313 N 26th(Bismarck Eagles, Bismarck, ND
18’ bumper trailer w/ramps
8” Craftsman table saw w/stand 15” Craftsman floor drill press
4”/6” Delta horizontal band saw
Lincoln AC/DC arc welder
4000w Champion generator
adjustable saw stand, car ramps
50# anvil, bottle jacks
JD tools, tow chains, sand blaster
TroyBilt rear tine tiller, wheel barrel
Craftsman front tine tiller-like new
Wards Garden Mark snowblower
China cabinet,entertainment stand
CROCKS-(2) 2, 3, (2)4, (2)5, 6, 8,
10, 12, 15, 20 gal RW crocks
5 gal RW jug
4 & 6 gal churns w/lid & plunger
Medalta chicken waterer
RW Ko-rec feeder top
1 gal jug w/lid & wire handle
2 gal leaf crock, misc sm crocks
CAST IRON-horse door stop
golfer bank, Aunt Jemima bank
sm pot w/lid, #8 Griswold fry pan
sm rnd stove-chrome redone
2 well pumps, cistern pump
lead melting pot, 5 seats
OLD TOOLS-Buck saw,
lge wood bar clamp
all wood plane,
lge adj wood handle wrench
unique press drill
iron wire stretcher
variety of braces
draw knife, sm wood planes
leather knife, levels
wood tools, wrenches
Model T jacks
collapsible china cabinet (came over in covered wagon)
oak dresser w/mirror
oak wash stand, piano stool
sm wash stand, 2 bar chairs
oak teacher’s desk
oak chair, oak rocker
wrought iron bed, tobacco cutter
wall mount mirror w/hat rack
wood wringer wash machine
5 ice cream parlor chairs
‘50s cabinet TV, wash boards
flat & round top trunks
barrel butter churn w/stand
tobacco cutter
Roseville, Fiesta, red glass,
Noritake, blue glass,
Bavarian China, Nippon, carnival glass
silhouette pictures, str8t razors
Aladdin lamps, lanterns, globes
Mr Peanut cookie jar, torches
porcelain coffee pots, cow bell
Daisy butter churn, egg boxes
charcoal, gas/sad iron collect
match box, razor strap
blue jars w/lids,sausage stuffer
bags/jars of marbles, jewelry
cow bones w/paintings
shaving mugs & brushes
barber items, Coke items
picture viewer & pictures
iron wagon wheels,horse collar
1 horse hand cultivator
cream can, wood clock
battery operated wood radios
wood carpet sweeper
assorted cameras, wall phone
lots of enamelware, BB gun
tractors-NIB, toys, games
golf bag w/wood clubs
*TERMS: Cash/Bankable Check *Lunch Served *More items too numerous *Not Responsible for accidents *Statements on day of sale take precedence over printed material *Sold as is, where is.