Auction Location:? Steffes Group facility, 24400 MN Hwy 22 South, Litchfield, MN? at 10:00AM
Land Located: From Kingston, MN 1/2 mile S to 305thSt., 2.5 miles W on 305thSt.? Land will be on left S side of road.
Meeker County, MN – Kingston TWP
TERMS: Ten percent down upon signing purchase agreement with balance due at closing in 30 days. This is a 5% buyer?s premium auction.
Offered at public auction is this 80 acre tract of land located NE of Litchfield, MN. This 80 acre piece features quality loamy soils suitable for corn and soybeans and also some fenced pasture acres with water. Join Steffes on the 6th of March for the opportunity to bid on this piece of Meeker County land.
For a detailed Buyer?s Prospectus with complete terms and conditions,
contact Eric Gabrielson at Steffes Group 701.238.2570 or 320.693.9371
Wallace Cates Estate, Owner