keith oestrich and guests

G & G Auctioneers

17 March, 2025 7:35 am

1635 45th Ave SW - Hannover, ND



2470 Case-4X4,4 hyd-needs work

930 Case-diesel, 2 hyd, 540, hand   


1800 Oliver-diesel,3 pt,2 hyd, 540

1800 Oliver– gas, 2 hyd, 540

G705 Minn Moline-gas,2 hyd, 540

XL940 FH loader w/grapple


720 IHC forage chopper w/2heads

S&H silage wagon

Case 1 row corn picker-works

30’ Lindsay harrow

Melroe 4 bot plow w/14’ packer

Melroe 5 bot plow w/14’ packer

16’ truck bale rack

swather transport

Farmhand box w/apron floor-old

3 grain augers, 2 drill fills-4”

3 pt post hole digger w/9” bit

IHC 7’snow blower

Rock fork bucket

2 running gears

18.4-38 snap on duals

300 gal fuel tank w/12v pump

70+ steel posts 5’-5½’

125 Sticks 2 7/8 pipe


1033 NH bale wagon-105 bale

100 IHC mower-7’, mower-9’

9 wheel rake, 12’ dump rake

69 NH sq baler

tucker wheels for round baler


’95 Peterbilt 379-15 spd, 435E  

   Cat, sleeper

’98 Chevy-1 T crew cab- 4X4,

   auto, new trans

‘67 Chevy-¾ T-327, 4 spd

’01 WW 3 horse slant GN trailer


516 NH spreader-needs floor

512 NH spreader w/slop gate

Foremost cattle chute w/palpation Apache creep feeder

Farm King roller mill, port. panels

2 Sturde dble round bale feeders

Rumlic tank, AI tank & access

2 propane stock tank heaters

3 solar elect fencers


M11 Savage 308 w/scope.

M70 Winchester 308 w/scope

Mauser 7mm w/scope sporterized

   synthetic stock

Mauser 7mm w/scope sporterized

   wood stock

Mauser 7mm w/scope sporterized

   synthetic stock

MSB New Eng. Arms12 ga single

M870 Remington Wingmaster 12

   ga pump

M120 Marlin 12ga pump,gun racks

M916 Eastfield 20 ga pump

M597 Remington 22 auto rifle


Gatling wagon, enamelware

518 DeLavel elect cr. sep-works

Maytag wringer washer, dresser

2 sets harness, grease gun filler

treadle sew machine, farm toys

old tools & wrenches, meat grinder

wood baby crib, meat grinder

1940’s & 50’s brand books

children’s books/games, 3 trunks

old equipment manuals, wash tub

rope block & tackle, 4 wash tubs

25+ S&P,10 cookie jars,bread box

50+ Holstein knick knacks

cream can canisters, luggage

stuffed bears & Holsteins

doilies, afghans, 2 shoe shine kits

Four Roses bottles, enamelware


Miller welder, Sears drill press

post mount vise, welding table

jacks, jack stands, assort bolts

portable cement mixer

air compressor, ladders

foam marker parts, ext cords

parts/bolt bins, misc tools

pressure washer-gas


sm refrigerator, 2 gas ranges

hide-a-bed,2 recliners, china hutch

qn & full beds, glider rocker

3 dressers, 2&4 dr file cabinets

sewing machines w/cabinets

dishes, cookware, phone shelf

microwave carts, window AC

end tables, fans, elect heaters

shelving, luggage, stereo


elect handicap chair-used v. little

walker w/seat & brakes

Photo Gallery


*TERMS: Cash/Bankable Check *Lunch Served *More items too numerous *Not Responsible for accidents *Statements on day of sale take precedence over printed material*Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids *Sold as is, where is with no guarantees or warranties implied whatsoever.


Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. G & G Auctioneers, agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.