For a detailed Buyer’s Prospectus with complete terms and conditions contact Max Steffes at Steffes Group, 701.237.9173 or 701.212.2849


 1,456+ ACRES

Auction Location: American Legion, 23 east 2nd Ave, Turtle Lake, ND

Land Located: From Turtle Lake; 

T1: north 15-1/2 miles on ND-41, tract 1 east 1/4 mile on 22nd St NW, tract 1 on north side; 
T2 & T3: from ND-41, east 1.3 miles on 20th St., north on township road 1 mile, east 1/2 mile on 21st St. NW, Tract 2 to the west, Tract 3 to the east; 
T4: from ND-41, east 1 mile on 20th St., tract 4 to the north; 
T5: From ND-41, east 3 miles on 20th St., 1/2 mile south on 12th Ave., tract 5 to the west.


AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Awesome opportunity to purchase a large tract of land featuring predominately pasture with some cropland! This picturesque land is available to graze and crop during the 2021 growing season and includes attractive recreational attributes suitable for waterfowl and deer hunting. Hunters, take note of tracts 3 & 5. Ranchers, take note of the natural topography and water features on this land.






Description: Horseshoe Valley Township, Sections 10, 11, 13, 14, 23, & 25

Total Acres: 1,456+

Cropland Acres: 413+

Pasture Acres: 1,038+

To Be Sold in 5 Tracts!


Description: E1/2SW1/4; W1/2SE1/4 Section 10-149-80

Total Acres: 160+

Pasture Acres: 160+

PID #: 47-0010-06051-000

Soil Productivity Index: 46

Soils: Zahi-Max-Amegard loams (45%), Williams-Zahl-Zahill complex (37%), Williams-Bowbells loams (11%)

Taxes (2019): $666.30

View US Fish & Wildlife Wetland Easement Here


Description: SE1/4; S1/2SW1/4 Section 11-149-80 & N1/2; N1/2S1/2 Section 14-149-80

Total Acres: 720+

Pasture Acres: 720+

PID #: 47-0011-06058-000, 47-0011-06059-000, 47-0014-06071-000, 47-0014-06073-000, & 47-0014-06075-000

Soil Productivity Index: 32

Soils: Zaahl-Max-Parnell complex (82%), Williams-Zahl-Zahill complex (8%), Parnell silty clay loam (5%)

Taxes (2019): $1,983.56 

View US Fish & Wildlife Wetland Easement Here


Description: NW1/4SW1/4; SW1/4NW1/4 Including Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4 Section 13-149-80

Total Acres: 219+

Cropland Acres: 115+ (58 acres Pasture, 57 Tillable)

Pasture Acres: 158+

Tillable Acres: 57+

Yard: 4+

PID #: 47-0013-06066-000 & 47-0013-06067-000

Machine Shed: 80’x40’, pole frame, dirt floors

House: 35’x30’, 2-story, well, septic, needs work

Soil Productivity Index: 44

Soils: Williams-Zahl-Zahill complex (46%), Zahl-Max-Arnegard loams (29%), Wabek-Lehr-Appam complex (17%)

Taxes (2019): $1,172.98

Please note: There are NO US Fish & Wildlife Easements on this land


Description: SE1/4NW1/4; NE1/4SW1/4; S1/2S1/4 Section 23-149-80

Total Acres: 157+

Cropland Acres: 144+

PID #: 47-0023-06118-000

Soil Productivity Index: 53

Soils: Parshall fine sandy loam (42%), Wabek-Lehr-Appam complex (20%), Ruso coarse sandy loam (11%)

Taxes (2019): $842.36

Please note: There are NO US Fish & Wildlife Easements on this land


Description: SE1/4SW1/4; SE1/4 Section 25-149-80

Total Acres: 200+

Cropland Acres: 154+

PID #: 47-0025-06134-000 & 47-0025-06135-000

Soil Productivity Index: 63

Soils: Williams-Zahl-Zahill complex (69%), Williams-Bowbells loams (20%), Zahl-Williams loams (9%)

Taxes (2019): $1,156.55

View US Fish & Wildlife Wetland Easement Here

TERMS: Ten percent down upon signing purchase agreement with balance due at closing in 45 days.


For a detailed Buyer’s Prospectus with complete terms and conditions contact Max Steffes at Steffes Group, 701.237.9173 or 701.212.2849


Shirley A. Rutter, Trustee

Lot #: 1

in: Farmland

Lot #: 2

in: Farmland

Lot #: 3

in: Farmland

Lot #: 4

in: Farmland

Lot #: 5

in: Farmland

Photo Gallery

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