Online bidding:

july consignment coin & currency auction

Temchack Auctions, LLC

16 March, 2025 8:17 pm

Lot #: 1

1975 & 1976 US. Mint Proof sets

Lot #: 2

1979, 1980 & 1982 US. Mint Proof sets

Lot #: 3

1968, 1969, 1970 & 1971 US. Mint Unc. sets

Lot #: 4

1972, 1973, 1974 & 1975 US. Mint Unc. sets

Lot #: 5

1968, 1969 & 1970 Canadian Uncirculated sets

Lot #: 6

Last Indian Head Penny & First Lincoln Penny

Lot #: 7

America’s First Lincoln Cent 1909-VDB

Lot #: 8

Complete Mercury Dime Mintmark Collection

Lot #: 9

Susan B. Anthony Dollar Year Collection

Lot #: 10

1964-P & 1964-D Kennedy Silver Half Dollars

Lot #: 11

1985 & 1986 Canadian 6-coin Specimen sets

Lot #: 12

1973 Canadian Double Penny Specimen set

Lot #: 13

Whitman Album with 46 Canadian Small Cents

Lot #: 14

(10) 1906 & (10) 1907 Indian Head cents

Lot #: 15

1982 George Washington Comm. Half Dollar

Lot #: 16

1983-S Olympics Comm. Dollar NGC PF-69 UC

Lot #: 17

2004-P Lewis & Clark Comm. Dollar NGC PF-69 UC

Lot #: 18

2016-P Wedge-Tailed Eagle NGC Gem Unc.

Lot #: 19

2016 & 2017 Silver Eagle’s ANACS MS-70

Lot #: 20

2017 Canadian Maple Leaf NGC MS-69

Lot #: 21

1945-S Lincoln Cent NGC MS-66 Red

Lot #: 22

1949-S Lincoln Cent NGC MS-66 Red

Lot #: 23

1950-S Lincoln Cent NGC MS-66 Red

Lot #: 24

1954-D Lincoln Cent NGC MS-66 Red

Lot #: 25

1955-D Lincoln Cent NGC MS-66 Red

Lot #: 26

1947 Lincoln Cent PCGS MS-64 Red

Lot #: 27

1951 Lincoln Cent PCGS MS-64 Red

Lot #: 28

1951-D Lincoln Cent PCGS MS-65 Red

Lot #: 29

1951-S Lincoln Cent PCGS MS-65 Red

Lot #: 30

1952-D Lincoln Cent PCGS MS-64 Red

Lot #: 31

1979 Lincoln Cent ICG MS-66 Red

Lot #: 32

2006 Lincoln Cent NGC MS-66 Red

Lot #: 33

1913-D Type I Buffalo Nickel NGC MS-62

Lot #: 34

1913-D Type 2 Buffalo Nickel PCGS AU-55

Lot #: 35

4 Lincoln Cent “Error Coins”

Lot #: 36

1916 Walking Liberty Half Dollar VG

Lot #: 37

1916-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar VG

Lot #: 38

1916-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar VG

Lot #: 39

1921 Walking Liberty Half Dollar VG

Lot #: 40

1927-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar VF

Lot #: 41

1881-S Morgan Dollar MS

Lot #: 42

1885-O Morgan Dollar XF+

Lot #: 43

1902-O Morgan Dollar BU

Lot #: 44

1925 Peace Dollar AU

Lot #: 45

1926-S Peace Dollar AU+

Lot #: 46

1847 Braided Hair Large Cent F

Lot #: 47

1848 Braided Hair Large Cent F

Lot #: 48

1857 Flying Eagle Cent VG

Lot #: 49

1859 Indian Head Cent

Lot #: 50

1863 Indian Head Cent

Lot #: 51

1867 Shield Nickel VG

Lot #: 52

1868 Shield Nickel G

Lot #: 53

1924-S Buffalo Nickel F

Lot #: 54

1926-S Buffalo Nickel G

Lot #: 55

1876-S Seated Half Dollar VG

Lot #: 56

1952-D Franklin Half Dollar AU

Lot #: 57

1935- S/S Washington Quarter VF

Lot #: 58

1841 Hard Times “Not One Cent For Tribute” Token

Lot #: 59

(2) 1921 Morgan Dollars VF

Lot #: 60

(2) 1922 Peace Dollars VF

Lot #: 61

(4) 1935-E $1 Silver Certificates CU & Ch CU

Lot #: 62

(5) 1957 $1 Silver Certificates Unc – CU

Lot #: 63

(5) 1957-B $1 Silver Certificates CU

Lot #: 64

1934-C $5 Silver Certificate AU

Lot #: 65

1953 $5 Silver Certificate CH CU

Lot #: 66

1941 Walking Liberty Half Dollar XF

Lot #: 67

1943-D & 1945-S Walking Liberty Half Dollars

Lot #: 68

1881-S Morgan Dollar MS

Lot #: 69

1921 & 1921-D Morgan Dollars BU

Lot #: 70

1921-D Morgan & 1922 Peace Dollars XF – AU

Lot #: 71

1994 World Cup Clad Half Dollar Unc.

Lot #: 72

1999 US. Mint Silver Proof set

Lot #: 73

2000 US. Mint Silver Proof set

Lot #: 74

2001 US. Mint Silver Proof set

Lot #: 75

2003 US. Mint Silver Proof set

Lot #: 76

(20) 1971 & (20) 1972 Eisenhower Dollars

Lot #: 77

24 Kennedy Half Dollars 1966 – 1978-D

Lot #: 78

5 1982 7 Varieties of Lincoln Cents

Lot #: 79

2009 US. Mint Proof set

Lot #: 80

2009 US. Mint Silver Proof set

Lot #: 81

1988, 1989 & 1990 Canadian Specimen sets

Lot #: 82

1977 Canadian Double Dollar Prestige set

Lot #: 83

1987 Canadian Double Dollar Proof set

Lot #: 84

1996 Canadian 7-coin Double Dollar Proof set

Lot #: 85

1986 Statue of Liberty Commemorative Proof Dollar

Lot #: 86

1973 Eisenhower Dollar Proof “Brown Ike”

Lot #: 87

Official Bicentennial Day Commemorative Medal

Lot #: 88

(7) 1 oz. Copper rounds “Civil War Set”

Lot #: 89

(3) 1 oz. Copper rounds “3 Gun Set”

Lot #: 90

(2) 1 oz. Copper rounds “African Wildlife”

Lot #: 91

Roll of 20 1881-S Morgan Dollars Ch BU

Lot #: 92

1943-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar MS-63

Lot #: 93

1944-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar Unc

Lot #: 94

1943- D/D Washington Quarter AU+

Lot #: 95

1939-D/D & 1941-D/D Washington Quarters XF & AU

Lot #: 96

1922-S Peace Dollar MS-63

Lot #: 97

1923-S Peace Dollar MS-63

Lot #: 98

1982-CC GSA Morgan Dollar

Lot #: 99

1983-CC GSA Morgan Dollar

Lot #: 100

1984-CC GSA Morgan Dollar

Lot #: 101

1935 Lincoln Cent PCGS MS-65 Red

Lot #: 102

1935-D Lincoln Cent PCGS MS-64 Red

Lot #: 103

1939 Lincoln Cent PCGS MS-65 Red

Lot #: 104

1945-D Lincoln Cent PCGS MS-64 Red

Lot #: 105

1946-D Lincoln Cent PCGS MS-65 Red

Lot #: 106

1944-S Lincoln Cent ANACS MS-66 Red

Lot #: 107

1945-D Lincoln Cent ANACS MS-66 Red

Lot #: 108

1955 Lincoln Cent ANACS MS-66 Red

Lot #: 109

1956-D Lincoln Cent ANACS MS-66 Red

Lot #: 110

1958-D Lincoln Cent ANACS MS-66 Red

Lot #: 111

1817 Capped Bust Half Dollar VG

Lot #: 112

1827 Capped Bust Half Dollar XF

Lot #: 113

1836 Capped Bust Half Dollar VF Cleaned

Lot #: 114

1896-S Barber Half Dollar AG

Lot #: 115

1897-O Barber Half Dollar AG

Lot #: 116

1876-H Canadian 1 Cent VF

Lot #: 117

1901 Canadian 1 Cent VF

Lot #: 118

1890-H Canadian 5 Cents VG

Lot #: 119

1923 Canadian 5 Cents XF

Lot #: 120

1924 Canadian 5 Cents XF

Lot #: 121

2011 1 oz. Grizzley Bear NGC MS-67

Lot #: 122

2012 1 oz. Panda PCGS MS-69

Lot #: 123

2017 Tuvalu Polar Bear Cub PCGS PR-69 DCAM

Lot #: 124

1901 $2 1/2 Gold Liberty NGC MS-61

Lot #: 125

Roll of 20 1887 Morgan Dollars Ch BU

Lot #: 126

1954 Lincoln Cent PCGS MS-64 Red

Lot #: 127

1954-D Lincoln Cent PCGS MS-65 Red

Lot #: 128

1954-S Lincoln Cent PCGS MS-65 Red

Lot #: 129

1959-D Lincoln Cent PCGS MS-64 Red

Lot #: 130

1958-D Lincoln Cent PCGS MS-64 Red

Lot #: 131

1776 Continental Currency One Sixth of a Dollar

Lot #: 132

1776 Continental Currency Two Third of a Dollar

Lot #: 133

(5) 1935-F $1 Silver Certificates Ch CU – Gem CU

Lot #: 134

(4) 1957 $1 Silver Certificates Unc. – CU

Lot #: 135

(15) 1957-A $1 Silver Certificates AU+ – CU

Lot #: 136

1916-P Mercury Dime MS-65

Lot #: 137

1934-D Mercury Dime MS-64

Lot #: 138

1940-P Mercury Dime MS-63

Lot #: 139

1941-P Mercury Dime MS-60

Lot #: 140

1942 Mercury Dime MS-64

Lot #: 141

1958 & 1969 Canadian Dollars

Lot #: 142

1989, 1990 Loonies & (2) 1996 Bi-metallic $2

Lot #: 143

(40) Eisenhower Dollars

Lot #: 144

John Wayne Medal

Lot #: 145

Foreign Half Penny’s, 1 Cent, 5 Cents & 10 cents

Lot #: 146

Thomas Jefferson Coinage & Currecy set

Lot #: 147

John F. Kennedy Stamp & Half Dollars

Lot #: 148

Native American Arrowhead & Coin Collection

Lot #: 149

1986 Statue of Liberty Comm. Half Dollar

Lot #: 150

(12) 1 oz. Copper rounds “Zodiac”

Photo Gallery

1975   1976  US  Mint Proof sets 1979  1980   1982  US  Mint Proof sets 1968  1969  1970   1971  US  Mint Unc  sets 1972  1973  1974   1975  US  Mint Unc  sets 1968  1969   1970  Canadian Uncirculated sets last Indian Head Penny   First lincoln Penny America s First lincoln Cent  1909 VDB Complete Mercury Dime Mintmark Collection Susan B  Anthony Dollar Year Collection 1964 P   1964 D  Kennedy Silver Half Dollars 1985   1986  Canadian 6 coin Specimen sets 1973  Canadian Double Penny Specimen set Whitman Album with 46 Canadian Small Cents  10  1906    10  1907  Indian Head cents 1982  George Washington Comm  Half Dollar 1983 S  Olympics Comm  Dollar  NGC PF 69 UC 2004 P  lewis   Clark Comm  Dollar  NGC PF 69 UC 2016 P Wedge Tailed Eagle  NGC Gem Unc 2016   2017  Silver Eagle s  ANACS MS 70 2017 Canadian Maple leaf  NGC MS 69 1945 S  lincoln Cent   NGC MS 66 Red 1949 S  lincoln Cent  NGC MS 66 Red 1950 S  lincoln Cent  NGC MS 66 Red 1954 D  lincoln Cent  NGC MS 66 Red 1955 D  lincoln Cent  NGC MS 66 Red 1947  lincoln Cent  PCGS  MS 64 Red 1951  lincoln Cent  PCGS  MS 64 Red 1951 D  lincoln Cent  PCGS  MS 65 Red 1951 S  lincoln Cent  PCGS  MS 65 Red 1952 D  lincoln Cent  PCGS  MS 64 Red 1979  lincoln Cent  ICG  MS 66 Red 2006  lincoln Cent  NGC  MS 66 Red 1913 D  Type I  Buffalo Nickel  NGC  MS 62 1913 D  Type 2  Buffalo Nickel  PCGS  AU 55 4  lincoln Cent  Error Coins 1916  Walking liberty Half Dollar  VG 1916 D  Walking liberty Half Dollar  VG 1916 S  Walking liberty Half Dollar  VG 1921  Walking liberty Half Dollar  VG 1927 S  Walking liberty Half Dollar  VF 1881 S  Morgan Dollar  MS 1885 O  Morgan Dollar  XF 1902 O  Morgan Dollar  BU 1925  Peace Dollar  AU 1926 S  Peace Dollar  AU 1847  Braided Hair large Cent  F 1848  Braided Hair large Cent  F 1857  Flying Eagle Cent  VG 1859  Indian Head Cent 1863  Indian Head Cent 1867  Shield Nickel  VG 1868  Shield Nickel  G 1924 S  Buffalo Nickel  F 1926 S  Buffalo Nickel  G 1876 S  Seated Half Dollar  VG 1952 D  Franklin Half Dollar  AU 1935  S S  Washington Quarter  VF 1841  Hard Times  Not One Cent For Tribute  Token  2   1921  Morgan Dollars  VF  2   1922  Peace Dollars  VF  4   1935 E   1 Silver Certificates  CU   Ch CU  5   1957   1 Silver Certificates Unc   CU  5   1957 B   1 Silver Certificates  CU 1934 C   5  Silver Certificate  AU 1953   5  Silver Certificate  CH CU 1941  Walking liberty Half Dollar  XF 1943 D   1945 S Walking liberty Half Dollars 1881 S  Morgan Dollar  MS 1921   1921 D  Morgan Dollars  BU 1921 D Morgan   1922  Peace Dollars  XF   AU 1994  World Cup Clad Half Dollar  Unc 1999  US  Mint Silver Proof set 2000  US  Mint Silver Proof set 2001  US  Mint Silver Proof set 2003  US  Mint Silver Proof set  20  1971    20  1972  Eisenhower Dollars 24  Kennedy Half Dollars  1966   1978 D 5  1982  7 Varieties of lincoln Cents 2009  US  Mint Proof set 2009  US  Mint Silver Proof set 1988  1989   1990  Canadian Specimen sets 1977  Canadian Double Dollar Prestige set 1987  Canadian Double Dollar Proof set 1996  Canadian 7 coin Double Dollar Proof set 1986 Statue of liberty Commemorative  Proof Dollar 1973  Eisenhower Dollar Proof   Brown Ike Official Bicentennial Day Commemorative Medal  7  1 oz  Copper rounds   Civil War Set  3   1 oz  Copper rounds   3 Gun Set  2   1 oz  Copper rounds   African Wildlife Roll of 20  1881 S  Morgan Dollars  Ch BU 1943 D  Walking liberty Half Dollar  MS 63 1944 D  Walking liberty Half Dollar  Unc 1943  D D  Washington Quarter  AU 1939 D D   1941 D D  Washington Quarters XF   AU 1922 S  Peace Dollar  MS 63 1923 S  Peace Dollar  MS 63 1982 CC  GSA  Morgan Dollar 1983 CC  GSA  Morgan Dollar 1984 CC  GSA  Morgan Dollar 1935  lincoln Cent  PCGS  MS 65 Red 1935 D  lincoln Cent  PCGS  MS 64 Red 1939  lincoln Cent  PCGS  MS 65 Red 1945 D  lincoln Cent  PCGS  MS 64 Red 1946 D  lincoln Cent PCGS  MS 65 Red 1944 S  lincoln Cent  ANACS  MS 66 Red 1945 D  lincoln Cent  ANACS  MS 66 Red 1955  lincoln Cent  ANACS  MS 66 Red 1956 D  lincoln Cent  ANACS  MS 66 Red 1958 D  lincoln Cent  ANACS  MS 66 Red 1817  Capped Bust Half Dollar  VG 1827  Capped Bust Half Dollar  XF 1836  Capped Bust Half Dollar  VF  Cleaned 1896 S  Barber Half Dollar  AG 1897 O  Barber Half Dollar  AG 1876 H  Canadian 1 Cent  VF 1901  Canadian 1 Cent  VF 1890 H  Canadian 5 Cents  VG 1923  Canadian 5 Cents  XF 1924  Canadian 5 Cents  XF 2011  1 oz  Grizzley Bear  NGC  MS 67 2012  1 oz  Panda  PCGS  MS 69 2017  Tuvalu Polar Bear Cub  PCGS  PR 69 DCAM 1901   2 1 2 Gold liberty  NGC  MS 61 Roll of 20  1887  Morgan Dollars  Ch BU 1954  lincoln Cent  PCGS  MS 64 Red 1954 D  lincoln Cent  PCGS  MS 65 Red 1954 S  lincoln Cent  PCGS  MS 65 Red 1959 D  lincoln Cent  PCGS  MS 64 Red 1958 D  lincoln Cent  PCGS  MS 64 Red 1776  Continental Currency  One Sixth of a Dollar 1776  Continental Currency  Two Third of a Dollar  5  1935 F   1 Silver Certificates  Ch CU   Gem CU  4   1957   1 Silver Certificates  Unc     CU  15  1957 A   1 Silver Certificates  AU    CU 1916 P  Mercury Dime  MS 65 1934 D  Mercury Dime  MS 64 1940 P  Mercury Dime  MS 63 1941 P  Mercury Dime  MS 60 1942  Mercury Dime  MS 64 1958   1969  Canadian Dollars 1989  1990 loonies    2  1996 Bi metallic  2  40   Eisenhower Dollars John Wayne Medal Foreign Half Penny s  1 Cent  5 Cents   10 cents Thomas Jefferson Coinage   Currecy set John F  Kennedy Stamp   Half Dollars Native American Arrowhead   Coin Collection 1986  Statue of liberty Comm  Half Dollar  12   1 oz  Copper rounds   Zodiac


Live auction on July 12, 2018 with absentee bidding ending at 1:00 pm. cst June 12th. All items are sold "AS IS , WHERE IS" and all sales are final. No refunds or returns. No guarantees of any kind except for the authenticity of US. coins and currency. Not responsible for any errors or omissions in the description of the merchandise unless it is a material and intentional misrepresentation of the item itself. Removal of any and all items shall be at the expense , liability and risk of the purchaser. Temchack Auctions, LLC is licensed , insured and bonded in the State of North Dakota. Auctioneer License #995 and Clerk License #667. We are fully complaint and have monthly security scans through our provider, First Data, and our auction software company is as well - they provide the back-end for more auction companies than any other provider. GRADING; Grading is an art not an exact science. It is the bidder's responsibility to examine the condition and grade prior to bidding. Auctioneer recognizes that opinions on grading may differ from individual to individual. We use the suggestioned condition / grades given by the SELLERS within reason. Buyer's Premiun; Buyer's Premium will be added to the Hammer price if paying with credit card. 0% Cash discount. Please register and get bid approval early for online bidding. Bid permission is required for higher max bid limits. This ensures that you are not bidding against people creating fake accounts with no intention of purchasing and paying for items. Anyone registering at the start of the online auction might be declined to bid. All names must match in registration. Phone calls to the registered phone number at the start of an online might be contacted to verify bidder. Temchack Auctions, LLC , the auctioneer & help has NO CONTROL and NOT responsible over the function, errors and failures to record or excute online bids. Also internet connections may vary and service provider's may have disruptions in functionablity of technolgy. The auctioneer reserve's the right to continue, suspend, or end the auction if a service disruption occurs during the auction. Bidder acknowledges and understands that this service may not function correctly at any time, including auction closing time. Temchack Auctions, LLC reserves the right to extend closing times, change the extension time, stop, restart or cancel this auction at its sole discretion. No sales are final until certified by Temchack Auctions, LLC. ?A MAX BID? may be placed on any item and the max bid will be brought forward to the live auction. Internet bidders should place their maximum bids at least two hours prior to internet bidding close. The clerk will bid on your behalf during the Live auction. This option is highly recommended so you do not miss out on the item you are bidding on for any reason. PLEASE NOTE We cannot control where the clerk is with your bid. Meaning the floor bid my be the same as your max bid and you do not win the lot ! Payment; Cash & Bankable check. Credit cards will only be accepted with a limit of $2500.00 per invoice. We accept MC, Visa, Discover and American Express credit cards. PLEASE make sure your credit card on file is good/ current. All accounts will be charged to the credit card on file within 24 hours of the end of auction. An invoice will be emailed to all winning bidder's after the auction ends. This invoice will incude shipping / handling charges. temchack Auctions, LLC may refuse bidding privileges to anyone for failure to pay for previous auction invoices. 3% will be added to invoice for use of all credit cards. No chargebacks for credit card use!A list of all sellers / consigner's is available / posted at each live auction. This is a public auction and as such, all qualified bidders may bid including Temchack Auctions,LLC owners, family and friends.No Shipments outside the United States!!! We will mail only to confirmed address's in the United States! Shipping / Handling; We use First Class with tracking. Priority Mail with tracking provided by USPS. If you want insurance contact us ASAP to add this cost to your invoice. Cost is an additional $1/ hunded dollar insured value. Cost will be in the following increments; First Class with tracking; $4.00 Small Priority Flat Rate box / envelope; $8.00 Medium Priority flate rate box; $15.00 Large priority Flat Rate box; $20.00


Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. Temchack Auctions, LLC, agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.