R & D Auction, Inc.
15 March, 2025 6:06 am
Collector Tractors; Cars; Trucks; Etc. Many Collector car parts.
Sale Order: 9:00 AM – Collectibles; Engines; & Misc. Items
10:00 AM – Misc. Collector Car & Tractor Parts
1:00 PM – Collector Cars; Trucks; & Motorcycles
2:00 PM – Rumely Oil Pull Tractor & Other Collectible Tractors
Auctioneers Note: Kenneth has always been very interested in the “old time” tractors, trucks, & cars. He has been a mechanic all of his life & has a huge variety of parts, etc. For some unique & restorable items be sure & attend this auction. See you there…..R&D
- 1924 Rumely Oil Pull Tractor “Model 16-30 H” (530 RPM; Engine #9123; Steel Wheels w/Rubber Parade Pads; Running Condition; 16HP On Draw Bar; 30HP On Belt Pulley; Cab)
- 1951 John Deere AR (Engine Stuck)
- B John Deere (6-Spd; Runs)
- McCormick Deering 1530 Tractor On Steel
- McCormick Deering 1020
- McCormick Deering 2236
- Mid 1920s Fordson on Steel
- Early 1920s Model E Allis Chalmers
- 1941 Z Moline (Runs)
- 1946 Z Moline (WF)
- R Moline (Engine Needs Work)
- 1936 Farmall F12 w/Factory Round Spoke Rear Wheels
- 2) Farmall F12 Parts Tractors
- C Allis Chalmers Parts Tractor
- 8N Ford Parts Tractor
- 1936 Chevy Standard Coupe (Runs; Titled)
- 1938 Ford 60 Pickup w/85 Engine (Complete; Titled)
- 1953 Packard Clipper (4Dr. Post; 3Spd Overdrive; Inline Flathead 8 Engine; Titled)
- 1947 Chrysler Windsor w/Suicide Doors (Runs; Titled)
- 1942 Chevy War Era Pickup (Runs; Titled)
- 1961 Chevy Impala 4Dr. Hardtop (348 Engine; Runs; Titled)
- 1964 Corvair 2-Dr (73,000 Miles; Runs; Titled)
- 1949 Willy’s Jeep
- 1947 Willy’s Jeep (Runs; Titled)
- 1928 IHC 6-Speed Special Truck
- 1970 IHC ¾Ton Pickup w/Factory AC & Factory Bucket Seats (304 Engine; Titled)
- 1947 Chevy Stylemaster Coupe (Runs; Titled)
- 1952 Chevy Deluxe (4Dr. Post; Runs; Titled)
- 1929 Model A
- 1949 Hudson Commodore w/Straight 8 Engine
- 1940 1-Ton Step Van
- 1928 Ford Coupe Body
- Model T & A Running Gears
- 1930 1-Ton Chevrolet
- 1925 Model T Touring Car Body (2-Seat Convertible)
- 1947 Packard (Complete)
- 1946 Mercury (Titled)
- 1959 Galaxy 500 Convertible w/292 Engine (Possible Title)
- 1955 Chevy BelAir w/265 V8 Engine
- 1951 Ford Parts Pickup
- 1939 International Pickup
- 1951 Chevy Truck (Runs; Titled)
- 1959 1-Ton Chevy Parts Truck
- 1934 Parts Chevy
- 1939 Chevy Parts Pickup
- 1935 Chevy Truck Body
- 1954 Chevy Bus (Good Front Clip)
- Late 80s Chevy S10 Parts Pickup
- 1992 Chevy S10 Parts Pickup
- 1979 Chevy 10 Van w/305 Engine
- 1953 Ford 4Dr. Sedan
- 1963 Chevy BelAir Parts Cars
- 1930 Model A Coupe Body
- Late 1920s Nash Body Panels
- Late 1920s Nash Running Gear
- Model T 2Dr. Body
- 1949 Ford 2Dr. Sedan
- 1957 Chevy Front Clip & Hood
- Cushman Eagle
- Cushman Highlander
There are MANY rare parts that are too numerous to mention & were unable to view at time of putting auction flyer together. These parts will be tagged on sale day.
- MANY Shop & Parts Manuals From The 1960s on Up
- Magneto’s (IHC E4A; Allis Chalmers; KW; JD; Wisconsin Engine Geared; Minneapolis Moline; & Many Others)
- Military Magneto Caps
- 1020 IHC Carburetor
- Misc. Model A Parts
- 1940s & 50s NEW Light Lenses
- Many Model A to 1960s Car Parts
- Model T & A Wheels
- Misc. Starters; Fuel Pumps; Transmissions;
- Transmission Rebuild Kits for 1960s-1970s Cars
- Misc. Body Parts from 1920s Through 1960s
- Unique Table Top Ticket Desk
- Slant Front Desk
- Atwater Kent Radio w/Book
- Crebe Synchrophase Radio
- Philco Wooden Radio
- Philco Upright Radio
- Vintage Radio Manuals
- New Radio Tubes & Tube Testers
- Tins
- Buggy Seat
- Durant Car Engine
- Wisconsin Engines
- G4 Combine Engine (Fits Z or R Moline)
- 1966 Chevy 327 Truck Engine
- Chevy 350
- 1974 Chevy Small Block 400
- Chevy 307
- 1982 Chevy 305
- 1138 Cenex Riding Mower
- Kohler Light Plant (Needs Work)
- K.O. Lee Valve Grinding Machine w/Hard Seat Grinder (Complete)
- Lawn Boy Mower Parts
- 4.75/5.00×20 Tires & Other Tires
- Factory Built Buzz Saw
- 7’ No.5 John Deere Sickle Mower
- MM Press Drill
- Case 4-Bottom Plow
Other Misc. Items
Kenneth & Charleen Grothe, Owners
Photo Gallery
Information contained herein is presented on behalf of
the seller. R D Auction Inc , agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to
be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions.
All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction.
Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any
matter of print and will be final.