larry metzger and guests

G & G Auctioneers

17 March, 2025 9:46 pm

Betty Hagel Memorial Building - Center, ND


.303 Enfield “US Property”

12 ga Winchester 1200

30-30 Savavge boltaction w/scope

12 ga H&R SS

12 ga Iver Johnson SS

22 Remington LR semi auto M66

    nylon w/ magazines

.30 cal Springfield M1 Garand

   w/manual & paperwork

SKS 7.62 X 39 cal w/box, manual

.58 cal confederatecarbine replica

30.06 Remington Woodmaster

   742 w/case & Bushnell 3X9

30.06 Winchester 1895-1995 & box

308 Savage Striker RH w/Leopold

    2.5X8 w/ caps weaver mount

17 HMR Savage w/Nikon 3X9,

   Burris mounts-NIB

44 Rem mag Winchester M94AE 

   in box

25.06 Remington BDL scriled

   w/Redfield 3X9, sling

44 Rem mag Ruger Blackhawk   

   7½” barrel (Flat Top) made 1958

12 ga Maverick Hunter over &

   under- 3“ M75445

10-22 Ruger wood  w/4X15 scope

KSR40 Ruger stainless-not fired

.22 Browning Buckmark Hunter-

  night sights,rosewood,never fired

.45 Llama assault rifle conversion  

   w/3 clips & case

12 ga Benelli super 90 tactilcal

12 ga Remington 1100  tactical

2 pellet guns, Hunting Blind-new

6 + 6 magnum goose decoys

Stacking Gun Safe, holsters

SKS receiver cover-scope mount

    w/M4X28 scope, papers

SKS  7.62  X 39-30  round  clip

SKS   7.62 X 39-80 rnd drum clip

SKS Hellstorm 2000 trigger


SKS  10  round  stripper clips

Bushnell Sportview 4X scope


12 ga mag extension-8 shot-fits

     Rem 870 & 1600 &11-87

Pachmayr grips for Colt revolver


.30 cal M1 in clips-1 case

7.62 X 39 HP Wolf 12 gr non

   corrosive-640 rd case

30 cal striper clips 11 bx/15 rd

30.06 FMJ 17 bx/20 rd

7.62 X 39 non corrosive 7 bx/20 rd

7.62 X 39 HP Wolf non corrosive

   2-25 bx

7.62 X 39 HP 47 bx/20 rd

7.2  X 39 non corrosive 6 bx/20 rd

.25 auto 16 bx/25 rd

30.06 Tracer in can 10 bx/20 rd

5.56 mm Tracer in can 800rd

25.06 Rem 3 bx

17 HMR 2 bx/50 rd

.58 cal .525 gr HP 1½ bx/15 rd

.44 cal .451 di 180 gr bx/50 rd


.44 mag 3 bx, 12 ga Mec reloader

Brass-30.06, 300 mag, 338 mag,



Boker 529 stag w/sheath in box

   made in Germany

Canal Street-1873 Bowie-Impala

  jigged Horn w/sheath in box-USA

Camillus-Fisk Bowie-limited to 500

    (2 of 100) OVB Desertwood

   handle w/sheath in box w/case &


Fox Bowie-Tuja Root handle

   w/sheath in box-Italy

Bark River knife & tool-High Land

   Special-Pro series-stag handle-

   1st production run-USA

Schatt & Morgan file & wire-gun

   stock-3rd in series III-worm

   grooved golden root bonc

   scales-USA-in box

Schatt & Morgan file & wire-

   English jack-2nd in series III-

   golden root  worm grooved bone     

   scales-nickel silver bolsters,

   caps & shield-in  box-USA

Arkansas Knives-Dozier-bone


German bayonet-Waffenfabrik, 

    Neuhausen-metal  sheath

Ontario Knife Co-Spec Plus

   Frontiersman w/sheath in box

Ontario Knife Co-Katana w/sheath

   in box-USA

Shotgun bayonet replica

Hunting knives


’07 GMC 5500-4X4, air assist

  susp, 167K(new 6.6 Duramax

 120K), new tires,aux tank-Sharp!

’99 Walton 24’ GN tandem axle &

   tire, steel deck

’91 Buick Park Ave Ultra-157K,

   clean, runs good

’77 Jeep wide track-4X4, rebuilt,

   new tires

8N Ford tractor-comp rebuilt

   motor, new paint-Sharp!

’78 bumper stock trailer-16’

‘13 Polaris Sprtsman 550 EFI,

   4X4, PS, passenger seat, case

’15 Honda Rubican Foreman

   4X4, PS

‘05 Honda Recon ES-new tires

8’X10’,8’X8’,6.6‘X10’ utility trailers

8 wire panels, rear tine tiller


Monarch ‘30s wood/elect stove

‘50s green fridge-works

2 round oak tables, steam whistle

oak dresser w/mirror, oak dresser

oak door cabinet,  6 wood chairs

4 bentwood cane chairs

wash tubs, wood ironing boards

cast iron laundry stove, antlers

wash boards, snow shoes

wall & desk telephones

kids rocker, doll high chairs

wood tube radio, records

Jimmy Carter Playboy

20 RW assort crocks

copper boiler w/lid, wagon wheels

2 sponge ware bowls

75 Tonka toys,cream cans w/tags

15 assort cast iron fry pans

6-4” cast iron fry pans

coffee grinders, buck saws

kerosene & oil cans, round saw

horse collar mirrors, wood cabinet

RW/McCoy vases, platform scale

‘30s military cot, tent & bedroll

   canteen, roc sack, gloves

Hallicrafters shortwave radio

tube intercom, adding machine

kerosene lanterns & lamps

cistern pump, glass butter churn

20 fishing rods, reels & tackle

horseshoes, bits, traps

tractor &  engine manuals

melting pot & lead, stone wheel

Photo Gallery


*TERMS:Cash/Bankable Check *Lunch Served *More items too numerous*Not Responsible for accidents*Statements on day of sale take precedence over printed material*Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids*Sold as is, where is with no guarantees/warranties implied whatsoever.


Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. G & G Auctioneers, agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.