lenny and vickie lange

G & G Auctioneers

18 March, 2025 3:42 pm

1235 Riverside Ln- Washburn, ND

(5 mi SE on Hwy 83-S at 1195 Hwy 83 SW)                                   


Super 90 Massey – live PTO, 4 cyl Perkinds diesel-starts & runs good just consigned

‘48 “B” JD wide front SN215801

‘51 “A” JD narrow front SN673234

‘52 “A” JD wide front SN698342

Russell Jr road grader

2 bottom JD plow

JD wagon w/wood grain box

1 bottom breaker plow, buzz saw

2 row JD corn planter

1 row horse drawn cultivator

“A” or “B” JD fenders, JD 3 pt

JD parts, magnettos, manuals


’01 Chevy Blazer

6’X12’ four wheel trailer

2 & 4 wheel trailers


100# & 500 gal propane tank

250 gal fuel tank

3T cherry picker, handyman jack

ProArc 100 AC welder

All Pro 10,000 BTU knipco heater

Remington garage heater NIB

tarps, nail pullers, chain hoist

welding table on casters,

tool chest, bolt rack w/nuts & bolts

Chevy 30 starters, 4 car dollys

underground wire, acetylene hose

welding helmet, drill bits,

Makita sawzall, GP air chisel

Makita framing nailer

parts washer-NIB, acetylene cart

come-a-longs, fire extinguishers

open/box end wrenches

3 tires 195-70R15


Sq of steel siding

52 sq ft knotty pine walling

26”X26” ceiling tile, ¾” plywood

8’X16’ outdoor carpet-new

lots of trim board

foam insulation, plywood

new door, 6-8’ sheets of tin

door w/doggy door on bottom


wardrobe w/2 bottom drawers

lge primitive cabinet, wash stands

Duncan Phyfe table w/3 leaves

lamp table, 4 round back chairs

fainting couch, sm ornate table

corner china cabinet, baby crib

Dazey butter churns, galv boiler

wood high chair, library table

end table/magazine rack, trunk

JD Green mag.,’76 brand book

lead glass window, runner sleds

lots of church cookbooks

Pabst Blue Ribbon light

Schmidt beer sign, JD Ertl tractors

Seagram & GrainBelt lighted signs

24 lead crystal goblets

Coteau glassware, blue jars

lots of Hallmark ornaments

Huckleberry Finn, Charles Dickens  

   & other old books

Eddy Arnold & other 78 records

Jacob Kautzman-Solen cream can

watering can, wash tubs, 8 tracks

cream pail, propane gas range

bale hooks, galvanized pails

16 boxes western paperbacks

Lots history books,wide baseboard

ornate screen door, wood bench

SnoWing metal sled, bowling pins

metal rocking lawn chair

cast iron pot, old wagon, crib

2 metal beds, old wood table

swivel oak office chair, step stool

enamelware, enamel coffee pot

8 track/cass/phono w/speakers

Collection of plat books from many

   counties in ND


8’X12’ & 10’X20’ sheds

steel posts, posthole digger

fence stretchers, roof rake

elect chain saw, hose  reel-NIB

spades, shovels, 5 bikes, owl

AutoPilot trolling motor w/control

35 hp Johnson boat motor

His & hers cross country skis

LH Bear compound bow

LH Thunderbird recurve bow

hand clay pigeon thrower

2 boxes clay pigeons, trike

planters, pet carrier, burlap bags

blow up reindeer & Santa

lighted Santa, trellis, wheel barrow

picks, axes, snow fence, belting

potting soil, planters, lawn chairs

kids bikes, pet wire, bug lights

yd décor, garden cart

JD100 riding mower grass catcher

lots of memorial wreaths


MW upright freezer, IH refrigerator

foosball table, youth bed, twin bed

Casio Pulse 360 elect keyboard

Qn air mattress, 50 c coffee pot

2 elect roasters, 22 folding chairs

elect ice cream maker, CDs

2 Bunn coffee makers, utensils

5 folding tables, canner & jars

Sentry safe, kitchenware

12’ blow up snowglobe-NIB

AB lounge Sport, 4 boxes fabric

Kenmore sewing machine

Lots of Christmas décor

Singer canister vac, press cooker

Martha Stewart Christmas tree

8 sets qn sheets

Photo Gallery


*TERMS:Cash/Bankable Check *Lunch Served *More items too numerous*Not Responsible for accidents*Statements on day of sale take precedence over printed material*Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids*Sold as is, where is with no guarantees/warranties implied whatsoever.


Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. G & G Auctioneers, agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.