipment


in Seeding Equipment

in Other Equipment

1979 7000

in Trucks
Serial number: T17DB9V602090

1967 C50

in Trucks
Serial number: CE537J144307


in Grain Handling Equipment
Serial number: 672-053

1977 400

in Swathers

1997 9600

in Combines
Serial number: 673234

1997 925

in Headers
Serial number: 672409

in Trailers

Photo Gallery

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Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. Steffes Group Inc , agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.