les mahin and guests

G & G Auctioneers

18 March, 2025 3:16 pm

2090 Co Rd 25 - Zap, ND

Beulah-8 mi S to CR 25, W 3 mi, curve S 5 mi or I-94 Exit 110 N to MM88, W 3 mi, N 3 mi on CR 25

2000 Ford F-350 Crew Cab-Lariat, 4X4, 7.3, new tires, 158K


4430 JD 3 hyd, 540/1000, rock

   shaft, quad range, 8841 hrs,

   18.4-38 tires w/158 JD loader &

   4 tine grapple

4020 JD– 2 hyd, 540/100, syncro

   range, 6560 hrs, canopy

U MM-power steering, PTO

   w/Nuway M202 loader w/boom

   cherry picker

UTU MM –narrow front, 1 hyd,

   new tires w/Dual loader w/pallet  



’69 AC maintainer-WD45 motor

2 spd custom hyd posthole digger

18” & 12’ Bobcat posthole bits

pickup spot sprayer

adaptor fork w/trailer balls

fiberglass water tank

water storage tank

1000 gal fuel tank

125 gal service tank w/12v pump


Hydrotex barrel & pump,

cream can, wash tubs, gas can

blue jars, milk bottles, MM hyd oil

Nat Geo magazines, Aladdin lamp

New Convection heater

galv pail, Tonka toys, MF hyd oil

wagon, Dual cylinder wrench

rock polisher

MM lighted sign/clock, butter churn

CocaCola pop cooler-doesn’t work

Melroe 1 bottom plow store replica

wood Black & Decker case


’08 PJ 32’ GN flatbed w/flip down


’01 Exiss ETC/20 7’X20’ w/tack

Rollin' & other tilt wagons, utility trailer


’98 Ford E-150-157K,new tires,

   Intake manifold-4 yrs

’69 IH 1600 Loadstar All Wheel

   Drive w/flatbed & 5th Wheel

’88 Silverado-2×4, auto, 141K


LA145 JD mower 48”, 123 hrs

Craftsman 5.5 trimmer on wheels

M430 pressure washer

Honda G5190 jetpump-6.0

Brinkman Pitmaster deluxe, axes

JD utility trailer, 4’ bug zapper

push mower, posthole digger

2 wheel barrels, live animal traps

rakes, shovels, picks, step ladders

weed eaters, gas jugs, kites

garden hose , hunting blind

Twister Cart UM150IIR Hammerhead


kettles, blender, toaster oven,desk

fry pan, dishes, spice rack,glasses

101 C commercial coffee pot

sm glass door freezer,fax machine

Winco soup warmer, pizza warmer

Cannon 0530 Image Class printer

Swann Platinum 720P 8 channel

   professional HD security system


MW generator, Reddy heater

Kobalt & other pickup toolboxes

UP generator-NIB, router & table

Coats tire balancer, 10T floor jack

Lincoln 225 welder, parts washer

pressure washer,

Schumacher battery charger

2 Century battery chargers, vise

come-a-longs, chain binders, anvil

turnbuckles, trouble light, pry bars

tire irons/tools, funnels, shop light

tahoe cover, drain pans,log chains

select a test engine analyzer

Harmonic Balancer service kit

piston ring groove cutter,C-clamps

coil tester, valve grinder, chop saw

block tester, spark plug repair kit

injector tester, timing light, drill

K-D ball/u joint brake, floodlight

Anchor pin press set,angle grinder

ring compressors, impact sockets

micro quadri gauge, belt fasteners

Dial indicator set, Detecto scale

B&D valve grinding set, trowel

cylinder sleeve puller, dremel tool

Sioux air drill, ½” dr air impact-NIB

Chicago Neu. ¾” metric impact

suction guns, 99 pc tool set, level

pressurized cooling system tester

Little Giant Jr tap n die set,creeper

Columbia tap n die set, jig saw

4 T car stands, hyd & hi-lift jacks

gear/wheel pullers, chloride pump

bolt cutters, AC gauges, tow ropes

gear & wheel pullers, bolt cutters

¾” NAPA air impact, solder gun

# & letter stamps, draw bar pins

7¼”, Skil circ saw, hand saw

Photo Gallery


*TERMS: Cash/Bankable Check *Lunch Served *More items too numerous *Not Responsible for accidents *Statements on day of sale take precedence over printed material*Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids *Sold as is, where is with no guarantees or warranties implied whatsoever.


Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. G & G Auctioneers, agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.