mill iron creek ranch absolute auction

Steffes Group Inc.

17 March, 2025 11:27 pm

There will be a a BBQ gathering at ranch headquarters on Sunday, September 28 from 4:30-6:30PM. Mill Iron Creek Ranch is comprised of 4,370 +/- contiguous acres situated in the heart of South Dakota pheasant country approximately 65 miles SE of Pierre, SD. This ranch offers diversity that is rarely seen by a large contiguous tract of land. For information on this unique property or to setup a tour, contact Scott Steffes at Steffes Group, 701.237.9173.



Auction Location:? Clubhouse Hotel & Suites, 808 West Sioux Avenue, Pierre, SD 57501

Property Location:??

From Presho, SD, 9.5 miles south on Hwy. 183, 7 miles east on 251st St., 1 mile south on 313th Ave., ranch on west side of road.

From Kennebec, SD, 7 miles south on Cty. Hwy. 19, 2 miles west on 249th St., 3 miles south on 313th Ave., ranch on west side of road.


Mill Iron Creek Ranch ? Lyman County, SD

Please contact Scott Steffes at Steffes Group for a tour or to set up an appointment at 701.237.9173.

Join Us For A BBQ At Ranch Headquarters

Sunday, September 28 from 4:30 – 6:30PM

For Tract Descriptions & Photos, View Our Lot Listings Tab Above!

Be sure to watch both the interview video above and the property feature video which is available in the “Lot Listings” tab under each tract.

? ? ? ? Mill Iron Creek Ranch is comprised of 4,370 +/- contiguous acres situated in the heart of South Dakota pheasant country approximately 65 miles SE of Pierre, SD. This ranch offers diversity that is rarely seen by a large contiguous tract of land.

? ? ? ? Through the years the ranch owners have dedicated countless hours, resources, and true passion for the preservation of wildlife and the development of the abundant resources on the property. On the ranch you will find Ring-necked Pheasant, Sharp-tailed Grouse, Prairie Chicken, Prairie Dogs, Wild Turkey, White-tailed Deer, Mule Deer, Coyote, Fox, and more. A number of dams on the property are stocked with largemouth bass and the White River adjoining the property contains catfish and crappies. In addition to the huntable wildlife, there is a large variety of native wildlife and plant species.

? ? ? ? What?s more, the grasslands found within Mill Iron?s boundaries are defined by numerous natural wind breaks, miles of quality fence, and various watering dams and large watering stations. This ranch has significant carrying capacity and would be an excellent addition to a cattleman?s operation or a wonderful source of revenue for a sportsman and or investor.

? ? ? ? A number of the ranch?s cropland acres feature soil productivity numbers in the high 70?s to mid-80?s. Many of these said acres are enrolled in the CRP program or are planted as food plots for wildlife and added habitat. These high productivity numbers equate to high annual CRP payments and present an opportunity for a producer to turn these acres into productive farmland.

? ? ? ? At ranch headquarters, you will find modest accommodations complete with all essential amenities. There are also a number of buildings and a restored barn. Mill Iron Creek?s ranch headquarters is fit for a large hunting group or as a nice residence.

For a detailed Buyer?s Prospectus with complete terms and conditions, contact Scott Steffes at Steffes Group, 701.237.9173 or download a low resolution PDF of the Buyer’s Prospectus located above.


For information contact

Scott Steffes at Steffes Group, 701.237.9173

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Photo Gallery

01 IMG 7435 JPG Quote Image Flat jpg Quote Image Flat jpg 02 IMG 7622 JPG General Tract 2  4 jpg GOOGlE MAP 8 13 layers jpg General tract 2  15 jpg IMG 7577a jpg 03 IMG 7532 JPG General Tract 2  3 jpg General tract 2  8 jpg IMG 8412 CMYK jpg 05 IMG 7477 JPG 06 IMG 7470 jpg Mill Iron Deer JPG Pheasants jpg Ranch Deer 4 JPG 08 IMG 7579 JPG Ranch Deer 5 jpg Ranch Deer2 JPG Turkey S jpg Turkey jpg Pic1 jpg 001Aimage jpg image014 jpg 15 IMG 7548 JPG IMG 7663a jpg 16 IMG 7563 JPG Tract 1  6 a jpg 17 IMG 7565 JPG Tract 1a jpg 18 IMG 7584 JPG Tract 1 17 jpg image023 jpg 19 IMG 7599 JPG image004 jpg image000 jpg image001 jpg IMG 8807a jpg IMG 8755a jpg IMG 8731a jpg IMG 8759a jpg IMG 8704a jpg IMG 8705a jpg IMG 2176a jpg IMG 2177a jpg IMG 2031 jpg Tract 1 29 jpg IMG 2032 jpg Tract 1 3 jpg IMG 2035 jpg IMG 2214 jpg IMG 2215 jpg IMG 2219 jpg IMG 2259 jpg IMG 2260 jpg IMG 2262 jpg Tract 1 38 jpg Tract 1 39 jpg Tract 1 4 jpg Tract 1 40 jpg Tract 1 41 jpg Tract 1 42 jpg Tract 1 43 jpg Tract 1 44 jpg Tract 1 45 jpg Tract 1 46 jpg Tract 1 47 jpg Tract 1 48 jpg Tract 1 49 jpg Tract 1 50 jpg Tract 1 51 jpg Tract 1 52 jpg Tract 1 55 jpg Tract 1 56 jpg Tract 1 57 jpg Tract 1 7 1 jpg Tract 1 9 jpg Tract 1 jpg Tract 1 Island 15 jpg Tract 1 Island 13 jpg Tract 1 Island 14 jpg Tract 1 Sandpoint Well jpg Tract 2 10 jpg Tract 2 100 jpg Tract 2 101 jpg Tract 2 102 jpg tract 2 103 jpg tract 2 104 jpg tract 2 105 jpg tract 2 106 jpg Tract 2 107 jpg Tract 2 108 jpg Tract 2 109 jpg Tract 2 110 jpg Tract 2 111 jpg tract 2 112 jpg tract 2 113 jpg tract 2 114 jpg Tract 2 12 jpg Tract 2 14 jpg Tract 2 15 jpg Tract 2 16 jpg Tract 2 17 jpg Tract 2 18 jpg Tract 2 2 jpg Tract 2 21 jpg Tract 2 22 jpg Tract 2 23 jpg Tract 2 24 jpg Tract 2 25 jpg Tract 2 26 jpg Tract 2 27 jpg Tract 2 34 jpg Tract 2 35 jpg Tract 2 36 jpg Tract 2 38 jpg Tract 2 39 1 jpg Tract 2 40 1 jpg Tract 2 41 jpg Tract 2 43 jpg Tract 2 45 jpg Tract 2 46 jpg Tract 2 47 jpg Tract 2 48 jpg Tract 2 49 jpg Tract 2 5 jpg Tract 2 50 jpg Tract 2 51 jpg Tract 2 52 jpg Tract 2 53 jpg Tract 2 54 jpg Tract 2 55 jpg Tract 2 56 jpg Tract 2 57 jpg Tract 2 58 jpg Tract 2 6 jpg Tract 2 61 jpg Tract 2 62 jpg Tract 2 63 jpg Tract 2 64 jpg Tract 2 65 jpg Tract 2 66 jpg Tract 2 67 jpg Tract 2 68 jpg Tract 2 69 jpg Tract 2 7 jpg Tract 2 70 jpg Tract 2 71 jpg Tract 2 72 jpg Tract 2 73 jpg Tract 2 74 jpg Tract 2 75 jpg Tract 2 76 jpg Tract 2 77 jpg tract 2 78 jpg tract 2 79 jpg Tract 2 8 jpg tract 2 80 jpg tract 2 81 jpg tract 2 82 jpg tract 2 83 jpg tract 2 84 jpg Tract 2 85 jpg Tract 2 86 jpg Tract 2 87 jpg Tract 2 88 jpg Tract 2 89 jpg Tract 2 9 jpg Tract 2 90 jpg Tract 2 91 jpg Tract 2 92 jpg Tract 2 93 jpg Tract 2 94 jpg Tract 2 95 jpg Tract 2 96 jpg Tract 2 97 jpg Tract 2 98 jpg Tract 2 99 jpg Tract 2 Aerial 2 jpg Tract 2 Aerial 3 jpg Tract 2 Aerial 4 jpg Tract 2 Aerial jpg Tract 2 jpg Watering Stations 1 jpg Tract 3 2 jpg Tract 3 jpg Tract 4 10 jpg Tract 4 11 jpg Tract 4 2 jpg Tract 4 3 jpg Tract 4 4 jpg Tract 4 5 jpg Tract 4 jpg Tract 5 11 jpg Tract 5 16 jpg Tract 5 2 jpg Tract 5 3 jpg Tract 5 8 jpg Tract 5 9 jpg Tract 5 jpg Tract 6 10 jpg Tract 6 11 jpg Tract 6 2 jpg Tract 6 3 jpg Tract 6 jpg Tract 7 2 jpg Tract 7 2 1 jpg Tract 7 4 jpg Tract 7 5 jpg Tract 7 6 jpg Tract 7 jpg


Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. Steffes Group Inc , agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.